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Posts mit dem Label human rights werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Donnerstag, 30. September 2021

As A Free Man … Als ein freier Mensch


As a free man I take pride in the words: Ich habe das Recht auszuwählen, welche Bücher und Zeitungen ich lese, welche Rundfunk-, Fernseh- und Internetprogramme ich einschalte, ich habe das Recht auf meine eigene Meinung und diese demokratisch zu vertreten. Niemand hat das Recht, für mich eine Vorauswahl zu treffen.

Als ein freier Mensch bin ich stolz auf die Aussage: I have the right to choose which books and newspapers I am reading, which radio-, TV- and internet-programs I am switching on, I have the right for my own opinion and to struggle for it democratically. Nobody has the right to perform any pre-selections for me.




Mittwoch, 3. März 2021

Communism, Nazism, Covidism


by Daniel Dragomirescu (Romanian writer)

01)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism imposes itself on society by generating and maintaining fear.

02)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism suppresses, restricts and denies man's natural and legal freedoms.

03)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism generates a phenomenon of social conformity on a large scale.

04)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism attacks the rights of the citizen enshrined in the constitution and emphasizes duties and obligations.

05)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism generates denunciation.

06)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is imposed by extended control over the media, in all their forms (audio, video, print media).

07)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism promotes official truth.

08)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism uses censorship.

09)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism attacks social cohesion and divides society into followers and adversaries.

10)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism turns the state into an instrument of domination and control.

11)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism makes extensive use of propaganda and manipulation.

12)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism abuses legislation.

13)  Like Nazism and Communism, Covidism claims to be the sole holder of political, social, and economic truth.

14)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism strikes at the middle class of society and at economic freedom.

15)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism aspires to nationalization, centralization, planning.

16)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism strengthens the state's repressive apparatus and uses it to combat protest movements.

17)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism does not tolerate opposition or even dissent.

18)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism tends to standardize society for the benefit of a ruling elite.

19)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism creates the premises for a nomenclature with unlimited privileges.

20)  Like Nazism and Communism, Covidism empties democracy of its content and maintains its forms in order to claim legitimacy.

21)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism aspires to the total planning of human life.

22)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism wants to create a "new kind of man," so that there is no opposition to the system.

23)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism claims to serve the social good and the general interest.

24)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is internationalist.

25)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism despises man as he is by nature.

26)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism claims to do good by force.

27)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is practically a form of totalitarianism.

28)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is a serious disease of the human spirit.

If it triumphs, it will collapse just like Nazism and Communism. What it aspires to do far exceeds the powers of the sorcerer's apprentice's magic wand.

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

War Devours People

Humans, under pressure and/or voluntarily, are showing their most unnatural behaviors and their immoral self-consciousness by planning and performing wars.
War devours intelligence first and then the whole person at all.

War always is broken from the fence for nationalist purposes. Sentences like “America first”, “Rule Britannia”, “The world should adopt the German approach” are even traditional and stand exemplarily for many more such slogans everywhere in the world.

It is not uncommon to construct, for the public, “much needed defense measures”, although more honest and more respectable concepts of avoiding wars are possible, but they don't go conform to the strategies of weaponry and war profiteers and , of course, are not in agreement with fundamentally ideological fantasies of superiority and claims of domination.
Cosmonomic philosophy, independent from all common world views, recognizes, above all, the right and the duty to protect life and no right to kill and to enslave humans, both latter evils particular as results of military blind obedience.

No right-minded person in the “civilized” world would advocate cannibalism. But war means ideological cannibalism, mostly justified by hunger for power and racist losses of mind.
Not until nobody will indulge in war any longer, a civilization will be reached that can stand firm, in the original meaning of the word.
The road to that point is leading via consequent rejection of war at all levels of sociopolitical life: in politics, in economy, in science, in education, in arts and literature, in the media, in short: in liberal emancipation.
By fulfillment only of this magnificent commission a resilient peace can be striven for and can be kept.
There is nothing more worthwhile for the intelligent human than this condition for also personal happiness, a happiness that no ideology and no religion can deny.
This happiness is a human right.
It is to be defended intellectually and wittily during every-day life against the main opponent of peace which is stupidity.
The superiority is consisting of proactive avoid of war by support of creating confidence and by no means military build-ups which embody nothing else but a permanent causal circle of murder, a sustained discard of humans to cannon fodder.

Pseudo-democrats who want to prove themselves but fail, and their cheating the people lead to repeated reorientation to the old nationalism of exclusion and enemy images.

The spirit of the Cosmonomic Manifesto disagrees with this decidedly and universally.
But the support for this freedom can be imparted through convincing own example only.
Responsible Citizen! Become an adult.
You aren't a “child” any longer. Earn and grant respect by cosmonomically liberal thinking and acting!
The human may overcome the immature interim stadiums of his development.

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2017

The Obsessive Decade - A Revised Version

By Daniel Dragomirescu, Bucharest

Philosopher Gabriel Liiceanu recently commented, on a TV channel, on the pardon law, promulgated by the Parliament: „… There was some talk, in an interview, about dignity…their dignity is hurt, it went too far, dignity is not respected in prison” and then asked himself rhetorically: „Is it respected in hospitals, in schools, where children sit in freezing cold classrooms, in the Romanian trains or on the highways?”

This question asked by the well-know philosopher is justified. In the 50s, in the prisons of the communist regime, people like Mircea Vulcănescu, Petre Țuțea and Alexandru Paleologu were kept in conditions which resembled those of the extermination camps. Many of them did not come out alive from behind bars. No public voice, no organization, no institution dared to speak out back then in Romania (RPR/RSR)* in order to demand that they be freed on account on the inhuman conditions they were being kept in. The deputies from MAN** and the governing class did not move a finger for those imprisoned in a discretionary manner, which disregarded elementary human rights. It was an upside-down world. The West only sometimes protested, not very audibly, while Western public opinion was made to believe that in the Eastern communist camp a better and more just world was being created.

And now this upside-down world is coming back after decades, in an equally flagrant and illegitimate manner. Now deputies and governing people give pardon laws and free the vicious, bandits, criminals, and no doubt, the huge names of corruption, who are responsible for the misery of today’s Romania. If it was possible for the Romanian elite to be kept in communist prisons in inhuman conditions, the elite of petty thieves, criminals and mafia is given their freedom back, in the name of human rights. A man like Mircea Vulcănescu, after writing his work for the country, had to die in prison, while a man like Dan Voiculescu, after looting the country, had to be released 7 years earlier so that he could freely indulge in luxury for the rest of his life. The current political regime, the result of a combination that wants to be socialist-liberal, is in reality just a new version of the obsessive decade.

RPR and later RSR is as DDR, a name of the country during the communist regime.
RPR - Popular Republic of Romania
RSR - Socialist Republic of Romania

MAN is a name of the communist parliament
MAN = The Great National Assembly

Translation Romanian/English: Roxana Doncu