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Posts mit dem Label Cosmonomic Manifesto werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Freitag, 10. Januar 2025

Just To Remember Always (CG70)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (70)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Democracy is that of free speech or it is no Democracy.

The first enemies of Democracy come along as inner spies and denunciators.

There are fact checkers for the benefit of truth in a democratic society, but there are also plenty of so-called “fact checkers” being in services for ideologies and their dogmatic lies, acting with hostile intent against free opinion and free speech.

Free speech is not the guarantee for independent media.

As realists we have to consider that Democracy is constituting an ideal that – up to now – has nowhere come to complete fulfillment as it is demanded, for example, in the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2023

A Kind Of Bohemian (CG53)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (53)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

As “A Real Cosmonomer“ (ARC) you are, of course, a person of special minds in consequences which are originally introduced by the Cosmonomic Manifesto formulating a commitment and encouragement to enlightenment, freedom, to peace and humanity, to cosmopolitan values of emancipation and human dignity.

Agreeing with these orientations and truly following them, you belong to a minority of global mankind which is represented mainly by – as I call it – the “Interim Human” as a human of not yet finished evolutionary status.

The character of the Interim Human is painfully reflected in the global situation of mankind at all by poverty, exploitation, destruction, violence, hate, wars and racism and at last but not least stupidity.

Considering all this, a real cosmonomer's life is that of a Bohemian, different from the masses and eye-to eye with liberal and independent like-minded people.

The Cosmonomic Manifesto

in English: => here

in German: => here

in Spanish: => here

Sonntag, 18. Juni 2023

I Take Pride (CG50)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (50)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Yes, I take some pride in the words: I am a Cosmonomer, a human of cosmonomic philosophy.

This keeps me optimistic despite of all the troublesome world and it leads me to humility towards life and nature.

There is not one nation on the Globe that can compete with its constitution being of such a liberal and dignified character as the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

And I confess to be pleased about the really increasing national and international accesses to my cosmonomic webside.

You are welcome!

The Cosmonomic Manifesto

in English: =>  here

in German: =>  here

in Spanish: =>  here

Dienstag, 16. Mai 2023

Truth is not a Fairy-tale (CG49)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (49)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Truth is not a fairy-tale although cheating is ruling mankind. Life performs reality as it is “here and now”, as you can see it, hear it, feel, smell, taste it. You can enjoy it and suffer from.

Reality depends on consciousness of the human being, but this is including imagination of the irrational, too, which is also the dreamy doorstep to believe in miracles, in Gods and eternal life, creating a huge kaleidoscope of religions, esoteric, ideologies and deception – a collection of hopes and fears for and against truth and reality.

Seriousness, in any way, is demanding a base of reality to be calculable and durable.

The reason of having not one society system around the globe that can fulfill Cosmonomic standards is the common compromising mix-up of scientific parameters with dogmas of ancient and new religions and superstitions.

So there is hardly any effect by blaming particular states or nations for being in irrational disorder.

Cosmonomic Philosophy is trying to work out a different self-portrait of mankind in a universal understanding of the individual above the local narrow borders which must not be destroyed but be opened for a “view of the whole”.

Again and again the meaning of individual education is to be valued and initiated, starting also in privacy, if there are no public facilities.

The Cosmonomic Manifesto

in English: => here

in German: => here

in Spanish: => here

Freitag, 21. April 2023

Question Is ... (CG48)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (48)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The Cosmonomic Manifesto characterizes very high and even futuristic standards of living in liberty and peace.

But there is not one single state, nation or society system on Earth that can reach these standards at present.

Please read the Cosmonomic Manifesto (again) and find out which countries on the globe, at least, are free enough to tolerate Cosmonomic life evolution.

This is the fundamental question for every really enlightened individual!

Take good care for yourself, wherever you are.

The Manifesto

in English: => here

in German: => here

in Spanish: => here

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023

Cosmonomy As Inner Attitude (CG46)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (46)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The Interim Human, in his overwhelming majority, is not prepared for coping with liberty, democracy and emancipation because his life depends on religion, ideology, superstition, pseudoscience and propaganda – in other words: His view of the world is narrow-minded and caused by lack of education, by missing experience and knowledge and also by greed and poverty even.

Within those chaotic structures of societies there are always enough unscrupulous characters which are founding ruling elites betraying the masses and forcing them by radical violence, feeding them with stupidity that is spreading largely from the governors' brains.

Thus – in short – is the explanation of the global mankind status quo.

Cruel but true.

Humane and intelligent people must consider this intensively while searching their own valuable niche, for a life in eagerness for learning and understanding, for a life in dignity and responsibility – for a new look at life.

Cosmonomy is not a doctrine, but may be an offer for distinguished thinking.

The Cosmonomic Manifesto => here

German original => hier

In Spanish => de esta

Dienstag, 23. August 2022

A Little Touch of Hope (CG42)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (42)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Sometimes I'm feeling like being obliged to speak to all people of the world. This seems to be ridiculous because of their different languages and – even more important – of their different ways of thinking in their wide cultural varieties.

You see the word “different” plays a significant role in mankind behaviors. Is it the value of so colorful cultures or is it the outcome of war by so contradictory ways of thinking and feeling?

What can be done as we all are living on the one and only planet?

We have to find a common humane strategy – easier said than done – facing so many ideologies of even racist and national superior doctrines justifying hatred and violence without scruples about devastating the whole globe and mankind at all.

Well, I am aware of my tininess and unimportance, but finding nowhere any serious suggestions for creating a “better world” I take all my courage to maintain offering to the world the Cosmonomic Manifesto – not as an act of desperation but as a little touch of hope.

Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021

You Believe in Democracy (CG24)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (24)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

What is Democracy, did you really find it anywhere?

Or was it just a faint of smell which touched your lips and nose, your eyes and ears when you heard some hymns like “Rule Britannia” or praising “the Land of the Free”, gathering behind the flag of “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” or standing up for “Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit”?

Did you read the solemn “Constitutions” of historical meanings and find out that the actual reality is quite different in all the different areas? – Just declarations of intent and – even worse – disguises of ruling powers forcing people into dependence and into one war after the other anywhere, according to the occasional interests of rich and mighty figures of self-performance!

Let me give you some advice: Try to read and understand the Cosmonomic Manifesto. Think it over and then, as a hopefully free person, decide what is right and good for your life and for your beloved ones.

I am convinced – I know – that democracy in active consequence is the best way of humane living. It begins with the turning away from any doomsday philosophy.

Sonntag, 12. Juli 2020

And You?

The Cosmonomic Manifesto hopefully

will win friends worldwide

because pandemic chaos

is killing individuals

is ruining economy

is raping culture

is defaming science

and killing liberty

as well as

personal freedom

and humanity


freedom of mind and speech

losing democracy



panic hysteria around the globe

pandemic chaos affronting intelligence!


Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020

Part of the Universe

Cosmonomic Glimpse (16)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Cosmonomic philosophy is not an academic one but is considering the thinking, feeling and acting in practical life concerning culture, politics, religion, economy, social structures, science and nature, freedom, peace, humanity and democracy – just to mention only some aspects.

Cosmonomy does not depend on any nationalism, racism or any thinking of superiority, it is just determined by the thoughts of enlightened people practicing emancipation by the consciousness of the cosmopolitan destination of mankind instead of narrow-minded regional views and dogmas or religious variations of doomsday prophecies and “holy wars”.

Cosmonomy does not deny the love of home and family, the love of home countries and humane social societies but Cosmonomy is embedding them all into the facts of cosmic dependence: because our unique home planet The Earth, is situated in its own overwhelming home which is the fabulous Universe.
So we are part of the Universe, we, too, belong to the great Cosmos with its valid natural laws.
And we should behave according to these generous rules which enable us to ease daily life by intelligent responsibility for the benefit of human dignity which is one condition to alleviate so many problems that cause lots of our quarrels and sufferings.

Dienstag, 24. März 2020

Turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto

You know someone said,
there's a land of the free,
but it was a fake, it wasn't true.
Nowhere in the world, I am afraid,
is a state, you can see
that, for God's sake, is steered by a democratic crew.
Because there are always boasting preachers of 'mighty' thirst
telling the world, we are first.

And most of the poor and discordant nations have to bow without willing,
the stronger ones are strengthening by armament,
trying out their weapons at any time wherever, just for killing,
prepared and voted for by puppets of parliament.

How much of lying, hunger and bloodshed can the planet stand?
Mankind is overcrowded at the end!
Permanent economic growth and greedy capitalism
even with religions, esoterism and irrationalism up to communism.

The individual does not count,
ideologies are telling what is science, what is right,
humanity is cheated, liberty mistreated, no pause during night,
propaganda all day long …
but the Earth, like other planets, will keep spinning around
and the Sun shines on a mankind doing wrong.

So, dear contemporaries, you might think I'm falling into agony – you are thinking wrong. Because of the evils I've mentioned above I politely created my Cosmonomic Philosophy.
You want to know what Cosmonomy is?
Visit my blog (but most of it in the German language) and read it carefully, it is complex like human life.
For a first impression you may turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

Freitag, 31. Januar 2020

Brexit is Done

Cosmonomic Glimpse (13)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty


So they've got it done!
Leaving me standing in the rain.
No tears for Little England,
no tears for a ragged European disharmony,
but sorrow for mankind and intelligence.

Feels like a funeral,
like burying some kind of nobody.

I realize, new days have broken
as “blackbird has spoken”,
but no “Song of Joy”.

Europe” - what is it?
Narrow-minded as it always was!
Full of lies, cheating and disinformation.
A new invention of honor, of civilization will be necessary,
if there is a common will, at all.

Shall we overcome?
Or will the world laugh at us
and bury Europe … some day?

Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2019

Fact and Fake

Cosmonomic Glimpse (12)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Fact and Fake

It is a fact that many people are believing,
but, in particular, most is fake what they are believing in.

This explains the condition of mankind!

Fakt und Fake

Dass viele Menschen glauben, ist Fakt;
was sie glauben, ist vor allem Fake.

So erklärt sich der Zustand der Menschheit!

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2019

Brain Exit (Brexit)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (11)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Looking around at the whole globe the world's situation appears hardly amusing: In so many countries life conditions are extremely poor and even more, they are dangerous and destructive. They are destroying humans and nature as if this means the only destination of mankind.

Despite these evils and after the disastrous World War II some European states found together and established an island of moderate progress, wealth and peaceful existence. Of course, more and more states joined this little “El Dorado”, but most of them were not convinced Europeans as they were just looking for their own benefit and profits and did not care about their democratic duties and the keeping up of human rights in their societies.
They cheated the European Union and weakened its position by their inability to common sense, falling back into stupid nationalism instead of strengthening the efforts to a united and stronger European position in the world.
Such is the fatal truth of the European Union.
Brexit” is not only the synonym for “Britain leaving EU”, but “Brexit” also stands for “brain exit” considering the total performance of all the responsible members and their involved politicians.
In this way, without a real concept of unification at present, the EU is no emancipated actor on the stage of world affairs. And so is not one single state in Europe (except Russia, perhaps) on its own.

What the (still) United Kingdom is assigning to its people, to the people of Europe and to the public of the world is exemplary what “brain exit” is leading to. 
But this doesn't describe a European problem only, so, by overcoming those complaints, Europe likely has the chance of a humane startup, if brain will return.
Too optimistic? – But cosmonomic! 


Freitag, 18. Oktober 2019

We Have A "Free" Press

An “alian” who is not so acquainted with our small-earthly circumstances sent in the following question:
There have appeared thousands of Raymond Walden's aphorisms, many essays, poems, commentaries and, not at last, the Cosmonomic Manifesto in the Internet for meanwhile almost twelve years. Why are they never published in the public media?
Here is the answer:
We have a “free” press which, in ideological loyalty, is choosing “freely” what is presented, prevaricated, kept secret and ignored. The press sincerely is afraid of the cosmonomic understanding of freedom because of the critical questioning of the worldwide role as opinion makers, as dictators causing stultification and finally incapacitation by serving ideologies and dogmas of the ruling classes.

The Cosmonomic Manifesto for example is unique by all its demands for liberal democracy, for humane individualism, for emancipation, for enlightenment, education, social security, healthcare, for protection of mankind and nature, for peace and disarmament, for non-violence, for freedom of mind and speech and so on. Thus, by direct comparison of the social circumstances in each case, blatant errors can't be hidden or palliated.

What is more: The Cosmonomic Manifesto is becoming an accusation against all those politicians and relevant circles who, with an audacious self-evidence, burn out human lives, be it by direct killing and violation or by strategic warmongering, within aggressive alliances and even by weapon-technical supplies for own benefits.

However, cosmonomic philosophy will never stab into its own back and call for violent disputes!

The ideologists and dogmatists, like their medial adjutants, have to fear just the weapons of the clear word within a democratic culture of discussion with the objectives of deescalation and peaceful compromises.
And obviously they do fear them, as it is proven by their permanent suppression of the cosmonomic body of thought.

And also this, again and again explained, clarification:
Cosmonomy is not a prevailing theory, not an indoctrination but an offer for thinking which you may follow exclusively by your own will, without any compulsion but with philanthropic and respectful consequences.

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2019

Thinking Cosmonomically

Cosmonomic Glimpse (10)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Thinking cosmonomically does not depend on nationality, not on nationalism, not on religion and not on ideology.
It is based on human dignity, on humanity, on liberal emancipation and on clearly derived natural law.
It is bound to peace and cosmopolitan philosophy.

Cosmonomy doesn't support modernistic mass fantasies, pseudo religions, esoterism, pseudo sciences or believing in any claim for being selected.
So the cosmonomic view has its origin, by comparison, in an orbital height above the planet and not in narrow-minded earthly low-lying areas of confusion.
Cosmonomy is standing in consequent opposition to any claims for apocalyptic scenarios and their self-elected redeemers.

Causality doesn't mean just a picture of the world but a forcing natural principle as sciences are no matter of democratic majority votes.

Those who are denying such facts may count in millions but they are out of competence and surely will be tomorrow's losers.

Fridays for Future”! What a bad omen.
Friday is widely believed by Christians to be the day of crucifixion. 


Samstag, 14. September 2019

Cosmonomy Could Be Possibly Helpful

In former times, so is told, there was a “land of poets and thinkers”.
But where is it gone? Did it really exist and who was responsible for its name?
What is the reason that it vanished?
Yes, it vanished which also means that it had just been an imagination as a kind of self-overestimation which but even abroad found some admirers.
Other countries, of course, also had poets and thinkers of comparable “quality”.

Nevertheless, at present days there is one essential question: Where are all the desired thinkers, are there any?
Is their work, maybe, as funny as ridiculous that it turns to be meaningless, useless or even destructive?

To me it seems the world needs more realistic calculators and scientists who can contribute to arrange a standard of life which allows thinking and poetry originally and in personal peace, freedom and independence.

Such a “country” is still to be invented because the actual world is not yet ready for it.
Cosmonomy could be possibly helpful, I suggest.

The editor's remark:
English language on this, in fact, German site is suitable to reach a wider international public whereas the German public in majority is getting hopelessly mad by climate hysteria.

Sonntag, 8. September 2019


Cosmonomic Glimpse (9)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Imagine people of being like this:
Free from violence,
free from racism,
free from nationalism,
free from religion,
free from esotericism and superstition,
free from pseudo-religious ideology,
free from hatred and greed,
free from militarism and warmongering.

Imagine them of
being bound to humanity,
being bound to honesty,
being bound to shelter life and nature,
being bound to enjoy life responsibly,
being bound to take care for the weak and poor,
being bound to learning and working,
being bound to self-thinking.

Think of people who
trust in causality and logic,
trust in objective and serious sciences,
trust in true feelings,
trust in tasty eating and drinking,
trust in joyful sex in respectful partner emancipation,
trust in healthcare without social differences,
trust in free culture and clean sports,
trust in equal rights yearning for peace around the Globe.

And you think they all were dreamers?
Oh, think again!
Overcome your disappointments about the world.
Try this step to a cosmonomic free life,
to your self-evaluation, your self-determination as possible
within the suffering Mankind.

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2019

The Truth in Science

Cosmonomic Glimpse (8)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

As long as judges, juries, priests and ideological politicians are deciding – inquisition-like – what is to be “correct” scientifically, what is to be truth in the laws of nature, the society remains enslaved, unable to enlightenment and emancipated liberal democracy.
Everything, even stultification has its logical cause.

Solange Richter, Juroren, Geistliche und Polit-Ideologen, ähnlich der Inquisition, bestimmen, was naturwissenschaftlich "korrekt" zu sein hat, was Wahrheit innerhalb der Naturgesetze sein muss, bleibt die Gesellschaft versklavt, unfähig zur Aufklärung und zu emanzipierter und freiheitlicher Demokratie.
Alles, auch die Verdummung hat ihre logische Ursache.

Freitag, 17. Mai 2019

The Dictator

Cosmonomic Glimpse (7)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

First the becoming dictator declares the “state of emergency”, then follows the enabling statute as the stab in the back for democracy.

The method works on all levels, at all times as most people are just thoughtless believers who, afterwards, may claim their innocence: “I did not know this, I did not take part!”
Some may even tell the truth, but by far the most of them are cheeky liars.

Liberal enlightened Cosmonomic thinking – causal and logical – is needed to keep the democratic society alive.
Or even better: To establish Democracy, as there is not one real honest democratic government in the world!