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Posts mit dem Label Cosmonomy werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2025

Afflictions by Providence


There is the “One Nation Under „God“ “

being over all the other nations on Earth.

And there is one Trump beside “God”.

So what? Trump is “God”,

one of so many opalescent ones,

sent by providence.

As providence is reigning

chimes are clashing for services,

solemn hymns are sounding

and flowers rain down

as grenades hail bursting

onto the grand boulevards of afflictions.

The New World” is going mad

as a childish progeny of the

narrow-minded and senile old world

that went historically from one war into the other.

So, no “God” will help,

because mankind doesn't find the sense of life

which is just: to live your free and honest life

and not to rape, torture and kill it. For mankind's sake!

As a real Cosmonomer, let me add:

The world urgently needs Cosmonomy.




Freitag, 8. November 2024

In Brief (CG68)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (68)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The USA officially confess on the One-Dollar-Note:

In God we trust.”

Being free from religion, I see it this way:

Money is their God – or Golden Calf.

Getting more and more of it,

they are creating even devils

and are following their divine-diabolic methods

quite into nationalism, racism, violence

and the division in society,

into imperialism, militarism and war after war

ever and ever, according to the motto:

America first!”.

And then there are America's vassals and other allies

keeping up the “Western Values” also

which are pretending only

to be liberal and democratic.

Humanity, enlightenment and Cosmonomy can't agree with this,

and will never do so.


Sonntag, 15. September 2024

Consider This (CG66)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (66)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The United States Of America

may be the strongest power in younger history and in presence,

which even includes her decadence,

betraying liberty, humanity and dignity,

by the way, in company with Great-Britain and with Germany

as vassal states in close dependency.

But blaming America doesn't solve the problems of mankind,

because there is no better state in sight.

There is no society worldwide

that can reach, for example, Cosmonomic standards

or similar quality of political and all-day life.

We have no better world,

no better humans and no better governments.

The USA as the strongest

but not the most moral system

are only at the front-page of the journal

that is called

Human Life And Critical Existence”,

characterizing the Interim Human.

Montag, 26. August 2024

Good Morning, America (CG65)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (65)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

If you take democracy seriously, you'll have to watch out, that every citizen is guaranteed the same rights.

So it is extremely unfair by rich and super rich people to donate huge sums of money to the parties and candidates which they want to be elected. 

To say it clearly: This is corruption at its highest level and one only can be astonished that this is not only tolerated by the betrayed society, but is even celebrated as to be “Great Again”.

Good Morning, America, how do you dare?!”

Samstag, 6. Juli 2024

Stable Identity (CG63)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (63)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Too many undemocratic immigrants invading the liberal societies are leading to insane conditions within the populations. Like an infected human body is falling ill, the society has to suffer from conflicts that are caused by enemies of democracy who do not want to become integrated but establish their own culture and traditions, their own views of life and the world into the existing order of state and community.

The problem increases as many of the naive democrats are tolerating (and cheating themselves) democracy-destroying movements by regarding them as “world-open plurality” which, in fact, is just the opposite. The naivety itself is spreading by lack of education and a decadent dissolving of the own cultural life, not at last by denying enlightenment, logic and causality.

Democracy and freedom are obliged to shelter themselves from inner and outer destruction by lively wakefulness which does not mean nationalism or even racism but humanity and human dignity, transparency and emancipation – which is meaning peace, truthfulness and prosperity.

In other words: Stable identity by cosmonomic thinking and acting.

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

What Cosmonomy Is Characterizing (CG62)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (62)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Believing in fairy tales may be sacred but the will to know about facts and reality on one's own concerns is based on a human right that is not to be hurt by religion and ideology.

As most religions are depending on any mysterious “Gods” they, by definition, cannot be free.

Enlightenment obeys natural laws, causality and logic and humane empathy. That is what Cosmonomy is characterizing.

(Dedicated especially to all people who feel like living in “God's own country”, in a theocracy, in “a promised land”, who feel as chosen people or as parts of the divine providence.)

Mittwoch, 3. April 2024

Guilty Sacrifices (CG60)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (60)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Those who are just inventing stories about peace because they actually want to have war, will get it as they themselves will become the cause of it, will turn themselves into guilty sacrifices and will tear with them countless peaceable people on the battle fields and within the urban civilization.

War is the belittled imprecation of the characteristic interim human who, by all means, is creating activities that can petrify him as the final point of any further humane development.

Cosmonomy is stressing out the totally different thinking and hoping for mankind!

And here the additional German version:

Mit Schuld beladene Opfer

Die von Frieden nur fabulieren, weil sie eigentlich Krieg haben wollen, werden ihn bekommen, denn sie selbst werden zur Ursache, machen sich selbst zu schuldigen Opfern und reißen mit sich unzählige friedfertige Menschen auf den Schlachtfeldern wie in der urbanen Zivilisation.

Krieg ist der verniedlichte Fluch des charakteristischen Interimsmenschen, der durchaus Aktivitäten aufzubringen vermag, die ihn als Endpunkt jeglicher menschlichen Fortentwicklung versteinern.

Kosmonomie unterstreicht das völlig andere Denken und Hoffen für die Menschheit!

Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2024

A Cosmonomic Alien (CG59)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (59)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

From my very birth,

which was among the ruins of 1945 in Jena, Germany,

it appeared obviously clear what I was to be,

and what, of course, should I realize not until many decades:

I have been a Cosmonomic Alien on Earth

whereas I have seen so many lights and plenty of shades.


It started by a little episode,

when a Red Army Russian soldier was on a road

behind my mother with me in the pram as baby child.

She was a bit scared, but the soldier was polite.

As he passed by he looked down at me and smiled:

Is it yours, so brightly blond, almost white?”

My mother nodded and said “yes” rather proudly,

so he got further and admired me with a “Congratulation!” loudly.

Meanwhile I am rather old,

my hair is really white.

Long ago that this little story has been told,

I've never forgotten it as an example of humanity

despite the world's everlasting cruelty and small-minded insanity.

So I do differ from the masses and their hypocrisy,

instead I've developed the thinking of Cosmonomy

which sometimes makes me truly feeling

like a Cosmonomic alien on Earth

looking back to my very early birth.

Sonntag, 17. September 2023

Cosmonomy Urgently Needed (CG52)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (52)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Chaos” may be a theory, but it is also the splendid comprehensive status description of Mankind.

So Cosmonomic Consciousness is more and more urgently needed.”

If you think similarly, wherever you live on the Globe, you might think about sharing this website with friends and acquaintances?

I would like to encourage you explicitly.

Dienstag, 12. September 2023

Staying alive


Staying alive

in a furious and aggressive mankind

doesn't work easily.

We often strive

for ideals … by remaining but far behind,

creating simply tragedy,

being misinformed,

believing in ridiculous nonsense,

following religions and ideologies,

praying” for peace

and fighting fiercely just for the opposite,

for nationalism, for racism,

for war and predominance.

Tremendous lying, well performed,

scandalous betraying without consequence,

constructed pictures of dangers and enemies,

changing identities,

breaking the laws for personal benefit,

because of Faith, Communism or Capitalism,

exploiting the poorer ones in endless arrogance,

those are the “eternal” deficits of humanity,

of intelligence and education,

of inability to Cosmonomy:

The over-estimation of any theory and nation!

Humane life must have the highest valuation,

without violence,

in self-determined freedom and individuality,

with tolerance and in emancipated dignity.

Staying alive – no senseless sacrifices for idiocy!

Freitag, 14. Juli 2023

Knowing Is The Method (CG51)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (51)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Trusting in (any) God is easier than trusting in oneself, because “God” is an any desired fairy tale in contrast to the human existence in reality.

So religion tries to flee real responsibility and to transfer it to “God” as the personified incarnation of the fate which, above all, can be influenced by worship and prayers. If these devotions and sacrifices are not successful, it will be simply to blame on the believer's doubts and sins which are defined by the fairy tale, by imaginations of guilt and not by real facts of life that follows natural laws of coming and passing under blooming and suffering circumstances.

To ease the harsh sides of real nature” stands for the humane task of coping with real life. Knowing is the method instead of believing: Cosmonomic View of learning and taking care.

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023

Cosmonomy As Inner Attitude (CG46)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (46)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The Interim Human, in his overwhelming majority, is not prepared for coping with liberty, democracy and emancipation because his life depends on religion, ideology, superstition, pseudoscience and propaganda – in other words: His view of the world is narrow-minded and caused by lack of education, by missing experience and knowledge and also by greed and poverty even.

Within those chaotic structures of societies there are always enough unscrupulous characters which are founding ruling elites betraying the masses and forcing them by radical violence, feeding them with stupidity that is spreading largely from the governors' brains.

Thus – in short – is the explanation of the global mankind status quo.

Cruel but true.

Humane and intelligent people must consider this intensively while searching their own valuable niche, for a life in eagerness for learning and understanding, for a life in dignity and responsibility – for a new look at life.

Cosmonomy is not a doctrine, but may be an offer for distinguished thinking.

The Cosmonomic Manifesto => here

German original => hier

In Spanish => de esta

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2023

“Never Ever Again” (CG45)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (45)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

After the end of World War II officials of all kinds and the common people in Germany regretfully and in some way proudly swore:

Never ever again will go out any war from this country!”

Well, the American Airbase in Ramstein in Rheinland-Pfalz,

as one of the biggest US military basis abroad,

is coordinating and carrying out worldwide US-American war activities ever since.

Conclusion is: The air base obviously is not Germany.

Or: Germany is not a sovereign but even an occupied country and vassal.

Or: Both countries are lying about their NATO operations and intentions up to now.

And: Both countries belong to the numerous warmongers of the world and do not differ in their view of mankind from so many other actually minor civilized philosophies.

They also are far away from any cosmonomic maturity.

Montag, 16. Januar 2023

If I Were A Religious Man (CG44)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (44)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

If I were a religious man,

I would kneel down

and pray to any god – or ghost – or saint

to stop human ignorance that

tries to extinguish a worldwide threatening fire

by pouring fuel into it.

Because this is it what is done

by “God's own country”, the United States of America

which is even forcing its satellites and vassals to do so.

I am talking about “The Devil In Disguise”,

not forgetting meanwhile

that the satanic counterpart in Russia

is of the same inhumane character by even

pretending to pray to its orthodox God.

I do appeal to the common sense of mankind,

hoping that there is a rest of such

with the responsible politicians and the media even everywhere,

to stop this war and return to negotiations!

This is the only way – besides a cosmonomic one – to prevail

as an intelligent and civilized humane species.




Samstag, 29. Oktober 2022

Dreams On European Cosmonomic Culture Of Enlightenment


Has „Europe“ already gone,

once again?

I am standing there rather empty and bare as an unswerving believer in liberty, emancipation and peaceful democracy which I am regarding as the essential goals of European spirit. Perhaps they were true in the beginning but have faded away in growing decadence and turned into pure fake.

Instead of creating a concrete European identity, the member states turned back into stupid nationalism, into turbo capitalism and war philosophies – all these ideologies based on disastrous deceit by extraordinarily expanding institutions of incompetence and self-satisfaction.

Instead of bringing order into the own house, new member states without democratic qualifications have been invited generating increasing troubles which logically lead into chaos, into “Brexit” and to even more and more war entanglements.

Instead of strengthening and improving the originally proclaimed democratic principles, laws and independence, bureaucrats and technocrats gave the power of ruling the Unit into the hands of bankers, companies, lobbyists and speculators – all of them far away from any democratic mandates.

Instead of developing modern and effective systems of education, health-systems and reasonable economic infrastructures, the European administrations bowed before nonsense infiltration from US-America, Russia and China and proved just to be a play ball between the real giants in world affairs.

Europe” obviously is fading, but I still have dreams … that one day more and more people will have the same ideas of liberty and will bring them together into reality – after the doomsday scenarios of pandemic, of climate hysteria, of infinite growths of economy and population with all the ideological dangers of war outbreaks.

One day … when I'll have gone far, belonging to the past, a lonely and lost historian might remember my present disappointments, wishes and hopes for a coming brighter time in Old Europe for the benefit of even the whole world.

Dreams! I know.

Just to stand upright before myself and mankind to value Cosmonomic culture of enlightenment.

Donnerstag, 29. September 2022

The Here And Now Of „Our“ World


There has never been a true and real democracy, they all are and were deceitful. Thus the actual terrifically fast but nearly soundlessly happening disintegration of the so-called democracies can be explained.

They fall victim to their own incompetence, but in no way being clearly aware of these processes.

Similar dust was in concern at that time when the establishing of the actual semi-democracies took place which, at the end, has been a dictation act of the military victor powers performing themselves as democrats but – in the sense of the word – have never been ones and have not become ones to this very day.

Of course, not even a bogus morality can prevail on self-deception and mendacity. And this is the Here And Now of “0ur” world as it has always been alike in learning inability and in spitefulness of even academic heads and of nerds anyway. There is no recipe against. Cosmonomic approaches could indicate perspectives at least, but the question arises: Are new perspectives wanted at all? Or is their necessity denied even?

Mankind has been waiting for enlightenment since centuries whereas it doesn't count neither the epochs of devastation, the localities nor the sacrifices, it is counting instead consistently on Gods, on their proconsuls, on their (medial) propagandists, on their exploiters and torturers. The Interim Human, as only a precursor of a developed humanity, is getting permanently lost in warmongering, arming and slaughtering each other using hypocritical arguments of excessive stupidity sounded in blatant lack of education, in lack of empathy and social awareness, in lack of objective cosmopolitan humanity.

Dawn of a new way? – No land in sight!

End of the world? – All kinds of ideologies and religions are “praying” for it, I don't “pray”, as a Cosmonomer, but I am looking for causal knowledge and do declare all “world saviors” mad. The world is much more than the Interim Human only.




Dienstag, 23. August 2022

A Little Touch of Hope (CG42)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (42)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Sometimes I'm feeling like being obliged to speak to all people of the world. This seems to be ridiculous because of their different languages and – even more important – of their different ways of thinking in their wide cultural varieties.

You see the word “different” plays a significant role in mankind behaviors. Is it the value of so colorful cultures or is it the outcome of war by so contradictory ways of thinking and feeling?

What can be done as we all are living on the one and only planet?

We have to find a common humane strategy – easier said than done – facing so many ideologies of even racist and national superior doctrines justifying hatred and violence without scruples about devastating the whole globe and mankind at all.

Well, I am aware of my tininess and unimportance, but finding nowhere any serious suggestions for creating a “better world” I take all my courage to maintain offering to the world the Cosmonomic Manifesto – not as an act of desperation but as a little touch of hope.

Donnerstag, 21. April 2022

Take Responsible Pride in your Freedom (CG39)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (39)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The world likes war

as there has always been one … or more.

People have always favored peace and diplomacy

but failed a lot by weapon deals and imperialist policy.

Speaking of defense – meaning open aggression,

starting to pray – leaving reality in obsession.

Freedom and peace are based but on truth

the Interim Human cannot even stand for long.

Cosmonomic thinking offers plenty of alternatives.

Do you dare? Do you care?

It is your own freedom and your own peace and even more,

for liberty of the individual is building the community,

a value of life that is suppressed

in all states of dictatorship and tyranny.

Wherever possible:

Take responsible pride in your freedom!

Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2022

Warmongers at Work (CG37)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (37)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Ultimate Strategic Armament (“USA”) requires use of the weapons, requires war preparations at any time, in any parts of the world: Warmongers at work!

Within the traditionally aggressive Armada:

NATO, especially Brexit-Island and US-Vassal-Germany.


There is no reason to close one's eyes while facing the violations of Human Rights by the others, especially China and Russia and their political satellites.

Peace” seems to be from an Alien World, incapable for the Interim-Human.


Did you ever hear from Cosmonomy?

And if, did you ever think about it?

Peace”, there, is no Alien word though still a kind of a futuristic one.

Because the Interim-Human cannot even imagine real peace, is not really wanting it heartily. Cosmonomers do!

Samstag, 18. Dezember 2021

Imagine this


Imagine this:

I call you “friends”

though I don't know you,

I don't know your names

nor where you're living

in which circumstances.

The essential criterion for you

may be

your repeated returning to my website

where I can't be sure

whether you are friendly or even

the spy of any security service.

So actually you are deciding

in your brain, in your heart,

who you are. You know?

Because my status is transparent

to every reader from all about the globe.

I enjoy with you your freedom and peace,

your enlightened life without violence, without poverty,

and I am suffering with you

from your dependence on ideology and tyranny,

from your hunger, your tortures and pains,

from your exploitation, your longing for

liberty equality and humanity.

I do assure you:

Humanity is my goal,

no fakes, no freaks, no disinformation

because I'm feeling obliged

to intelligent humans

who have the sense of dignity and empathy

which Cosmonomy is standing for.

So stay tuned

and, if possible,

tell it to your distinguished fellow-humans.