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Posts mit dem Label humanity werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, 12. September 2023

Staying alive


Staying alive

in a furious and aggressive mankind

doesn't work easily.

We often strive

for ideals … by remaining but far behind,

creating simply tragedy,

being misinformed,

believing in ridiculous nonsense,

following religions and ideologies,

praying” for peace

and fighting fiercely just for the opposite,

for nationalism, for racism,

for war and predominance.

Tremendous lying, well performed,

scandalous betraying without consequence,

constructed pictures of dangers and enemies,

changing identities,

breaking the laws for personal benefit,

because of Faith, Communism or Capitalism,

exploiting the poorer ones in endless arrogance,

those are the “eternal” deficits of humanity,

of intelligence and education,

of inability to Cosmonomy:

The over-estimation of any theory and nation!

Humane life must have the highest valuation,

without violence,

in self-determined freedom and individuality,

with tolerance and in emancipated dignity.

Staying alive – no senseless sacrifices for idiocy!

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022

Ein gewaltiger Dialog – Jetzt auch auf Portugiesisch




Traduction en portugais:

Francisco da Cunha e Silva Filho, Rio de Janeiro

Um novo ser humano!”


Seria necessário um novo ser humano?”

Não já existe número suficiente de humanos?”

Não outro: o novo humano.”

Quem seria ele? E o que seria?”

De qualquer forma, um ser humano diferente de todos os que surgiram até hoje.”

Quem foi o que o precedeu... ou o que foi ele?”

Seguramente humano não foi. Ou ou o que foi?”

Até que limite você é suficientemente humano?”

Talvez, só um pouquinho quando reconheça a deficiência.”

Como Você o reconhece?”

Pelas ações de violência, de sangue e guerra, de espoliação e escravidão.”

Então, assim, não se pode asseverar que ele seja humano.”

De forma alguma!” Sempre haverá algumas espécimes que vontade têm de o serem.”

Em que lugar?”

Vão demorar a surgir."

Será que conseguirão atingir seu destino?”

Desde que concordem com esse destino .”

O seu destino, assim, tornar-se-ia um traço distintivo ?

Sem dúvida. Um rótulo de qualidade.”

Todos quase em uníssono?”

Nada disso!” Cada qual com a sua identidade individual.”

Será essa característica identificada como um destino ?”

As massas não se identificam. Não são o humano.”

Em face disso, pois, não haverá paz?”

Só existirá paz com o novo humano... e, mesmo assim, unicamente após uma longa caminhada a um destino comum para a humanidade.”

E esta humanidade não cometerá fraquezas desculpáveis, mas se manterá na não violência honrosa?”

O seu poder é a não-violência. O novo humano será poderoso, mais poderoso do que todos os que vivem no nosso tempo.”

Até mesmo todo-poderoso?”

Nunca, visto que a onipotência é uma fantasia desumana da violência. A humanidade não pode considerar-se onipotente em si, mesmo a interpretação de tais embustes.”

Poderia, algum dia, realmente, surgir este novo humano?”

Sou cético. Mas, o que restará ainda para a gente? – Talvez somente seu destino sem igual.”

© Raymond Walden

Ein gewaltiger Dialog => hier

A Powerful Dialogue => here

Mittwoch, 25. August 2021

A Powerful Dialogue


A new human being!”




A new human being would be necessary.”


Aren't there enough humans?”


Not another one; the new human ...”


Who will be that … or what?”


In any case a different one from that up to now.”


Who has been the previous one … or what?”


No human. Or too little human.”


At what point are you sufficiently enough a human?”


Perhaps a little bit, when you recognize the deficit.”


How do you find out?”


By realization of violence, blood and war, of exploitation and slavery.”


So there is no human being!”


Anyway!” There are always some specimens on their way.”




On a long way.”


Will they ever reach their destination?”


If they can agree on a destination.”


Thus the destination would become their feature?”


No doubt. A quality label.”


All of them quasi in lockstep?”


No way! Each by his individual identity.”


Will it be recognized, the feature as destination?”


The masses don't recognize. They are not the human.”


Now then there will be no peace?”


Not without the new human … on his long way … to the common destination, to humanity.”


And this humanity does not whisper about excusable fallibility, but

does insist on honorable non-violence?”


Its power is non-violence. The new human will be powerful, mightier than all of the present.”


Almighty even?” 


Never. Because omnipotence is an inhumane fantasy of violence. Humanity doesn't arrogate omnipotence for itself, not even the interpretation of such deceptions!”


Could he really come, the new human?”


I am skeptical. But what else will remain for us? – Perhaps his unrivaled destination only!”



Deutsche Version => hier

Montag, 22. Februar 2021

Repressive Democracy (CG26)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (26)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

By mightiest massive media manipulation the state form of Representative Democracy has mutated into a Repressive Democracy, unable to keep up and defend the ideals of humane enlightenment.

Very clearly we are facing the preliminary stages of dictatorship in the so-called “Free World” which is ruined by its own double standards and a giant lack of education, boosted by fatal misunderstanding of humanity and by abuses of sciences as well.

Freitag, 1. Januar 2021

At Least (CG22)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (22)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

As mankind keeps growing

humanity is flowing


falling into decay.

Liberty seems to be out of date,

people create and elect their own dictatorship

which they love and, of course, hate

because they are led by disinformation

out of liberal self-consciousness into a strange constellation

of old religion, new pseudo-science and doomsday trip.

But fear

is no humane beginning

of a New Year.

No “Thousand-Year-Reich”

or any thousand-year long kingdom will ever

open any really civilized perspective

to human spirit

which is of individual classes

and not of indoctrinated masses.

Learning, while soberly thinking and honestly dealing,

no arbitrary play with statistics,

no getting lost in mystics

but keeping clear and trustful in mind and feeling.

These are cosmonomic intentions only.

May they encourage freedom and inner peace,

at least.

Take good care of yourself and your beloved ones.

Dienstag, 3. November 2020

So Small (CG19)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (19)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Plans and planes are flying high

but they need serious basis and ports.

Minds and meanings are cruising the seas

and they, too, can't sail without the support of harbors.

Dreams and beliefs are rising to heavens

spreading from the sources of ordinary daily needs and sufferings.

All of us, we are so small in reality,

nothing can change this!

Not even our better singing than others,

nor the better speaking, writing, painting,

not our better piano-playing, our sporting and fighting.

We keep being small the more

we are believing to be great

before we fall down our artificial steps and stages.

Mountains of money, turning into pure greed,

will be melted and washed away,

because they are piled up

by exploiting others, taking them their lives.

Remember this:

You may be honorable by granting emancipation,

by sharing peaceful culture

and open-minded fair competition

within a humane lifetime respecting life in general also.

Humanity can build you up, can make you very special in this world.

Cosmonomic philosophy may inspire you.

Samstag, 11. Juli 2020


Cosmonomic Glimpse (17)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

There is a fabulous but also dangerous sky above – no heaven!
We live on a fantastic but also dangerous planet: The Earth,
but you, Mankind, turn it into hell by creating too many “Gods”
which you adore and serve like their devils as well.
Doomsday” is your permanent philosophy
in continuing fear and horror as you produce
too many children,
skyscrapers too high,
slums and ghettos smelling diabolically,
turning your head from the poor and sufferings
while praising the idols of decadence.
War is the best management you practice at any place and time!

You know what I mean, dear friend? –
Yes, cosmonomic life makes the difference – if possible
at all in one's status quo.
Take pride in humanity and leave the childish irrationalism!” 


Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020

Part of the Universe

Cosmonomic Glimpse (16)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Cosmonomic philosophy is not an academic one but is considering the thinking, feeling and acting in practical life concerning culture, politics, religion, economy, social structures, science and nature, freedom, peace, humanity and democracy – just to mention only some aspects.

Cosmonomy does not depend on any nationalism, racism or any thinking of superiority, it is just determined by the thoughts of enlightened people practicing emancipation by the consciousness of the cosmopolitan destination of mankind instead of narrow-minded regional views and dogmas or religious variations of doomsday prophecies and “holy wars”.

Cosmonomy does not deny the love of home and family, the love of home countries and humane social societies but Cosmonomy is embedding them all into the facts of cosmic dependence: because our unique home planet The Earth, is situated in its own overwhelming home which is the fabulous Universe.
So we are part of the Universe, we, too, belong to the great Cosmos with its valid natural laws.
And we should behave according to these generous rules which enable us to ease daily life by intelligent responsibility for the benefit of human dignity which is one condition to alleviate so many problems that cause lots of our quarrels and sufferings.

Freitag, 8. Mai 2020

End of War

Raymond Walden, Avignon - France, 2019

The eighth of May 1945:
War was over, so we are told,
but was it?
It was the year I did arrive,
soon I'll be 75
and, of course, I've considered it
all my life growing old.

Did you ever hear of a peace treaty, about its signing?
Can you mark one year after without war?
Proxy wars are stirred up by former victors till now, very undermining
and tormenting the world at many places as ever before.

Though I was born into this ruined Germany,
had to flee later from East to West,
where I experienced freedom and Human Rights' philosophy,
I've lived, for sure, in a democracy – one of its best!
So I feel grateful to all people in the world, where so ever,
who struggle for liberty, honesty and emancipation.
I would support no discrimination and warmongering, never!
I stand up for true humanity, solidarity and education.

But I recognize democracy worldwide is dying,
money, nationalism, weapons and violence are ruling instead,
preachers and ideologists are denying
what is going on in a real peace-loving head.

I feel free to honor all heroes of consequent liberty
and dedicate to them all – famous and unknown ones – 
my document of peace and dignity
by this Blog of Cosmonomic Philosophy.

May enlightenment improve
and prevent war by wisdom and empathy.
Where, otherwise, would we move
in this present pandemic agony?

Samstag, 25. April 2020

You should know about Cosmonomy

Cosmonomic Glimpse (15)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

You should know about Cosmonomy

Nothing and nobody in this world is holy
but human and humane life is!

And there is valuable culture
that does not serve war and exploitation.

We are talking about untouchable human dignity,
about wonderful and preservable nature,
not about doomsday scenarios
and devastating sacrifices, you know.

Imagine! And take care …

Dienstag, 24. März 2020

Turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto

You know someone said,
there's a land of the free,
but it was a fake, it wasn't true.
Nowhere in the world, I am afraid,
is a state, you can see
that, for God's sake, is steered by a democratic crew.
Because there are always boasting preachers of 'mighty' thirst
telling the world, we are first.

And most of the poor and discordant nations have to bow without willing,
the stronger ones are strengthening by armament,
trying out their weapons at any time wherever, just for killing,
prepared and voted for by puppets of parliament.

How much of lying, hunger and bloodshed can the planet stand?
Mankind is overcrowded at the end!
Permanent economic growth and greedy capitalism
even with religions, esoterism and irrationalism up to communism.

The individual does not count,
ideologies are telling what is science, what is right,
humanity is cheated, liberty mistreated, no pause during night,
propaganda all day long …
but the Earth, like other planets, will keep spinning around
and the Sun shines on a mankind doing wrong.

So, dear contemporaries, you might think I'm falling into agony – you are thinking wrong. Because of the evils I've mentioned above I politely created my Cosmonomic Philosophy.
You want to know what Cosmonomy is?
Visit my blog (but most of it in the German language) and read it carefully, it is complex like human life.
For a first impression you may turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

Samstag, 23. Februar 2019


Did we ever have free democracy,
where and when?
Is the world having only the one severe problem:
Donald Trump?
Or are there many more “devils” to be named
nearly everywhere on “The Earth”?
Especially in “holy” landscapes, in “God's own countries”, in races mentalities
and otherwise absurd ideologies of martyring mankind?
Of course, not each of these evils is produced directly on-site,
but is imported by direct invaders
or is established by subtly camouflaged inner or/and outer origin.

No, my friends everywhere!
The world is in bad condition
because we all failed to face this truth
as we are not courageous enough to
stand for the dreams of liberty, equality and brotherhood,
as we are to patient being betrayed and misinformed,
as we do not learn from history,
as we are too convenient
and greedy as well
to recognize the powers behind the stages
that are ruling internationally pretending local welfare.

Yes, dear friends!
There must be dreams to verify them,
to put them in reality.
But we must know what we want!
Do you go with me?
We don't want “political correctness”, don't want diplomatic whitewash,
we don't want religious and pseudo-religious prophecy,
but we want humanity, like the world has never had before.
We want it right now!

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2019

He's Got the Whole World …

The most powerful nation of the world has announced the “state of emergency” - just for building a wall!
The responsible man who does think and act this way is so small-minded, so weak and vulnerable but so proud of his nonsense.

And the global mankind must be aware:
He's got the whole world in his hand
with his guns and weapons, with his money and his lies,
in the most bigoted error of the land!

We all, as the people of the spaceship called “The Earth”, have a severe problem:
Donald Trump.

We must return to free democracy, stay tuned to non-violence
which is meaning

Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2017

The World Should Know

The “Land of the Free”
has never been reality.
Just the strongest ones took “their freedom” from the poor
and so they conquered the world even, for sure.

Similar unreflecting lifestyle they implanted into Germany,
an ever reliable and outstanding ally in bigotry.

Now Trump is showing America's real face
of nationalism and racism.
But the world should know that this in no way is better
than communism, fascism and terrorism.

Freedom is not a matter of American wealth
but of worldwide human dignity and humane health.

Dienstag, 16. Mai 2017

Consciousness is Thinking and Feeling …

pursuant to the awareness which is subject to inner deceptions as well as to external manipulations.
Being aware of this, you may aim for objectivity and may certainly reach a remarkable approach to reality. In doing so, time is generating a valuable resource of experience which is offering the necessary distance for keeping track. Sovereign distance is the result of specialist and common knowledge and of rested composure, enabling to a directed and unexcited engagement.
A prerequisite for this is honesty and truthfulness towards oneself and towards the fellow men.
Consciousness without such a moral reduces itself to a stressful vegetating and, not seldom, also to a hollow sense of self-esteem, even to rigorous obsession with power.

When we look closely at the behaviors of certain politicians, regardless of their doubtful contents of speech, their tortured mental states virtually become clear, ever hunted by an evil opposition, even within their own ranks.
What kind of consciousness is grafted onto entire nations by dictatorial systems under such circumstances?
Which consciousness enables political judges to pass their arbitrary judgments? Which consciousness is driving army drill instructors, which the torturers, and which the executioners?
Do the soldiers' cheerful songs, when sent into World War I, have anything to do with consciousness or do they just prove the significant fact of epidemic errors?
Aren't nationalism and racism ineradicable plagues of a brain deformation, far away from consciousness?

Normally the healthy human is in awareness, of course, but in the case of indoctrination and ignorance, it is just reduced to the “being alive”: No backgrounds, no dissenting individuality, no development nor perspectives. The human consciousness does not represent a basic value, not even a typical unique human characteristic, rather a parameter of different intelligence and education, of cultural maturity and humanity. The life, being in accord with the actual reality, using the natural options for a cultivated optimization of life, is forming the basis of a dignified consciousness contradicting all the practiced orders of faith and forces of opinion.

Consciousness requires vital care, permanent comparison, updates under full reserve to historical reference.
The so-called liberal democratic society, in particular, is to be valued by this, and above all, it has to recognize its own deficits, which is evident for a humane consciousness and an adequate planning and acting possibly worldwide.
In other words: Cosmonomic life understanding.

Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

The Refugees' Tragedy

Refugee Crisis


The Interim Human doesn’t Escape from his Causality Circle

Analysing, planning, acting, reviewing the result, confirming and covering it.
Believing doesn’t mean analysing but, at best, well-meaning attempts of speculative ignorance.

Once again Europe is presenting itself disunited upon its supposed values and its fixed values within global mankind. The reason of this is, for long, a smouldering and now exploding refugee problem which obviously is overcharging all the parties concerned. No solution is in sight because wisely ignoring politics created the prior conditions of the refugee masses and are clinging to their lunatic principles inspite of the acute situation.

Analysing the Countries of Origin

Most of the countries the refugees are coming from are characterized by Islamic persuasions, are covered by violence and terror caused by different contrary interpretations of the Koran. There is no Islamic country having even an approaching free and democratic order because such a social system is contradictory to the Islam in all its conceived shades.
To the same extent the religious orientation is preventing technological progress and economic prosperity, except in those states which, from a western perspective, indeed are violating human rights but are staying in a “strategic” partnership with the capitalism. The excesses of violence and civil wars in the refugees’ home countries are fueled by extensive supplies with arms from abroad, among others, member states of the EU, Germany to a large degree.
The so-called “Arabian Spring” was supported by manyfold western activities and led to the overthrowing of Islamic dictatorships, leaving the countries just in chaos as the western officials didn’t think of any alternative concept and, at last, had to recognize that Islamic citizens cannot agree with the western canon of values at all.
It seems comprehensible that more and more people are trying to flee from the endless suffering and the barbaric mutual slaughter and that they leave their countries at the highest risk of their lives making desparate use of all opportunities to find refuge in functioning European states, particularly, as the refugees, in practice, are insufficiently and wrongly informed about Europe and the world at all.

Analysis of the European Union

The world public and in particular the European Union for a long time have known what is going on in Islamic states and just as long the eyes have been closed to the misery of refugees which is now escalating and is waking up Europe from its complacent partitioning and is leading it into unhibited nationalist disagreement.
This federation of states that refers hypocratically to “Christian values” practices, by its own protection, an impoverishment of the “Third World”, exploits discretely the so-called developing countries keeping them dump and poor by flimsy and miserable development aid.
The situation is getting worse by the significantly capitalist cooperation with unjust regimes like Russia, China and others which nevertheless are acting worldwide in sharp opposition to the EU and, just like them and America, persue flourishing arms trade and supply rogue states as well as terrorist organisations with war material.
Peaceful solutions in crisis countries are prevented by veto votings in the UN Security Council, are ruled out by the honourable “business partners” of a global capitalism that is liquidating uneffectedly human lives for money but is giving itself the appearance of being religious, emancipated and philantropic.
This has nothing in common with “enlightened” order of society. Though, for example, many people are turning away from the curches these institutions of faith still have a traditionally deep-rooted power and are in close connections to all kinds of secular institutions. Leaving the churches hardly means a turning away from religious attitude but rather a turning to quirky pseudoreligion, esoterics and lack of contact with reality.
However, certain secularizations led to Europe’s enlightened progresses over all fundamentalistic and orthodox stagnations in the crisis states.
The fear for Islamic immigrants, in cosmonomic view, is justified because of their religion which is causing conflicts and delays.

The refugees have no idea how long since undemocratically the might has changed from the EU to the capital, to banks and big firms, instead they hear and see of prosperity, welfare and freedom particularly in Germany which meanwhile is the leading economic power of the EU. As other EU states, especially Great Britain, also a powerful economic EU member, are refusing the refugees the wish to come to Germany seems quite logical. Germany still may have the most liberal order in form of a “Grundgesetz” which, de facto, is not even a constitution voted for by the people.
So the refugee misery is also caused extensively by those countries which now are the goal and hope of the maltreated ones – a causality circle that can’t be solved because the EU is not able to analyse itself and the world.


Thus there will be no forward-looking planning and not at all a humane and liberal-democratic solution.
Refering to my aphorism at the beginning there will follow no reformed acting. Any ad hoc decisions will not change the underlying cause.
The general growth illusions are not impressed by the concrete human suffering.
We are facing a world situation – for the refugee tragedy isn’t only European – which the decision-makers of these world states, in their interim human limitations, do not understand or do accept approvingly.
Helpful groups of the population on-site definitely feel more responsibly the duty to humanity. But their praisworthy and admirable operational readiness doesn’t change anything of the disaster’s cause which represents a result that politicians, elected by the helpers, share the responsibility for.
This, of course, is disputed vehemently and ideologically!


Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

Non-divine Humanity

O distinguished thirst for justice,
they moisten your lips with fire-water
and roughen your throat by offering just vinegar.
Refuse to swallow this splashed drink
which is served by hidden smiling
in consciousness of its bad effectiveness
by mixing glamerous unfairnesses,
and in poisoned intention.
“Cheers”, they say
meaning just themselves – not you.

O dignified hunger for emancipation,
they fob you off with toads,
feed you with flatulent grub.
Don’t gulp down what they are offering to you
by the insolence of the right of the strongest,
by the injustice of the richer ones and freebooters
and by bloody slavery.
“Enjoy the meal”, they celebrate the repast,
always providing themselves with the best – not you.

Your thirst, your hunger, o humanity,
they are suffocated
because of your innocence,
your credulity and brain-washed stupidity.
You are religious?
Any God declares you to be dust?
And you are praising him for this?
Right away you are attackable
because  of your God’s arrogance
of being the only truth,
and accordingly, the rediculously holy cause
of culture fights and wars of extermination.

Thus experienced as common practice,
o humanity, you don’t have any scruples
about living out your western, christian-jewish richness
at the expense of the poor ones, of the Third World.
But you don’t have the right of that.
Your God, like all other Gods,
Is not only illusion
but the evil.

Satisfying your thirst for justice,
your hunger for emancipation,
vote out the cup of blood,
the body eating of a psychopathic prophecy.
Define responsibly
what you drink, what you eat.
The table of your life
is to be set and decorated by yourself.

Eating and drinking unfold the honesty of life.
May the uprightness rise exemplarily as non-divine humanity.