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Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2023

“Never Ever Again” (CG45)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (45)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

After the end of World War II officials of all kinds and the common people in Germany regretfully and in some way proudly swore:

Never ever again will go out any war from this country!”

Well, the American Airbase in Ramstein in Rheinland-Pfalz,

as one of the biggest US military basis abroad,

is coordinating and carrying out worldwide US-American war activities ever since.

Conclusion is: The air base obviously is not Germany.

Or: Germany is not a sovereign but even an occupied country and vassal.

Or: Both countries are lying about their NATO operations and intentions up to now.

And: Both countries belong to the numerous warmongers of the world and do not differ in their view of mankind from so many other actually minor civilized philosophies.

They also are far away from any cosmonomic maturity.

Sonntag, 9. August 2020

Cosmonomic Truth

Hiroshima and Nagasaki:

Hostile radioactive greetings from America,

the land of the free!

Politicians there are as 'free' as all the

other warmongers everywhere.

Mankind is so 'free'

to create atomic weapons

for total destruction and complete killing!

Sorry, Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

your fate doesn't teach the rulers of the world.

Their mentalities have not changed really.

What happened thereafter?








Nothing like this!

Nationalist pride instead,

ridiculous justification of mass murder

threatening the world by gigantic weapon arsenals

and by unscrupulous ideological lies.

What the world is needing most

is recommended as Cosmonomic Truth!




Samstag, 11. Juli 2020


Cosmonomic Glimpse (17)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

There is a fabulous but also dangerous sky above – no heaven!
We live on a fantastic but also dangerous planet: The Earth,
but you, Mankind, turn it into hell by creating too many “Gods”
which you adore and serve like their devils as well.
Doomsday” is your permanent philosophy
in continuing fear and horror as you produce
too many children,
skyscrapers too high,
slums and ghettos smelling diabolically,
turning your head from the poor and sufferings
while praising the idols of decadence.
War is the best management you practice at any place and time!

You know what I mean, dear friend? –
Yes, cosmonomic life makes the difference – if possible
at all in one's status quo.
Take pride in humanity and leave the childish irrationalism!” 


Freitag, 26. Oktober 2018

Establishing Hope

World War I was followed by World War II.
What lesson has been learned from this?
Carry on!
Arming: Lying, plotting and scheming.
Idiots first!
Nationalists in front!
Racists powerful on the stage.
Misleading ideologies for steering the masses.
Exploitation of mankind and nature,
optimizing profits, delusion of grandeur,
exaltation of hunger, illness,
weapons for the proxy wars,
military involving by pretended peaceful purposes.
Gods” and terrorists with us!
We do create them for us.
We are them ourselves.
We are willing to be dazzled.
For we don't know us
and, as well, nothing else.
we remember, after all,
humanity, civilization and education,
culture and enlightenment,
Let us establish hope!
By consequent rejection, here and now,
from the obvious and camouflaged warmongers
and their footmen everywhere rooting about.

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

War Devours People

Humans, under pressure and/or voluntarily, are showing their most unnatural behaviors and their immoral self-consciousness by planning and performing wars.
War devours intelligence first and then the whole person at all.

War always is broken from the fence for nationalist purposes. Sentences like “America first”, “Rule Britannia”, “The world should adopt the German approach” are even traditional and stand exemplarily for many more such slogans everywhere in the world.

It is not uncommon to construct, for the public, “much needed defense measures”, although more honest and more respectable concepts of avoiding wars are possible, but they don't go conform to the strategies of weaponry and war profiteers and , of course, are not in agreement with fundamentally ideological fantasies of superiority and claims of domination.
Cosmonomic philosophy, independent from all common world views, recognizes, above all, the right and the duty to protect life and no right to kill and to enslave humans, both latter evils particular as results of military blind obedience.

No right-minded person in the “civilized” world would advocate cannibalism. But war means ideological cannibalism, mostly justified by hunger for power and racist losses of mind.
Not until nobody will indulge in war any longer, a civilization will be reached that can stand firm, in the original meaning of the word.
The road to that point is leading via consequent rejection of war at all levels of sociopolitical life: in politics, in economy, in science, in education, in arts and literature, in the media, in short: in liberal emancipation.
By fulfillment only of this magnificent commission a resilient peace can be striven for and can be kept.
There is nothing more worthwhile for the intelligent human than this condition for also personal happiness, a happiness that no ideology and no religion can deny.
This happiness is a human right.
It is to be defended intellectually and wittily during every-day life against the main opponent of peace which is stupidity.
The superiority is consisting of proactive avoid of war by support of creating confidence and by no means military build-ups which embody nothing else but a permanent causal circle of murder, a sustained discard of humans to cannon fodder.

Pseudo-democrats who want to prove themselves but fail, and their cheating the people lead to repeated reorientation to the old nationalism of exclusion and enemy images.

The spirit of the Cosmonomic Manifesto disagrees with this decidedly and universally.
But the support for this freedom can be imparted through convincing own example only.
Responsible Citizen! Become an adult.
You aren't a “child” any longer. Earn and grant respect by cosmonomically liberal thinking and acting!
The human may overcome the immature interim stadiums of his development.