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Posts mit dem Label Germany werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 20. Januar 2025

A Wakening Call Out Of Romania


The scandalous nullification of the Romanian elections at the end of 2024 has been hardly commented in the “West”, but has been rather considered by pretenders of democracy as a problem solution of German election results in the case of being not suitable.

This is provoking me to present the analogues translation of a received mailing from Romania.

I will make no secret of the fact that I do agree with the expressed opinions, although they seem somewhat bold, but I also consider especially the fact that the “West” is installing a giant military base near the Romanian Constanca that will have even higher capacities than that of Ramstein in Germany.

Furthermore the BBC has announced these days extensive troop transportations into Romania for a huge NATO maneuver with further NATO partners under British command.

All this, of course, dedicated against Russia to heat up war and not to promote peace.

Europe is not only betraying increasingly itself and its original values but particularly Romania in its European border position, this country that has suffered so long from communist tyranny and which entered afterwards the European Union with pleasant pride just for being deceived now of its liberal and democratic independence.

Here now the announced contents as I have reproduced them:

Unfortunately NATO became an offensive organization and we here do not agree with that. Furthermore NATO at present is acting as a globalist organization. Its goal is to enslave and destroy liberty and democracy.

We do not want an Agenda 2030 of the UNO. We do not want any “Great Reset” by the financial “elite” of the world.

The UNO was founded in 1945 as an organization for peace all over the world, but in reality there have been more than 1.000 wars since 1945 until now. Absurd, what we are saying?

Since 2022, when this fratricidal war began between Russians and Ukrainians there has been no activity of the UNO in Kiew, nor in Moscow, nor in Bucharest. Instead of this more than 300 billions Euro have been spent for the perpetuation of the war in Ukraine with the ultra corrupt regime of Zelensky. Enough is enough. Enough is enough!

If Germany wants to see again the deterioration of the German people and its infrastructure, it will be the problem of Germany.

We Romanians don't want to be pushed into a war which is not our war. It is the war of globalists.

And we refuse to be pushed into this war by the globalist government in Bucharest in the worst dictatorship in modern times.

More than ever we do need peace.




Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2023

“Never Ever Again” (CG45)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (45)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

After the end of World War II officials of all kinds and the common people in Germany regretfully and in some way proudly swore:

Never ever again will go out any war from this country!”

Well, the American Airbase in Ramstein in Rheinland-Pfalz,

as one of the biggest US military basis abroad,

is coordinating and carrying out worldwide US-American war activities ever since.

Conclusion is: The air base obviously is not Germany.

Or: Germany is not a sovereign but even an occupied country and vassal.

Or: Both countries are lying about their NATO operations and intentions up to now.

And: Both countries belong to the numerous warmongers of the world and do not differ in their view of mankind from so many other actually minor civilized philosophies.

They also are far away from any cosmonomic maturity.

Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2021

Germania – German Mania (CG33)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (33)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

There are about 80 million people living in Germany which is about one percent of the global population. This tiny minority is causing about two percent of the “greenhouse gases” (whatever they definitely are).

As official Germany is turning more and more onto political dictatorship of green pseudoscience and ridiculous nonsense of fake worldviews the former “land of poets and thinkers” is going to ruin its reputation as a nation of high standards in education, economy, sciences, technology, infrastructure and cultural activities.

But politicians of nearly all parties, on all levels, and the indoctrinated majority of the common people do believe that Germany is a good example to the world, Germany, even being able to teach the world how to live, how to behave.

Bye bye liberty, fare well democracy, so long humanity!

Germany is nothing better among many other erring states.

People of the world: Watch out!

You may have a look at Cosmonomy => here.



Freitag, 6. August 2021

Imagine ... (CG31)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (31)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Imagine …

the world is a stage and each of us has to take a role, which part would you like to play?

Don't be a dreamer: You are hardly asked. You will follow instructions obeying commandments which you would not like nor even understand. But, after some time, freedom will appear in your minds, liberty will knock on your heart and you will recognize that your part of acting and behaving in fact is a double performance as you are actor on the stage and, at the same time nearly, you are sitting in the audience.

So you can see behind the curtains and watch your neighboring spectators as well, and if you are really awake, you will be able to differ between pretenders and actors of honor, between primitive followers and educated attendants as fellow characters.

Reaching this status of healthy skepticism may help you to live respectively a true and worthy life of enlightenment.

Dear visitors of this website, distinguished friends everywhere!

I am not a preacher-man's son and I don't like Sunday services, but I know very well what I am talking about my concerns of staying alive when thinking and feeling cosmonomically in totalitarian states of political incorrectness and terror. As a young human I had to leave with my family communist East-Germany to escape from political prosecution. And now again I witness severe official beginnings of cheating and betraying democracy and liberty in Germany – even in the name of European and so-called “Western Values”.

I want the world to know this.

Who could stand up better for freedom than people who are still living in relatively free circumstances?

Raymond Walden, ARC (A Real Cosmonomer)

Samstag, 16. November 2019

For American Benefit

Nothing better could happen to the political interests of the USA than the reunification of the economically powerful Germany.
This Germany:
Which was cleared from Russian troops.
Which has just integrated the East without any new common constitution.
Which was not neutralized but prevails as member of the NATO, meanwhile an aggressive and expanding “alliance of defense”.
Which is still under observation by US and British troops in the country.
Which usually is following US politics like a vassal.
Which provides to the USA one of the most important military basis for organizing wars around the globe.
Which is actually forced to improve its military abilities for strengthening NATO activities in the sense of the USA.

But which is rejected a peace treaty by the victors of World War II.

These aspects have to be considered when talking about political independence and self-determination, about Germany's sovereignty.

This country is not the “land of thinkers and poets” but meanwhile a society of climate delusion, delusion of economical growth and of a lot of political confusion, Europe especially, but the whole world as well is already suffering from.

Freitag, 13. September 2019

Germany Good Night

Again Germany is drifting away from reality,
getting lost not in Fascism or Communism,
but it is sinking deliberately into climate delusion and world agony.
Made in Germany,
denying intelligence and democracy.
A double tragedy is taking place:
Climate hysteria grows rampant in ignorance, fears and lies
and the only parliamentary opposition to this
are just nationalists!
Gute Nacht, Deutschland.
Dual dictatorship at work.

Mittwoch, 8. August 2018

The Question Mark of our Presence

America first”, this old covered, but from now on propagated truth in eye-catching honesty is bearing indigestible fruit of an intentionally failed new contractual agreement for Europe and the world after the end of World War II.

There is no peace treaty between the former enemies, but for Germany a UN-enemy state clause, the German “Grundgesetz” is no constitution that has been confirmed democratically by the people, and still there are occupation troops in the country, “military bases” that have fatal effects worldwide.

After the significant economic growth of Germany all the not clarified problems become obvious with respect to its national sovereignty and its arising European leading role. Since many years, this is causing confusing, ideologically resinous violations of democracy in Berlin which, of course, have to be subordinate to the U.S. hegemony but which also like to serve them well in the hypocritical construction of particularly the Russian hate figure as well as all the other threat scenarios that allegedly lead mankind to the end of existence and justify any arbitrarily provoked war, including and calculating rigorous paternalism and exploitation, impoverishment, enslavement and destruction.

Nobody should claim for oneself being the incarnation of the good in (world) politics, combined with the condemning of others to be per se the evil and defined plague, never reflecting upon own guilt and failures.

The terror of the world is homemade, fueled and armed by the idiotic rulers of the superpowers and the usually corrupt “chiefs” of the depending medium and small states. Religious and nationalistic combinations are suitable at best for double standards in disguising and pretending the faithful remaining to values that traditionally motivate the people to one war and to the next.

It is felt that such stringent criticism vanishes without effect, because the usual ignorance does not understand, is refusing to know about it putting it right into the drawers of disturbing and secret keeping, or starts organizing the unscrupulous suppression and eradication.

With all the common diplomatic and undiplomatic rustling and roaring there is no hope for a long-range pacification. At the best there will be some pauses of war within the stalemate of mendacity and endangerment like, for example, during the “Cold War” in Germany, respectively in Central Europe.

World War II, indeed, has never ended, but the world was betrayed that there were two sovereign German states. The responsibility for their splitting did not rest with the more primitive East but with the West, even hastily, which also accepted the unjustified complete occupation of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union.
When later the former Soviet Union got weaker, the West took successfully advantage in the pro-capitalistic unification of Germany that now is irritating West and East by its economic, but democracy betraying potency that is growing to the origin of enemy images.
Consensus, as ever since, seems to guide militarists, armament industries and warmongers only, in short: war profiteers.

Cosmonomic philosophy is but powerless, but does not gamble with peace and truth along ideological one-way streets, instead clear perspectives with global and universal orientation are opened in high standard humanity, much superior against the previous inbreeding scales of spirit.

You can work on this, if you will be able in such freedom.
This, certainly, is marking the interdisciplinary question mark of our presence.

Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2017

The World Should Know

The “Land of the Free”
has never been reality.
Just the strongest ones took “their freedom” from the poor
and so they conquered the world even, for sure.

Similar unreflecting lifestyle they implanted into Germany,
an ever reliable and outstanding ally in bigotry.

Now Trump is showing America's real face
of nationalism and racism.
But the world should know that this in no way is better
than communism, fascism and terrorism.

Freedom is not a matter of American wealth
but of worldwide human dignity and humane health.

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016

Does the Islam Belong to Germany?

A started question of levity, not even the reason of this question will be evident, if a certain opportune actuality is neglected.
So what is Germany?
An apparently secular state? Far-reachingly involved in church and religion affairs? Although people without religion and church membership are representing the numerically strongest group?
Do liberal democratic principles really describe the German fundamental consciousness or does a more conservative and thoughtless society follow more or less accurately the state authorities into the capitalist growth with all its inhumane causes and effects?
Isn't a further conservative orientation, as the Islamic streams are propagating it, coming to an opportune moment to join the apparent ecumenical unity?

So what is Christianity in view of the countless splittings and different interpretations of the Bible?
And what is the Islam, tearing each other by interpretations of the Coran?
Where to are Islamic social orders leading? One may look at the states which are dominated by them!

After all some approaches of enlightenment were made possible by the softening of Christian stances which originally weren't of less cruelty. Of course, this enlightenment meanwhile is financed away by presentable agreements of the insatiable capitalism.

The question „Does the Islam Belong to Germany?“ seems to be quite ridiculous because the various Islamic manners are there in Germany, recently more often, but what is the meaning of „recently“? Once again, what is Germany at present, what was it earlier, how historically of short breath and changing?

The purpose is to create an enlightened liberal democratic humane European space for living in the future.
In trying this all religions have failed and they are on the point of even more afflicting derailment by the multiple use of new technologies.

Religious liberty is „freedom of option“, who would call it in question as it is existing.
The factual and inevitably amounting confrontations of religions are marking a typical temper of all those who feel chosen and are leading to disturbances of the public peace preventing further and higher humane development of zivilisation.

Being misinterpreted as „humane progress“ freedom of religion is implementing the paradox of religion and democracy into the public which means an absolute impossibility because of the exclusivity against each other. In other words: A wrong track to the future, even codified in constitutions. Simply because of their sometimes venerable ages these liberty manifestations, again and again praised as democratic examples, need a consequently secular revision.

The secular enlightened state doesn't follow any religious instructions like officially, for example, astrology doesn't possess any meaning.

No private religious view has the right for missioniring the public, even more it is the duty to integrate oneself in a secular and liberal-peaceful manner, or the logical consequence is possible, in case of religious stubbornness, to look for an adequate habitat out of enlightenment.

Increasing religious immigration, in Germany as in all other countries, is meaning sociopolitical step back by growing irrational conflicts and thus causing the weakening of secular achievments.

Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

Europe's Pretended Democracy

Apart from the geografically determined terminology I call Europe into question.
What is Europe, does it really exist and if, which will the prospects be?
Or is Europe just billowing like an idealistic dream on the one hand and like an unwelcome despotic and exploitative Goddess of the cheating of liberty on the other hand?
European values?
Who bravely dares when and why to define a community of values?
After this European world-history?

The world is hurt by a crushing occidental adventurism that has been performed especially in the name of a religious mission which represents a mentality of conquest and subjection that is encouriging modern but outdated madmen to follow suit.
Culture is put in the shade, if one might speak of culture at all under those disgraceful aspects.

European powers mauled each other, destroyed other peoples and landscapes, made people slaves by an unscrupulousness that is, at present, escalating worldwide as method of ruling and hegemony.
European keys to success are converted naturally into any cultural traditions whereas they address the satisfaction of greed and the stabilisation of violence and  systems of command.

European superiority arose in particular from the so-called age of rationalism which meant remarkable relaxation of religious rigidity, caused by brave intelligences that brought science and technology also in the daily life. But just this material use of the spiritual relaxation enabled the European rulers to more and more destructive military campaigns. They abused systematically the progress which they never could establish by themselves as they were bound to their dogmatic mental limitations.
Being rather upset about the disastrous impacts of the two worldwars several enlightened people developed the idea of a unified and peaceful Europe, but did they have success in really convincing the politicians and the population? Is Europe on a way of growing humanization or do we only watch a new orientation of old power structures, a further deviding between technological progress and traditional spiritual pedantic growth?

First of all there has been an exceptional long and relatively peaceful coexistence of the European states after the last worldwar. Except some compareably local armed engagements there has been silence because of the primary threat by the splitting into East and West with absolute destructive potentials on both sides. After the dissolution of the Eastern block the European Union grew stronger not only by new members but, above all, as the leading economic power on the continent.

The fascinating European idea became impressive reality by the freedom of travelling and movement of persons and goods and by commonplace collaborations that take place meanwhile as routine operations. War between Eu members seems to be absolutely impossible, one might think who isn’t watching so directly.

Europe’s philosophy, however, is marked by an unbearable lethargy of thought which should be named as what it actually is: unprincipled expediency and inability.
Opinion-making in the media and their best networks is accepted as a matter of course, media working frankly against freedom of the press, generating bogeymen, creating desinformation and concealing essential processes and events.
The European Union is neither a confederation nor a state union of equal members but is following the dictatorship of the capital which is concentrated in a few member states. Without a common constitution the EU is implementing rediculous dicisions of the European Commission like the meanwhile revised standard of the curvature of cucumbers or the valid regulation on light bulbs. A giant parliament is serving as a pseudo-democratic administrative bureaucracy designing and approving laws in favour of banks and the lobbies of oil companies and arms producers.
Traditional exploitation of the Third or Second World is part of the secret but intended procedure camouflaged by inandequate development aid or poor commercial privileges. Weapons and war are profitable business and set the course even in company  of undemocratic ruling systems, integration of rotten religious world views and the keeping on “Christian Values” that have approved as murderous state doctrines since 2000 years support with an antiquated raison of the society which lags more and more desperately behind technological progress.

Democracy and transparency are stopped ideologically by a directed religion of climate-fear-production and by a particularly German so-called “Energiewende” an absurd turnaround in energy policy. Both startegies are targeting of fat-cat payouts of every single citizen – a senseless doing of business that doesn’t appreciate and protect nature but burdens it.

Concerning rigour and unscrupulousness in enforcing capitalistic profit and growth the USA is at first position worldwide. Second is the EU which delivers the explanation for her success that is regarded by people especially in poorer countries with fictious glorification.
Of course, life will be quite comfortable in the USA or in the EU, if one has an income to dispose of, and if the person is an opportinistic or naïve fellow traveller and dogooder. If a person isn’t  in harmony with the “standard”, the exclusion will vary according to the divergence of the critical thinking by covered conceiling up to public condemnation and denunciation or even criminal prosecution.

By no means the European Union is indicating an open-minded (cosmopolitan) society but caused the establishing of numerous smaller states just in younger history, she brings nationalistic and separatist small-mindednesses into the arena and creates home-made Europhobia. The reason is in fundamental diversities concerning economic and currency affairs as well as social and foreign policy.
Some member states belong to NATO, others stay officially neutral – a mixture that culminates in Germany – which let us not forget – as there has been no peace treaty since 1945, as there is no constitution approved by the people and as there is still the enemy state clause of the UN Charta.
The unjustified war against Iraque was fought by the USA essentially from military bases in Germany where the occupators also store American nuclear weapons. (Of course, the occupation will not be called that officially towards the USA because of Germany’s vassalage.)

The enevitable question arises as to wether there is a democratic legitimation of the EU: Can the existence of this alliance of states be justified by a dictation of the capital and by the arbitrariness of administration in Brussels?

As a grandiose idea of humanity Europe, at present, is suffering from an enormous treason – and there are nowhere brave opinion leaders and philosophers bringing this to an end.
Secret services, large companies, economic strategists and war ideologists are preventing the boldest approaches on human dignity and freedom.
Some parts of Europe are performing in complacent satisfation, growth oriented and saturated. At the same time it is ignored how Africa, Latin America, large parts of Asia and even own EU members are left behind.

Up to now Europe is not able literally to jump over her antiquated shadows and to take up really humane changes such as, for example, they are drafted up in the Cosmonomic Manifesto.
Instead of this a secret and so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is negotiated with the USA. Undemocratic the methods and undemocratic the substance!
We know similar contemptuous proceedings at the Bilderberg Conferences. 
European parliament elections appear as farces against such backgrounds, as higher national dulling and camouflage of an actual decline in democracy.