Dienstag, 23. August 2022

A Little Touch of Hope (CG42)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (42)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Sometimes I'm feeling like being obliged to speak to all people of the world. This seems to be ridiculous because of their different languages and – even more important – of their different ways of thinking in their wide cultural varieties.

You see the word “different” plays a significant role in mankind behaviors. Is it the value of so colorful cultures or is it the outcome of war by so contradictory ways of thinking and feeling?

What can be done as we all are living on the one and only planet?

We have to find a common humane strategy – easier said than done – facing so many ideologies of even racist and national superior doctrines justifying hatred and violence without scruples about devastating the whole globe and mankind at all.

Well, I am aware of my tininess and unimportance, but finding nowhere any serious suggestions for creating a “better world” I take all my courage to maintain offering to the world the Cosmonomic Manifesto – not as an act of desperation but as a little touch of hope.

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