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Posts mit dem Label peace werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 20. Januar 2025

A Wakening Call Out Of Romania


The scandalous nullification of the Romanian elections at the end of 2024 has been hardly commented in the “West”, but has been rather considered by pretenders of democracy as a problem solution of German election results in the case of being not suitable.

This is provoking me to present the analogues translation of a received mailing from Romania.

I will make no secret of the fact that I do agree with the expressed opinions, although they seem somewhat bold, but I also consider especially the fact that the “West” is installing a giant military base near the Romanian Constanca that will have even higher capacities than that of Ramstein in Germany.

Furthermore the BBC has announced these days extensive troop transportations into Romania for a huge NATO maneuver with further NATO partners under British command.

All this, of course, dedicated against Russia to heat up war and not to promote peace.

Europe is not only betraying increasingly itself and its original values but particularly Romania in its European border position, this country that has suffered so long from communist tyranny and which entered afterwards the European Union with pleasant pride just for being deceived now of its liberal and democratic independence.

Here now the announced contents as I have reproduced them:

Unfortunately NATO became an offensive organization and we here do not agree with that. Furthermore NATO at present is acting as a globalist organization. Its goal is to enslave and destroy liberty and democracy.

We do not want an Agenda 2030 of the UNO. We do not want any “Great Reset” by the financial “elite” of the world.

The UNO was founded in 1945 as an organization for peace all over the world, but in reality there have been more than 1.000 wars since 1945 until now. Absurd, what we are saying?

Since 2022, when this fratricidal war began between Russians and Ukrainians there has been no activity of the UNO in Kiew, nor in Moscow, nor in Bucharest. Instead of this more than 300 billions Euro have been spent for the perpetuation of the war in Ukraine with the ultra corrupt regime of Zelensky. Enough is enough. Enough is enough!

If Germany wants to see again the deterioration of the German people and its infrastructure, it will be the problem of Germany.

We Romanians don't want to be pushed into a war which is not our war. It is the war of globalists.

And we refuse to be pushed into this war by the globalist government in Bucharest in the worst dictatorship in modern times.

More than ever we do need peace.




Mittwoch, 3. April 2024

Guilty Sacrifices (CG60)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (60)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Those who are just inventing stories about peace because they actually want to have war, will get it as they themselves will become the cause of it, will turn themselves into guilty sacrifices and will tear with them countless peaceable people on the battle fields and within the urban civilization.

War is the belittled imprecation of the characteristic interim human who, by all means, is creating activities that can petrify him as the final point of any further humane development.

Cosmonomy is stressing out the totally different thinking and hoping for mankind!

And here the additional German version:

Mit Schuld beladene Opfer

Die von Frieden nur fabulieren, weil sie eigentlich Krieg haben wollen, werden ihn bekommen, denn sie selbst werden zur Ursache, machen sich selbst zu schuldigen Opfern und reißen mit sich unzählige friedfertige Menschen auf den Schlachtfeldern wie in der urbanen Zivilisation.

Krieg ist der verniedlichte Fluch des charakteristischen Interimsmenschen, der durchaus Aktivitäten aufzubringen vermag, die ihn als Endpunkt jeglicher menschlichen Fortentwicklung versteinern.

Kosmonomie unterstreicht das völlig andere Denken und Hoffen für die Menschheit!

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2022

If I Were A Rich Man (CG40)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (40)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

If I were a rich man,

a really wealthy person

with, let us say, some hundred billions of Dollars,

I would make a gift to the world.

My idea is to donate to mankind a completely independent

institute for conflict analysis to explore the establishment and development

of peace and freedom under the very different cultural and political


The challenge would be enormous to avoid violence and starvation, enabling education, healthcare and humanity in common, so lots of enlightened scientists of the various faculties would be working at this institute publishing regularly reports about their works and projects with farsighted advice and recommendations for political decisions.

Yes, it is easy to say: “These are illusions.” I know.

Others of my selfish “super-rich fellows” are flying into space at high costs which are of no use for mankind, suffering so severely!




Donnerstag, 21. April 2022

Take Responsible Pride in your Freedom (CG39)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (39)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The world likes war

as there has always been one … or more.

People have always favored peace and diplomacy

but failed a lot by weapon deals and imperialist policy.

Speaking of defense – meaning open aggression,

starting to pray – leaving reality in obsession.

Freedom and peace are based but on truth

the Interim Human cannot even stand for long.

Cosmonomic thinking offers plenty of alternatives.

Do you dare? Do you care?

It is your own freedom and your own peace and even more,

for liberty of the individual is building the community,

a value of life that is suppressed

in all states of dictatorship and tyranny.

Wherever possible:

Take responsible pride in your freedom!

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022

Just To Inform Or To Remind The World (CG38)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (38)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Not even one of the acting persons from all political colors in the Ukraine conflict can be trusted as a representative of honorable peace.

All of these figures who are bound to ideology and power first, but who actually are ignorant and incompetent, many of them dancing on the strings of puppet masters from behind, sitting in their secure armchairs of warm finances and personal careers, playing their strategic games high above the heads and hearts of hundreds of millions of humans whose lives are regarded just as a mass of calculation, ... all these figures are standing for the denying of any progress of humanity and dignity.

They do not understand any Cosmonomic philosophy but do confirm it by their aggressive small-mindedness which is typically once more (!) leading into the loss of placidity.

Peace and intelligent debating are the first politicians' duties – in transparent fairness from the beginning.

And now, dear fellow humans, have a skeptical view on those ruling persons which you may have even supported in their last “elections”.

Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2022

Warmongers at Work (CG37)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (37)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Ultimate Strategic Armament (“USA”) requires use of the weapons, requires war preparations at any time, in any parts of the world: Warmongers at work!

Within the traditionally aggressive Armada:

NATO, especially Brexit-Island and US-Vassal-Germany.


There is no reason to close one's eyes while facing the violations of Human Rights by the others, especially China and Russia and their political satellites.

Peace” seems to be from an Alien World, incapable for the Interim-Human.


Did you ever hear from Cosmonomy?

And if, did you ever think about it?

Peace”, there, is no Alien word though still a kind of a futuristic one.

Because the Interim-Human cannot even imagine real peace, is not really wanting it heartily. Cosmonomers do!

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2018

Establishing Hope

World War I was followed by World War II.
What lesson has been learned from this?
Carry on!
Arming: Lying, plotting and scheming.
Idiots first!
Nationalists in front!
Racists powerful on the stage.
Misleading ideologies for steering the masses.
Exploitation of mankind and nature,
optimizing profits, delusion of grandeur,
exaltation of hunger, illness,
weapons for the proxy wars,
military involving by pretended peaceful purposes.
Gods” and terrorists with us!
We do create them for us.
We are them ourselves.
We are willing to be dazzled.
For we don't know us
and, as well, nothing else.
we remember, after all,
humanity, civilization and education,
culture and enlightenment,
Let us establish hope!
By consequent rejection, here and now,
from the obvious and camouflaged warmongers
and their footmen everywhere rooting about.

Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2018

I am writing ...

I do not write for the masses, I wouldn't even be able to do so, because I don't understand them.
I dedicate my writings to worldwide extraordinary independently and peaceably thinking fellow humans who may coincidentally find my texts and may be interested in.

I am writing what, when and how I want to, as I am living in Germany, still one of the most liberal states generally. I am not bound with a contract, I am no subject to deadlines and to compulsion to succeed, I even shape orthography generously sometimes.
On the other hand, it is precisely the language with its mandatory structure and sensitivity which encourages me to provide clarification about the existence and let my readers take part in that – a legacy of my gratefulness for a life in, globally exceptional, liberal security which to me has a challenging character to stand up for just this humane freedom, civilized argumentative, being truly worried, with engaged zest for life and individual respect for humans.

Samstag, 4. August 2018

U.S. Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima                Nagasaki

    August 6th, 1945                  August 9th, 1945

And still no official apology – after 73 years!

But the world has not forgotten
and will never forget
who was and is responsible still
without the acceptance of guilt.

This is not an affront to the millions of peace favoring American people
but maybe a support against the cruel American warmongering.

Only one word is needed
dedicated to Japan and the world:


And so I feel for the United States Of America.

Are you American?
Would you like to send a comment with just the one word „sorry“?

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

War Devours People

Humans, under pressure and/or voluntarily, are showing their most unnatural behaviors and their immoral self-consciousness by planning and performing wars.
War devours intelligence first and then the whole person at all.

War always is broken from the fence for nationalist purposes. Sentences like “America first”, “Rule Britannia”, “The world should adopt the German approach” are even traditional and stand exemplarily for many more such slogans everywhere in the world.

It is not uncommon to construct, for the public, “much needed defense measures”, although more honest and more respectable concepts of avoiding wars are possible, but they don't go conform to the strategies of weaponry and war profiteers and , of course, are not in agreement with fundamentally ideological fantasies of superiority and claims of domination.
Cosmonomic philosophy, independent from all common world views, recognizes, above all, the right and the duty to protect life and no right to kill and to enslave humans, both latter evils particular as results of military blind obedience.

No right-minded person in the “civilized” world would advocate cannibalism. But war means ideological cannibalism, mostly justified by hunger for power and racist losses of mind.
Not until nobody will indulge in war any longer, a civilization will be reached that can stand firm, in the original meaning of the word.
The road to that point is leading via consequent rejection of war at all levels of sociopolitical life: in politics, in economy, in science, in education, in arts and literature, in the media, in short: in liberal emancipation.
By fulfillment only of this magnificent commission a resilient peace can be striven for and can be kept.
There is nothing more worthwhile for the intelligent human than this condition for also personal happiness, a happiness that no ideology and no religion can deny.
This happiness is a human right.
It is to be defended intellectually and wittily during every-day life against the main opponent of peace which is stupidity.
The superiority is consisting of proactive avoid of war by support of creating confidence and by no means military build-ups which embody nothing else but a permanent causal circle of murder, a sustained discard of humans to cannon fodder.

Pseudo-democrats who want to prove themselves but fail, and their cheating the people lead to repeated reorientation to the old nationalism of exclusion and enemy images.

The spirit of the Cosmonomic Manifesto disagrees with this decidedly and universally.
But the support for this freedom can be imparted through convincing own example only.
Responsible Citizen! Become an adult.
You aren't a “child” any longer. Earn and grant respect by cosmonomically liberal thinking and acting!
The human may overcome the immature interim stadiums of his development.

Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2017

Silent Night!

Don't you really hear the rattling of the armament industry?
Not the clashing murdering by the weapons that are delivered?

They are bawling peace out!

On the festive tree the lights are on,
but many don't see any light.

Yes, many are requiring salvation.

Thus I wish to all of them cosmonomic thinking.

And then: Lively empathy and active truthfulness.

Donnerstag, 17. November 2016

The State is us

It is not the state that ranges higher than the human being but the human is the up-most authority in the state which assists the community to cope with everyday life.

No state, considering its own coming and passing, its temporary existence, has the right of demanding or even forcing sacrifices of human lives.
The constitutional law of the state's defense against aggressors is characterizing the armed forces by clear defense mission, excluding definitely any war of aggression.
Nobody can be forced to armed force against one's will.
The defense army consequently consists of volunteers.

But the highest priority of the state is the preservation of peace by perspective politics, including all spheres of life.
This means especially the forbidding of economical overreaching and exploitation, of arms trade and military build-ups in other states and organizations as well as the interference of companies and religious groups with democratic decision-making processes and with the execution of decisions taken by liberal agreement.

To offset militant patriotism and primitive racism high educational standards of the population are necessary, so the state has to guarantee appropriate educational offers.
It is not a matter of creating well functioning one-track specialists and consumers under state control and paternalism but it relates to the (even earlier propagated) empowered citizen with the ability of thinking and deciding accordingly to an enlightened and humane world view that is free from ideology and is objectified, that is responsible, emancipated, provided with empathy and education of the heart, that respects distinguished talents and avoids egalitarianism.

The exaggeration of the national state, often appealing to “God”, is representing a hypocritical outrage against the human, reviles the citizen and the international community and is only aiming at the claim to power and the maintaining power of blended egomaniacs and their followers.

Supplementary reference: The Cosmonomic Manifesto

Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015

G20: The Greatest Hypocrites

Do not mourn dishonestly!
Do not cry in self-pity!
Do not pretend values
that you give away complacently
in Paris, Washington, London, Berlin,
in Ancara as in Moscow, in Rome and elsewhere
because of greed for power and money!
The weapons that are killing now
do come from your own circles.
You, in your own estrangement, have pushed up the terrorists
after having destroyed their homelands by your own terrorism.

Do you, moralists of double standards, really believe
to escape with impunity?

Your gangs of criminals
that are responsible for countless desecrations of mankind
are allowed to go free, are even respected!

And you are gathering in Antalya
around the Turkish main terrorist
to observe a minute’s silence for the actual victims of terrorist acts in Paris
with eyes down of a presidential murderer by drones
of a manic non-peaceable macho from Russia
and a German Christian weapon distributor
together with warriors, with warmongers,
racists and religiously blended ones.

You, essentially, are responsible for the outrages!

But probably you are not even criminally liable
because of your mental affectedness.

Oh, mankind, what a severe test of your intelligence!
Come to consciousness!
Give and keep peace!