Cosmonomic Glimpse (69)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty
As A Real Cosmonomer (ARC) I don't want to entertain my occasional readers, wherever, but I'd like to give them a kick of thinking … thinking for themselves. Nevertheless, I am aware of the many people being indoctrinated and not willing nor being able to think for their own. And so many of them are forced by violence to think in dictated terms.
I, for sure, know also about the censorship of my publications in so many countries, even in the so-called “Western Democracies”.
This is not a surprise, because the whole globe is suffering from severe problems that are caused by religions, governments, Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), companies and finance experts who don't want to be disturbed during their even criminal actions.
Any fundamental critics are not welcome, so Cosmonomy is facing “friendly” or open rejection up to complete suppression by concealment.
The Cosmonomic Manifesto, as a document of enlightenment, is still unknown to far the most of people whereas a very small rate of humans only may appreciate the Cosmonomic Philosophy as an alternative to the proverbial madness of the world.
The blunt approaches to truth, reality, religion, pseudo-religion, to freedom, peace, warmongering, to poverty and democracy, to violence, slavery and exploitation are only some of cosmonomic aspects about the improvement of humanity.
I will stand – as a human and author – to this view of a better world, maybe in the future, if at all.
And you?