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Montag, 20. Januar 2025

A Wakening Call Out Of Romania


The scandalous nullification of the Romanian elections at the end of 2024 has been hardly commented in the “West”, but has been rather considered by pretenders of democracy as a problem solution of German election results in the case of being not suitable.

This is provoking me to present the analogues translation of a received mailing from Romania.

I will make no secret of the fact that I do agree with the expressed opinions, although they seem somewhat bold, but I also consider especially the fact that the “West” is installing a giant military base near the Romanian Constanca that will have even higher capacities than that of Ramstein in Germany.

Furthermore the BBC has announced these days extensive troop transportations into Romania for a huge NATO maneuver with further NATO partners under British command.

All this, of course, dedicated against Russia to heat up war and not to promote peace.

Europe is not only betraying increasingly itself and its original values but particularly Romania in its European border position, this country that has suffered so long from communist tyranny and which entered afterwards the European Union with pleasant pride just for being deceived now of its liberal and democratic independence.

Here now the announced contents as I have reproduced them:

Unfortunately NATO became an offensive organization and we here do not agree with that. Furthermore NATO at present is acting as a globalist organization. Its goal is to enslave and destroy liberty and democracy.

We do not want an Agenda 2030 of the UNO. We do not want any “Great Reset” by the financial “elite” of the world.

The UNO was founded in 1945 as an organization for peace all over the world, but in reality there have been more than 1.000 wars since 1945 until now. Absurd, what we are saying?

Since 2022, when this fratricidal war began between Russians and Ukrainians there has been no activity of the UNO in Kiew, nor in Moscow, nor in Bucharest. Instead of this more than 300 billions Euro have been spent for the perpetuation of the war in Ukraine with the ultra corrupt regime of Zelensky. Enough is enough. Enough is enough!

If Germany wants to see again the deterioration of the German people and its infrastructure, it will be the problem of Germany.

We Romanians don't want to be pushed into a war which is not our war. It is the war of globalists.

And we refuse to be pushed into this war by the globalist government in Bucharest in the worst dictatorship in modern times.

More than ever we do need peace.




Mittwoch, 8. August 2018

The Question Mark of our Presence

America first”, this old covered, but from now on propagated truth in eye-catching honesty is bearing indigestible fruit of an intentionally failed new contractual agreement for Europe and the world after the end of World War II.

There is no peace treaty between the former enemies, but for Germany a UN-enemy state clause, the German “Grundgesetz” is no constitution that has been confirmed democratically by the people, and still there are occupation troops in the country, “military bases” that have fatal effects worldwide.

After the significant economic growth of Germany all the not clarified problems become obvious with respect to its national sovereignty and its arising European leading role. Since many years, this is causing confusing, ideologically resinous violations of democracy in Berlin which, of course, have to be subordinate to the U.S. hegemony but which also like to serve them well in the hypocritical construction of particularly the Russian hate figure as well as all the other threat scenarios that allegedly lead mankind to the end of existence and justify any arbitrarily provoked war, including and calculating rigorous paternalism and exploitation, impoverishment, enslavement and destruction.

Nobody should claim for oneself being the incarnation of the good in (world) politics, combined with the condemning of others to be per se the evil and defined plague, never reflecting upon own guilt and failures.

The terror of the world is homemade, fueled and armed by the idiotic rulers of the superpowers and the usually corrupt “chiefs” of the depending medium and small states. Religious and nationalistic combinations are suitable at best for double standards in disguising and pretending the faithful remaining to values that traditionally motivate the people to one war and to the next.

It is felt that such stringent criticism vanishes without effect, because the usual ignorance does not understand, is refusing to know about it putting it right into the drawers of disturbing and secret keeping, or starts organizing the unscrupulous suppression and eradication.

With all the common diplomatic and undiplomatic rustling and roaring there is no hope for a long-range pacification. At the best there will be some pauses of war within the stalemate of mendacity and endangerment like, for example, during the “Cold War” in Germany, respectively in Central Europe.

World War II, indeed, has never ended, but the world was betrayed that there were two sovereign German states. The responsibility for their splitting did not rest with the more primitive East but with the West, even hastily, which also accepted the unjustified complete occupation of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union.
When later the former Soviet Union got weaker, the West took successfully advantage in the pro-capitalistic unification of Germany that now is irritating West and East by its economic, but democracy betraying potency that is growing to the origin of enemy images.
Consensus, as ever since, seems to guide militarists, armament industries and warmongers only, in short: war profiteers.

Cosmonomic philosophy is but powerless, but does not gamble with peace and truth along ideological one-way streets, instead clear perspectives with global and universal orientation are opened in high standard humanity, much superior against the previous inbreeding scales of spirit.

You can work on this, if you will be able in such freedom.
This, certainly, is marking the interdisciplinary question mark of our presence.

Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015


by Daniel Dragomirescu, Bucharest

   Nothing is more instructive for experts and for the interested public than the history of the great state from the East. Although it proclaimed itself to be humanist and pacifist, the USSR was – as shown in many documents today – directly responsible for the outbreak of World War II, but since the Nazi totalitarian regime lost the game, it blames it all on Germany. Similarly, in the past, the Tsarist Empire, along with Austria-Hungary and the German Empire, was equally culpable, because of the system of alliances, for the outbreak of the First World War.

   In reality, Russia was and is the great paradox of the modern world, starting with the era of its illustrious founder, Tsar Peter the Great. It is a country that has serious economic and social problems, a country that is unable to organize itself through reason and effectiveness and that somehow found a solution to its perpetual internal crisis through territorial extension in the immensity of the Eurasian space, where it didn’t face any invincible resistance, therefore, in about two centuries, it managed to extent itself westward to the Vistula, Prut and the Black Sea, and, on the other side of the country, to reach the Frozen Ocean and even go beyond the Bering Strait, in North America, annexing Alaska as well for a period of time. But this entire formidable imperial structure was shaky inside and crushed by the huge contradictions that were captured very well by the great Russian literature: “Why do you keep trying to resist, young man?” allegedly said an exponent of the tsarist regime, rebunking young Lenin. “It’s a flimsy wall”, allegedly replied the Bolshevik leader, “it’s enough to push it as to collapse”. It was true.

   But Soviet Russia also failed, beyond appearances and propaganda films and books, to truly make Russia a modern, functioning state, so USSR continued to seek solutions to all its internal crisis through expansion and aggression, just like the old tsarist empire did. If the Second World War had not occurred, Soviet empire would have imploded and would have collapsed due to its lack of socio-economic and political viability (among other things, it had an underperforming economy and stifling bureaucracy). So USSR, sheltered from the threat of its division into national states, a division that would have occurred, if it had not defeated the Germans in Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk, was able to prolong its existence for two more generations, due to the huge reparations that it received from the defeated countries like Germany, Finland, Hungary and Romania and the economic exploitation of all the countries in the “socialist camp” (do you remember the Romanian SovRoms and the transferable ruble-dominated CMEA?).

   In 1991, at last, the weakened USSR passed away, but received a huge monetary reward (in Marks) from Helmut Kohl in order to withdraw its occupation troops from the former GDR. But instead of taking advantage of the situation and investing the money in modernization and socio-economic efficiency, to provide Western European living standards for the Russian citizens, Russian oligarchs pocketed everything.

   It is true that now the old evils and contradictions of the great Eastern state have reached, once again, alarming proportions, so Vladimir Putin is obliged: a) either to reform the state in a radical manner, or b) to employ the old Muscovite political system – meaning that he should try to solve the problems his state faces by recovering and exploiting the lost territories and possibly by gaining more prosperous territories outside the former USSR, and even farther west or south. Sure, that would certainly lead to the Third World War.

   Whoever described Russia as a giant with feet of clay was not wrong. It has a large state structure which, in spite of its advantages, lacks viability, reliability, internal consistency, but still manages to exist, maintaining a huge military force, exporting its seemingly inexhaustible natural resources and constantly arming countries, developing populations and nations, where there’s a long-lasting perpetuation of conflict situations that have caused, so far, the death of millions.