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Posts mit dem Label Democracy werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 20. Januar 2025

A Wakening Call Out Of Romania


The scandalous nullification of the Romanian elections at the end of 2024 has been hardly commented in the “West”, but has been rather considered by pretenders of democracy as a problem solution of German election results in the case of being not suitable.

This is provoking me to present the analogues translation of a received mailing from Romania.

I will make no secret of the fact that I do agree with the expressed opinions, although they seem somewhat bold, but I also consider especially the fact that the “West” is installing a giant military base near the Romanian Constanca that will have even higher capacities than that of Ramstein in Germany.

Furthermore the BBC has announced these days extensive troop transportations into Romania for a huge NATO maneuver with further NATO partners under British command.

All this, of course, dedicated against Russia to heat up war and not to promote peace.

Europe is not only betraying increasingly itself and its original values but particularly Romania in its European border position, this country that has suffered so long from communist tyranny and which entered afterwards the European Union with pleasant pride just for being deceived now of its liberal and democratic independence.

Here now the announced contents as I have reproduced them:

Unfortunately NATO became an offensive organization and we here do not agree with that. Furthermore NATO at present is acting as a globalist organization. Its goal is to enslave and destroy liberty and democracy.

We do not want an Agenda 2030 of the UNO. We do not want any “Great Reset” by the financial “elite” of the world.

The UNO was founded in 1945 as an organization for peace all over the world, but in reality there have been more than 1.000 wars since 1945 until now. Absurd, what we are saying?

Since 2022, when this fratricidal war began between Russians and Ukrainians there has been no activity of the UNO in Kiew, nor in Moscow, nor in Bucharest. Instead of this more than 300 billions Euro have been spent for the perpetuation of the war in Ukraine with the ultra corrupt regime of Zelensky. Enough is enough. Enough is enough!

If Germany wants to see again the deterioration of the German people and its infrastructure, it will be the problem of Germany.

We Romanians don't want to be pushed into a war which is not our war. It is the war of globalists.

And we refuse to be pushed into this war by the globalist government in Bucharest in the worst dictatorship in modern times.

More than ever we do need peace.




Freitag, 10. Januar 2025

Just To Remember Always (CG70)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (70)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Democracy is that of free speech or it is no Democracy.

The first enemies of Democracy come along as inner spies and denunciators.

There are fact checkers for the benefit of truth in a democratic society, but there are also plenty of so-called “fact checkers” being in services for ideologies and their dogmatic lies, acting with hostile intent against free opinion and free speech.

Free speech is not the guarantee for independent media.

As realists we have to consider that Democracy is constituting an ideal that – up to now – has nowhere come to complete fulfillment as it is demanded, for example, in the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

Montag, 26. August 2024

Good Morning, America (CG65)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (65)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

If you take democracy seriously, you'll have to watch out, that every citizen is guaranteed the same rights.

So it is extremely unfair by rich and super rich people to donate huge sums of money to the parties and candidates which they want to be elected. 

To say it clearly: This is corruption at its highest level and one only can be astonished that this is not only tolerated by the betrayed society, but is even celebrated as to be “Great Again”.

Good Morning, America, how do you dare?!”

Samstag, 6. Juli 2024

Stable Identity (CG63)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (63)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Too many undemocratic immigrants invading the liberal societies are leading to insane conditions within the populations. Like an infected human body is falling ill, the society has to suffer from conflicts that are caused by enemies of democracy who do not want to become integrated but establish their own culture and traditions, their own views of life and the world into the existing order of state and community.

The problem increases as many of the naive democrats are tolerating (and cheating themselves) democracy-destroying movements by regarding them as “world-open plurality” which, in fact, is just the opposite. The naivety itself is spreading by lack of education and a decadent dissolving of the own cultural life, not at last by denying enlightenment, logic and causality.

Democracy and freedom are obliged to shelter themselves from inner and outer destruction by lively wakefulness which does not mean nationalism or even racism but humanity and human dignity, transparency and emancipation – which is meaning peace, truthfulness and prosperity.

In other words: Stable identity by cosmonomic thinking and acting.

Donnerstag, 29. September 2022

The Here And Now Of „Our“ World


There has never been a true and real democracy, they all are and were deceitful. Thus the actual terrifically fast but nearly soundlessly happening disintegration of the so-called democracies can be explained.

They fall victim to their own incompetence, but in no way being clearly aware of these processes.

Similar dust was in concern at that time when the establishing of the actual semi-democracies took place which, at the end, has been a dictation act of the military victor powers performing themselves as democrats but – in the sense of the word – have never been ones and have not become ones to this very day.

Of course, not even a bogus morality can prevail on self-deception and mendacity. And this is the Here And Now of “0ur” world as it has always been alike in learning inability and in spitefulness of even academic heads and of nerds anyway. There is no recipe against. Cosmonomic approaches could indicate perspectives at least, but the question arises: Are new perspectives wanted at all? Or is their necessity denied even?

Mankind has been waiting for enlightenment since centuries whereas it doesn't count neither the epochs of devastation, the localities nor the sacrifices, it is counting instead consistently on Gods, on their proconsuls, on their (medial) propagandists, on their exploiters and torturers. The Interim Human, as only a precursor of a developed humanity, is getting permanently lost in warmongering, arming and slaughtering each other using hypocritical arguments of excessive stupidity sounded in blatant lack of education, in lack of empathy and social awareness, in lack of objective cosmopolitan humanity.

Dawn of a new way? – No land in sight!

End of the world? – All kinds of ideologies and religions are “praying” for it, I don't “pray”, as a Cosmonomer, but I am looking for causal knowledge and do declare all “world saviors” mad. The world is much more than the Interim Human only.




Montag, 25. Juli 2022

You Want To Be Like That And Want To Prevail?


Totally overvalued extravagant and incompetent minorities are meanwhile dictating to Democracy which seems to be sleeping and since a long time to be insincere to itself and undecided, the indoctrinating and schizophrenic behavior patterns of self-destruction. What is acting up as a new (miss-)understanding of Democracy presents “cancel culture” at its most comprehensive meaning: Exclusion, prohibition and eradication of diversity, emancipation, creativity, science and art (all of best ability, will and dignity to discussions) by a speaking style of far-fetched grammar, of filth and defamation which does arise from mental limitation and confusion.

For all the actually burning problems of the world there are concrete and guilty causers working in the described way!

Those who do not believe in this may be one of the naive God's children and children of authorities. Children who have always been stigmatized by the coming doomsday! Do you want to be like that and want to prevail?

Perhaps you can't give an answer at all – rooting in your faith.




Dienstag, 1. März 2022

Come together, Europe, stand upright!



Do take and understand the opportunity to your purification which is laid down in front of your feet unintentionally by the war criminal, Wladimir Putin.

Prove yourself, Europe, liberal democratic, enlightened philanthropic and united!

(Raymond Walden, “Sequenzen von Skepsis”, aphorism 5270) 




Mittwoch, 3. März 2021

Communism, Nazism, Covidism


by Daniel Dragomirescu (Romanian writer)

01)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism imposes itself on society by generating and maintaining fear.

02)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism suppresses, restricts and denies man's natural and legal freedoms.

03)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism generates a phenomenon of social conformity on a large scale.

04)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism attacks the rights of the citizen enshrined in the constitution and emphasizes duties and obligations.

05)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism generates denunciation.

06)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is imposed by extended control over the media, in all their forms (audio, video, print media).

07)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism promotes official truth.

08)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism uses censorship.

09)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism attacks social cohesion and divides society into followers and adversaries.

10)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism turns the state into an instrument of domination and control.

11)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism makes extensive use of propaganda and manipulation.

12)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism abuses legislation.

13)  Like Nazism and Communism, Covidism claims to be the sole holder of political, social, and economic truth.

14)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism strikes at the middle class of society and at economic freedom.

15)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism aspires to nationalization, centralization, planning.

16)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism strengthens the state's repressive apparatus and uses it to combat protest movements.

17)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism does not tolerate opposition or even dissent.

18)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism tends to standardize society for the benefit of a ruling elite.

19)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism creates the premises for a nomenclature with unlimited privileges.

20)  Like Nazism and Communism, Covidism empties democracy of its content and maintains its forms in order to claim legitimacy.

21)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism aspires to the total planning of human life.

22)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism wants to create a "new kind of man," so that there is no opposition to the system.

23)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism claims to serve the social good and the general interest.

24)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is internationalist.

25)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism despises man as he is by nature.

26)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism claims to do good by force.

27)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is practically a form of totalitarianism.

28)  Like Nazism and Communism, covidism is a serious disease of the human spirit.

If it triumphs, it will collapse just like Nazism and Communism. What it aspires to do far exceeds the powers of the sorcerer's apprentice's magic wand.

Montag, 22. Februar 2021

Repressive Democracy (CG26)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (26)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

By mightiest massive media manipulation the state form of Representative Democracy has mutated into a Repressive Democracy, unable to keep up and defend the ideals of humane enlightenment.

Very clearly we are facing the preliminary stages of dictatorship in the so-called “Free World” which is ruined by its own double standards and a giant lack of education, boosted by fatal misunderstanding of humanity and by abuses of sciences as well.

Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021

You Believe in Democracy (CG24)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (24)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

What is Democracy, did you really find it anywhere?

Or was it just a faint of smell which touched your lips and nose, your eyes and ears when you heard some hymns like “Rule Britannia” or praising “the Land of the Free”, gathering behind the flag of “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” or standing up for “Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit”?

Did you read the solemn “Constitutions” of historical meanings and find out that the actual reality is quite different in all the different areas? – Just declarations of intent and – even worse – disguises of ruling powers forcing people into dependence and into one war after the other anywhere, according to the occasional interests of rich and mighty figures of self-performance!

Let me give you some advice: Try to read and understand the Cosmonomic Manifesto. Think it over and then, as a hopefully free person, decide what is right and good for your life and for your beloved ones.

I am convinced – I know – that democracy in active consequence is the best way of humane living. It begins with the turning away from any doomsday philosophy.

Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2020

Lock-Down in Germany (CG21)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (21)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

This date, December 16th, 2020 is a historic day not only for Germany but for mankind at all.

One of the most liberal states of the Globe, the Federal Republic of Germany, has been locked-down today by its own incompetent government because of Corona pandemic hysteria.

Pure panic is ruining the up-to-now flourishing economy, the culture and education and, particularly, humane freedom, self-determination and human dignity.

Again, after many years of openness, we are facing dictatorship in this country, senseless restrictions and indoctrination spreading media.

Responsible as chief of this disaster is the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel who is praising her ruling repeatedly as “without alternative” which, in fact, is meaning an outrage of stupidity concerning Germany as well as the European Union and many other countries worldwide, finally all people who are in favor of an independent democratic life.

According to survey results the majority of the German people do agree with the government. No wonder! Critics are officially defamed as NAZIS or followers of world conspiracy theories and, for example, are expelled from their professional positions.

Germany, like all the antidemocratic societies in the world, is far away from any Cosmonomic enlightenment.

Mittwoch, 25. November 2020

Power of an End? (CG20)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (20)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Is this the power of an end?

The world is going mad!

You may say:

Don't mind, it has always moved like that.”

O no, it's different now,

because for the first time the whole world

goes mad in the same manner,

on the same subject,

at the same time,

forcing the people to same restrictions

demanding less vitality,

preaching distance to one another

as well as to the sick and old humans,

even to the dying beloved ones.

        No doubt is allowed,

        punishment is rising

as politicians – not objective sciences – are claiming

the one and only truth

which, nevertheless, is changing almost daily

by chance and by arbitrariness.

But the naive believers and followers

are torturing themselves in furious anxiety

and, obviously, have forgotten

what self-determination is meaning

in a free and democratic society.

This, my cosmonomic friend – wherever in the world –,

may evolve the power to turn mankind upside down.

Democracy is loosing a dirty game

because of own failures and frauds

again and again throughout the globe.

This is the dawning of cosmonomic inspiration!

Freitag, 8. Mai 2020

End of War

Raymond Walden, Avignon - France, 2019

The eighth of May 1945:
War was over, so we are told,
but was it?
It was the year I did arrive,
soon I'll be 75
and, of course, I've considered it
all my life growing old.

Did you ever hear of a peace treaty, about its signing?
Can you mark one year after without war?
Proxy wars are stirred up by former victors till now, very undermining
and tormenting the world at many places as ever before.

Though I was born into this ruined Germany,
had to flee later from East to West,
where I experienced freedom and Human Rights' philosophy,
I've lived, for sure, in a democracy – one of its best!
So I feel grateful to all people in the world, where so ever,
who struggle for liberty, honesty and emancipation.
I would support no discrimination and warmongering, never!
I stand up for true humanity, solidarity and education.

But I recognize democracy worldwide is dying,
money, nationalism, weapons and violence are ruling instead,
preachers and ideologists are denying
what is going on in a real peace-loving head.

I feel free to honor all heroes of consequent liberty
and dedicate to them all – famous and unknown ones – 
my document of peace and dignity
by this Blog of Cosmonomic Philosophy.

May enlightenment improve
and prevent war by wisdom and empathy.
Where, otherwise, would we move
in this present pandemic agony?

Montag, 6. April 2020

The Crisis of Mankind

Being asked by my Romanian friend, Daniel Drogomirescu, editor of the international magazine “Contemporary Literary Horizon”, for an article about my sincere opinion about the present crisis of the world, reduced only to the reasons of the CONVID 19 health problems, I hesitated at first because I am not a “wise” man who knows answers to the many of questions.
But – on the other hand – I know plenty of questions that are not asked and, subsequently, are not answered – because of various reasons. So I am going to put some of these questions on the tablet hoping that one or another can be answered by itself, just by clearly speaking it out.
I suggest three categories of questions concerning 1) economy, 2) ideology, 3) democracy
which may stand for the foundations of society as well as for the state organization.

  1. Which of the economically important states does not follow the irrelevant doctrine of permanent and infinite economic growth on our limited planet?
  2. Does any of these states really care about the poor districts, slums and ghettos where millions of humans are suffering?
  3. How many of these states deal with weapons instead of helping the poor countries with civil goods?
  4. Is there a difference between capitalist or communist exploitation?
  5. Does any of the preachers of economic growth calculate the amount of rubbish and its necessary clearing?
  6. Do the industrialized populations take notice of low wages or even slavery in the poor countries where international companies let produce the wares that are sold at cheapest prices in the capitalist home countries?

  1. Is there any state without ideology or religion, without indoctrination but with enlightenment instead?
  2. Is there a difference between ideology and nationalism, even racism and the faith of being chosen by any “God”?
  3. Which ideology can be confirmed by objective science?
  4. Does ideology serve or hurt human rights?
  5. Isn't ideology nothing else but an instrument of ruling and patronizing the citizens?
  6. Isn't ideology the precondition for all the wars ever?

  1. Democracy is depending on humans' education and self-consciousness. Where on this planet is this condition a really fulfilled fact?
  2. Isn't democracy just a great pretending as the actual governors are finance bosses or clergymen or other ideologists, often acting from behind?
  3. Is there any country on the globe where the leading media don't serve the state reason that is always updated by the present rulers – however they have come into power?
  4. What about violence? Don't the “democratic societies” tolerate and support violence by delivering weapons, by turning over foreign governments, by doing contracts with terrorists, by trading with inhumane regimes?
  5. Are the common people prepared for democracy which also means responsibility, fair competition and humanity as well as the shelter of flora and fauna?
  6. Aren't democracy and freedom deformed into global greed of “free trade” with even undemocratic own justice, at first following the intention of “devil may care” or “let us hope for a better life in the hereafter”?

So – in general – it is possible that a pandemic like COVID 19 is shocking mankind all over the globe, independently from any political systems which all in the same way feel in substantial danger. Though the systems are even bloody competitors they are working all in the same manner: exploiting people and nature for the benefit of the ruling classes. These classes are identically narrow-minded and unprepared for any unexpected challenge like a new virus and their first thoughts are how to assure their position keeping in wealth and power.
Best way is to calm people down by creating activism up to hysteria making them anxious so that they accept quarantine, total control of their private lives, causing financial chaos and at last forcing the individual into dictatorship because of the urgent recovery of the state which has been ruined by massive incompetent decisions before, just to cope with the disease.

There are hardly any international scientific collaborations but national egoistic restrictions,
distrusting the neighbors – even within political coalitions like the European Union or within federal structures like the USA or Germany where low-minded dissents become obvious.

The current ideologies of the globe are all aware of their lying, betraying, their cheating and criminal as well military actions. They know about their failures and they know as well that the technical progress is more and more debunking their egoistic rapes of mankind and their omissions of scientific preventive measures and sustainability.
COVID 19 blames them all who failed and who are now struggling for keeping up their “careless” system.
The people, as it has been always, will have to pay the price for all the politically incompetent campaigns which, above all, will weaken democracy, human liberty and which are destroying humane social structures, welfare and the economical basis of the state turning back gradually to totalitarian habits.
More people will suffer much more from the inefficient actions of lacking causality and from the not coordinated decisions all over the world than from the actual disease.
Do the numerous so-called experts, contradicting themselves and each other, really know in whose interest they are proclaiming and interpreting arbitrary statistics giving advice to ignorant politicians?
Maybe the whole situation is a hint for consideration: Democracy and freedom, in their vulnerable status of just beginning rarely, and civilized culture could find their end by caused hysteria, panic and disorientation in global error and not only by the usual nationalism and war even.
More than ever before there is an urgent need for new social behaviors, the old values of double standards can't be defended any more as the world population is increasing and with it the demand for emancipation.
My suggestion is called Cosmonomy


Dienstag, 24. März 2020

Turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto

You know someone said,
there's a land of the free,
but it was a fake, it wasn't true.
Nowhere in the world, I am afraid,
is a state, you can see
that, for God's sake, is steered by a democratic crew.
Because there are always boasting preachers of 'mighty' thirst
telling the world, we are first.

And most of the poor and discordant nations have to bow without willing,
the stronger ones are strengthening by armament,
trying out their weapons at any time wherever, just for killing,
prepared and voted for by puppets of parliament.

How much of lying, hunger and bloodshed can the planet stand?
Mankind is overcrowded at the end!
Permanent economic growth and greedy capitalism
even with religions, esoterism and irrationalism up to communism.

The individual does not count,
ideologies are telling what is science, what is right,
humanity is cheated, liberty mistreated, no pause during night,
propaganda all day long …
but the Earth, like other planets, will keep spinning around
and the Sun shines on a mankind doing wrong.

So, dear contemporaries, you might think I'm falling into agony – you are thinking wrong. Because of the evils I've mentioned above I politely created my Cosmonomic Philosophy.
You want to know what Cosmonomy is?
Visit my blog (but most of it in the German language) and read it carefully, it is complex like human life.
For a first impression you may turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

Donnerstag, 19. März 2020

Present Pandemic

Cosmonomic Glimpse (14)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Present Pandemic

The present pandemic is showing two faces:

First: The real disease with severe suffering and dying which has to be fought by all serious effort. 
There is obviously a great shortcoming.
Second: The hysteria and panic with severe damages of the society by economical chaos and – much more important(!) – by strategic killing of freedom and democracy.

This is the acute and real danger for mankind everywhere.

Dienstag, 10. September 2019

Shame for Existence

The Swedish Greta-Thunberg-feeling of shame for using an airplane is escalating especially in neighboring Germany to a shame for existence at all, as just this being alive has produced carbon dioxide ever since by breathing, by the need of producing and preparing food, by its digestion, by the making of clothing and housing, by developing structures of traffic for humans, wares and data.
On the other hand, all these processes could not have started without carbon dioxide as one basic precondition for life.

It is said, there's too much CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere, and it is said, the mass is made by humans.
It is also said, CO2 is a greenhouse gas that is warming up the Earth's climate to deadly temperatures.
And they say, mankind can save the climate by producing less CO2 in diminishing many activities or avoiding them at all.

Who is “they”?

Thousands of scientist around the Globe, 99,98% of all scientists do agree with these results of climate research. And “they” are also the media, the politicians, also clergymen, even the United Nations, in short: all realistic people.

So I guess, “99,98%” of all those “realistics” have no idea what science means, don't know scientific methods and facts. But they know how to get conform with public opinions, even how to blame no-followers. “They” tell you what to eat or not, how to build your house, how to travel or not, what to buy or not, what to think, how to educate children, in short (again!): how to live “green”.
And if you will not obey, there are many ways to get you in line, for example by higher costs or, much more restrictively, by eliminating you from your job.

Don't you see the parallels?
99,98% are similar to Communist or Fascist voting outcomes.
All totalitarian systems interfere strictly with the citizens' privacy, and they all punish public opposition.

All arguments against political “Green” do not deny mankind's duty to protect nature and life!
There is an urgent need to change the common delusion of permanent economic growth, there must follow a stop of exploitation in the poor countries, efficient aid is needed, instead, for development in all its civilian aspects. Worldwide armaments have to be stopped, world trade makes sense under fair conditions only.

Most important: Political Green is nothing but an ideological levelling down for the benefit of just those opportunists who drink vine and order water for others.
Climate change which is natural ever since and the “German Illness of Energiewende” (abrupt stop of nuclear power-stations based on multiple lies about the Fukushima tragedy and the precipitous turn away from fossil energy resources) have reached the status of a pseudo-religious global sectarianism as a most powerful opponent to liberal democracy, individual freedom and enlightened self-determination.
This is to be considered seriously when thinking of a new responsible and humane lifestyle which is necessary, of course, facing the uncontrolled growth of population with all its problems of education, poverty and religious warmongering.

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2019

He's Got the Whole World …

The most powerful nation of the world has announced the “state of emergency” - just for building a wall!
The responsible man who does think and act this way is so small-minded, so weak and vulnerable but so proud of his nonsense.

And the global mankind must be aware:
He's got the whole world in his hand
with his guns and weapons, with his money and his lies,
in the most bigoted error of the land!

We all, as the people of the spaceship called “The Earth”, have a severe problem:
Donald Trump.

We must return to free democracy, stay tuned to non-violence
which is meaning

Donnerstag, 23. August 2018

The Ambush in Victory Square

By Daniel Dragomirescu, Bucharest

What happened on 10 August in Victory Square in Bucharest will raise a multitude of questions and will give rise to many ongoing debates. But not only on the subject of the brutal repression of the police and the political links which go right to the top of the PSD-ALDE regime, and not only because of the sufferings inflicted on a large number of citizens, who were in the Square (including a significant number of women, old people and children) to protest in a civilised and peaceful manner against the Government, as happens in any other EU country, where democracy functions properly.

The events of 10 August also contain details which should be studied, debated, clarified and realised in the form of conclusions and directives to follow in the future. The first aspect to review is the idea, even the initiative, to organise such a demonstration. A demonstration of Romanians who work abroad has never been organised in the country before, it’s an absolute first. And as well as it being an absolute first, there’s also the question of the  time chosen for this demonstration, during the month of August, when many people are on holiday, Parliament is not in session, and many of those active in different organisations and state institutions like the magistrates, public prosecutors etc. are away. So one has to ask the question then, why were the people of the diaspora called in to this demonstration?

How much more effective is a demonstration if such a large number of people from the diaspora takes part? Up until now, Romanians living abroad who are appalled by the regressive course of the political regime which has been in place in Bucharest since last year, have participated in demonstrations, whether large or small, in the big cities of the countries where they live and work (France, UK, Germany, Italy etc). Was their presence in such a large number at the demonstration of 10 August in Bucharest considered to be more effective than their supportive presence at the demonstrations abroad; and that it could even clear the way towards a political solution for the present crisis? Difficult to say clearly.

Another oddity is the time chosen for this demonstration. Why would such a big demonstration, right in the middle of summer, here in Bucharest, be more effective than the demonstrations in winter, spring or autumn?

The demonstrators have been reproached, many times, for choosing to come out into the streets at the end of the week, marching in front of the buildings of the most important institutions of the country, which were completely empty at the time, and so gaining  minimum impact on the targeted policy of the current government, which is contrary to the rule of law. On the evening of 10 August 2018, the government building was empty, the First Minister (Dancila) and the other ministers were on holiday: who could the demonstrators have addressed and so, what was the point of making their demands? Who could they have discussed things with, to bring an objective to this great gathering?

Another very curious aspect of the affair concerns the planning and organisation of this important demonstration. The Romanian communities working in all the countries of the European Union were summoned to Bucharest for the 10 August 2018 and, as we have seen, many people responded and came there. They were convinced that things would go well, persuaded that they would be able to influence those in government to change their way of practising politics and to make them stop their attacks against the rule of law, which risks pushing Romania outside the boundary of democratic Europe.

In fact, several organisers began making approaches to Bucharest’s city hall, in order to authorize the demonstration. Sometimes the Mayor seemed to approve, sometimes, on various pretexts, not to give permission. This vacillating attitude of the General Mayor underlines several questions. Why did the Mayor’s office initially refuse its approval and why did it finally return to this decision? Difficult to give a precise reply, since we do not know all the ins and outs of the affair.

However, there are even more questions regarding the people or the entities who were placed as official organisers. After their many approaches to the Mayor General of Bucharest, shortly before 10 August, they all withdrew and refused to take on the role of organisers, a role which they had claimed up till then, by way of recommendation to the public. There is no logic to this way of procedure.

They mobilised the diaspora Romanians, preparing them to come in large numbers to Bucharest to participate in the demonstration, and suddenly they abandoned them, but they did not call off the demonstration. Quite the contrary, they gave out the message that the demonstration could still go ahead even in this highly charged context. This way of procedure, whether deliberate or through a foolish mistake, resembles guides who lead a group of people to a certain place, and for a reason known only to themselves, expose these unprotected people.

From a military point of view, this resembles a tactic consistent with drawing people into an ambush. My grandfather, during the Great War, once found himself in a similar situation. He had a guide from a village in Transylvania to show the Romanian soldiers the way; that man led them all the way to a forest where he abandoned them, and where the company immediately found themselves under intense fire, sustained by sub-machine guns. By good fortune he escaped alive but some of his soldiers were wounded or killed. Such traps may become customary practice during a war with a foreign enemy, but not in peacetime. Not when policemen, Romanians like yourself, who should be there to protect you, come out in force, fully armed, like enemy Austro-Hungarians who wanted to massacre the Romanian soldiers in 1916.

If that’s how it really was, on that black Friday of 10 August 2018 on Victory Square, then the moral to be drawn from it is that in the future, no demonstration should take place in such an improvised way. The false guides must be rejected and the groups of hooligans in the police service, identified and disempowered.

This kind of large scale gathering for peaceful protest, in which Romanians have been involved for more than one and a half years, needs a structured organisation and much more effective measures so that the lives and safety of the participants are not in any way exposed to unacceptable dangers. In order that Romania benefits, like all civilised countries, from a functioning democracy, there is absolutely no need either for new victims or new martyrs. The victims of the communist dictatorship, the ‘terrorists’ of December 1989 and the ‘minors’ of June 1990 are already more than enough, already too unbearable.

English version by Morelle Smith

Montag, 25. Juni 2018

A Remarkable View out of Romania

As the US President Donald Trump who is the malicious product of former US politics since World War II has begun to change the post war world order rapidly there are coming up more and more voices of sympathy for Russian activities and the – in fact – dictator Vladimir Putin.
In my Cosmonomic understanding of the present world situation both leaders, Trump and Putin, are no friends of democracy or humanity and they are far away from enlightenment!
Like others as well, they are nationalistic warmongers and excessive dangers to mankind.

Especially for all western dreamers about Russia and the “true democrat” Putin (former German Chancellor and Putin-friend Gerhard Schröder) the following essay from the Romanian Magazine Contemporary Literary Horizon is republished here:

Between Democracy and Tyranny

During the Second World War, the United States and Great Britain made a fundamental mistake. They should not have allied themselves with the Soviet Union to win the war. The cause of the crises that the contemporary world has been suffering repeatedly lies here. The totalitarian soviet system should have been left to collapse, while subsequently the United States and Great Britain, together with the rest of the world should have defeated Hitler's Germany by a full economic embargo, which would have ended with the reformation and then the annihilation of the national socialist regime. Yet, instead of following this course of action, Churchill and Roosevelt chose to support the totalitarian soviet regime so that it would survive and extend throughout all Eastern Europe. They severely weakened Europe in front of the soviet colossus, with clay feet, true, yet having the atomic bomb attached to them. The two leaders of the Western world, who enjoyed discretionary power during the war gave Stalin – and the Soviet Union – much more global power than they had before.

It is a well-known fact today, proven by documents, that after the war the United States were undermined at all levels by crypto-communists that received their orders from Stalin's office in Kremlin. One could find them among atomic physicists (Robert Oppenheimer), in Hollywood (among the great studio owners), in the artistic world, in the trade unions, and even higher. From the exploitation of the defeated and occupied countries, Moscow could afford to invest huge sums of money everywhere in the world. The activity that senator McCarthy undertook at the beginning of the 50s in order to reveal and eliminate the crypto-communists on Moscow's payroll from all America's power structures, which was dubbed by the press of the time “a witch hunt”, was totally justified and it prevented America's fall under the domination of the Soviet totalitarianism then embodied by Stalin. The much maligned McCarthy, even though he may not have been America's brightest politician, really did a service to the American people, for which he got no reward, on the contrary.

On the other hand, in Warsaw as well as in Strasbourg or Brussels no one wants to talk openly about the more and more obvious fact that Russia is undergoing a full restoration of the USSR, trying to reconstruct the socialist camp and even extend its dominion to areas that in the past were out of its sphere of influence (like, for example, Syria and less obviously, Cyprus or Greece). And yet a lot was written in the press about the staged death of the USSR, after the opera coup in august 1991, with the aim of reviving it in a better shape, without any serious debate on the subject being organized, at least in order to be fought with good arguments.

In Romania the leader from the Parliament Hill, Liviu Dragnea, spoke many times, not by chance, about the “historical mission” that the PSD (Social Democratic Party in Romania) would have under his leadership. I have not heard/read any comment or question that explained the statement of the PSD leader, but it was probably thought that everybody got the message. This “historical mission”, as one can clearly see, is the Restoration that some more naive or shy authors insist on calling “illiberal democracy”. Illiberal democracy, indeed! In reality there has never been and will never be for any society but one clear option between democracy and tyranny, regardless of the deceiving masks that tyranny is putting on.

The renowned British writer George Orwell drafted at the end of the 1940s a list with all the cultural Anglo-American personalities enrolled among the crypto-communists. There is no surprise that on Orwell's list there are such names as Charlie Chaplin, Michael Redgrave, George Bernard Shaw, Orson Welles and others like them. (according to Wikipedia, “Orwell's list”).

English translation by Roxana Doncu