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Posts mit dem Label mankind werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2025

Afflictions by Providence


There is the “One Nation Under „God“ “

being over all the other nations on Earth.

And there is one Trump beside “God”.

So what? Trump is “God”,

one of so many opalescent ones,

sent by providence.

As providence is reigning

chimes are clashing for services,

solemn hymns are sounding

and flowers rain down

as grenades hail bursting

onto the grand boulevards of afflictions.

The New World” is going mad

as a childish progeny of the

narrow-minded and senile old world

that went historically from one war into the other.

So, no “God” will help,

because mankind doesn't find the sense of life

which is just: to live your free and honest life

and not to rape, torture and kill it. For mankind's sake!

As a real Cosmonomer, let me add:

The world urgently needs Cosmonomy.




Donnerstag, 2. März 2023

Art Is Eager For Living


Art is no politics!

Because art is living by the senses,

in senses and coming out of them,

it is creating and designing,

inspiring, devoting and animating.

Art is sensual pleasure,

a feast of perception,

of creative impulse, of educating,

descending from human freedom

as dedicated to it.

In the fullest meaning of the word

art is proving to be significant.

Because of its values dangers are threatening,

for example, ingratiation, falsification,

theft or ideological outlawing,


Barbarians of less spirit or intellectual blinding

are profaning and misusing art

for dubious enrichment of trivial and actual

loss of culture.

To stress out especially in this context:

Never ever is power-politics any art,

but is meaning subculture like

any propagated “killing-art”.

Nevertheless, art is eager for living – in consciousness right now

and then beyond the grave.

Literature, music, painting, sculpture, theater, architecture

and many others more

are testimonies of real genius

and of very civic and considerate pleasure of ability

within the borders of being human.

You have to be a human

to understand this.

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023

Cosmonomy As Inner Attitude (CG46)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (46)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The Interim Human, in his overwhelming majority, is not prepared for coping with liberty, democracy and emancipation because his life depends on religion, ideology, superstition, pseudoscience and propaganda – in other words: His view of the world is narrow-minded and caused by lack of education, by missing experience and knowledge and also by greed and poverty even.

Within those chaotic structures of societies there are always enough unscrupulous characters which are founding ruling elites betraying the masses and forcing them by radical violence, feeding them with stupidity that is spreading largely from the governors' brains.

Thus – in short – is the explanation of the global mankind status quo.

Cruel but true.

Humane and intelligent people must consider this intensively while searching their own valuable niche, for a life in eagerness for learning and understanding, for a life in dignity and responsibility – for a new look at life.

Cosmonomy is not a doctrine, but may be an offer for distinguished thinking.

The Cosmonomic Manifesto => here

German original => hier

In Spanish => de esta

Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021

To make it clear ... (CG35)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (35)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

near the end of the year:

Waves of violence keep rolling around the globe

being stirred up by ideology and delusion,

closing all shutters against enlightenment and hope,

polluting mankind with esoteric and confusion.

There is no redemption by religion and superstition,

no healing of pandemics by chaotic actions,

no peace because of mountains of weapons just ready for ignition,

addicted to racism and nationalistic fractions,

under-educated, always forced eagerly to fight.

No cosmonomic alternatives officially in sight!

Consider this

that's the world of mankind as it is.

Do you really want to stay in this status of blissful ignorance?

You're invited to think like A Real Cosmonomer (ARC).




Samstag, 13. November 2021

Getting Older (CG34)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (34)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Getting older means to see through omnipresent stupidity more easily and not to despair by doing so. (Sentenzen von Freiheit, Nr. 107, Raymond Walden)

Cosmonomically thinking people will not fall into a gap of emptiness. They cannot change the world indeed, but they value their worldview by more intense and intuitive understanding of their private existence (if possible in their political surroundings!) in dignity, liberty and humanity.

This, of course, may be a poor consolation considering the global underdevelopment of societies in the various cultures, but we have to face the truth that mankind is much more primitive than we have the time to realize during our daily struggles for life, or what religious and ideological prophets are propagating.

Being borne into these present times, we have to be strong and - in some kind - happy not to stand on the shores of boneheads.

Freitag, 12. November 2021

Intellectual Revolution


The world goes mad

not for the first time

it has always been sad

so full of sorrows and crime

not only for the lower classes

as well for the giants and mightiest in chief,

for the lonely ones and the crowded masses

and so among the dirtiest like the tidiest in believe.

It's a strange thing living like slaves

not knowing, not feeling it, not asking: Why?

Instead always keeping on digging countless own graves

seeing the worldwide poverty, but being too shy to cry.

Even more, playing the cards of this tragedy

not really looking behind the curtains where the reasons are

so clear as definite, it is just banality

as we all are pretenders not going as far

to recognize that our lifestyle is the exploiter of the others.

We follow the priests, the preachers, the propagandists of state,

betraying us, our present and future, but no one bothers:

´Don't worry, be happy!´ We're on the sunny side,

love our dependence on money, defending “freedom” with arsenals of weapons

which we use and sell everywhere.

No enlightenment of mankind ever happens

until there once will be no echo on the question: Are you still there?


It is evolution, because we've missed in it an intellectual but peaceful revolution.




Montag, 4. Oktober 2021

Sometimes Of Never (CG32)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (32)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

This sounds strange but like normal life that is portrayed by ups and downs, hardly to understand or calculate, but to be loved and hated as well, just to be torn between happiness and deep sorrows, between freedom and tyranny.

Sometimes of never” is nothing but a freaky formulation of “never”, like “a bit of nothing” is standing just for “nothing”, totally.

When Konrad Adenauer, first chancellor of West-Germany after World War II, said we should accept all people like they are, because there no better ones, we might have agreed with him at these difficult times of worldwide new orientations. But would this be really “new orientation” or just a modus vivendi for coming out of the ruins of state and society?

Watching the present world with open eyes and minds and not through tuned glasses, we have to register that – according to whole mankind – there is no honest and real freedom, no democracy wherever in the world.

Thinking like pragmatic Adenauer, we would agree with some content to “a bit of no” freedom to establish democracy “sometimes of never” to accept the people of the world like they are. Amen!

This surely would be realistic. Without hopes, without visions.

Without humanity, without any enlightenment.

Can you live comfortably with such gaps in your physical and psychological existence?

Or are you lively enough to stay prepared for new thoughts like Cosmonomic Philosophy which is introduced here on this website to the free?





Mittwoch, 25. August 2021

A Powerful Dialogue


A new human being!”




A new human being would be necessary.”


Aren't there enough humans?”


Not another one; the new human ...”


Who will be that … or what?”


In any case a different one from that up to now.”


Who has been the previous one … or what?”


No human. Or too little human.”


At what point are you sufficiently enough a human?”


Perhaps a little bit, when you recognize the deficit.”


How do you find out?”


By realization of violence, blood and war, of exploitation and slavery.”


So there is no human being!”


Anyway!” There are always some specimens on their way.”




On a long way.”


Will they ever reach their destination?”


If they can agree on a destination.”


Thus the destination would become their feature?”


No doubt. A quality label.”


All of them quasi in lockstep?”


No way! Each by his individual identity.”


Will it be recognized, the feature as destination?”


The masses don't recognize. They are not the human.”


Now then there will be no peace?”


Not without the new human … on his long way … to the common destination, to humanity.”


And this humanity does not whisper about excusable fallibility, but

does insist on honorable non-violence?”


Its power is non-violence. The new human will be powerful, mightier than all of the present.”


Almighty even?” 


Never. Because omnipotence is an inhumane fantasy of violence. Humanity doesn't arrogate omnipotence for itself, not even the interpretation of such deceptions!”


Could he really come, the new human?”


I am skeptical. But what else will remain for us? – Perhaps his unrivaled destination only!”



Deutsche Version => hier

Mittwoch, 25. November 2020

Power of an End? (CG20)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (20)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Is this the power of an end?

The world is going mad!

You may say:

Don't mind, it has always moved like that.”

O no, it's different now,

because for the first time the whole world

goes mad in the same manner,

on the same subject,

at the same time,

forcing the people to same restrictions

demanding less vitality,

preaching distance to one another

as well as to the sick and old humans,

even to the dying beloved ones.

        No doubt is allowed,

        punishment is rising

as politicians – not objective sciences – are claiming

the one and only truth

which, nevertheless, is changing almost daily

by chance and by arbitrariness.

But the naive believers and followers

are torturing themselves in furious anxiety

and, obviously, have forgotten

what self-determination is meaning

in a free and democratic society.

This, my cosmonomic friend – wherever in the world –,

may evolve the power to turn mankind upside down.

Democracy is loosing a dirty game

because of own failures and frauds

again and again throughout the globe.

This is the dawning of cosmonomic inspiration!

Sonntag, 9. August 2020

Cosmonomic Truth

Hiroshima and Nagasaki:

Hostile radioactive greetings from America,

the land of the free!

Politicians there are as 'free' as all the

other warmongers everywhere.

Mankind is so 'free'

to create atomic weapons

for total destruction and complete killing!

Sorry, Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

your fate doesn't teach the rulers of the world.

Their mentalities have not changed really.

What happened thereafter?








Nothing like this!

Nationalist pride instead,

ridiculous justification of mass murder

threatening the world by gigantic weapon arsenals

and by unscrupulous ideological lies.

What the world is needing most

is recommended as Cosmonomic Truth!




Dienstag, 24. März 2020

Turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto

You know someone said,
there's a land of the free,
but it was a fake, it wasn't true.
Nowhere in the world, I am afraid,
is a state, you can see
that, for God's sake, is steered by a democratic crew.
Because there are always boasting preachers of 'mighty' thirst
telling the world, we are first.

And most of the poor and discordant nations have to bow without willing,
the stronger ones are strengthening by armament,
trying out their weapons at any time wherever, just for killing,
prepared and voted for by puppets of parliament.

How much of lying, hunger and bloodshed can the planet stand?
Mankind is overcrowded at the end!
Permanent economic growth and greedy capitalism
even with religions, esoterism and irrationalism up to communism.

The individual does not count,
ideologies are telling what is science, what is right,
humanity is cheated, liberty mistreated, no pause during night,
propaganda all day long …
but the Earth, like other planets, will keep spinning around
and the Sun shines on a mankind doing wrong.

So, dear contemporaries, you might think I'm falling into agony – you are thinking wrong. Because of the evils I've mentioned above I politely created my Cosmonomic Philosophy.
You want to know what Cosmonomy is?
Visit my blog (but most of it in the German language) and read it carefully, it is complex like human life.
For a first impression you may turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

Mittwoch, 18. März 2020

A Thesis Of Recent Human History

“East is East and West is West and never
the twain shall meet.” Kipling
Oriental and Occidental civilizations developed
independent of each other, under very different 
circumstances and with very different results.
In the East, starting with the Buddha in 2500 
B.C., a series of teachers and teaching paths 
arose simultaneously and suddenly, nurtured
by a thousand or more years of yogic discipline.
Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Jainism, 
Zoroastrianism, all developed. These are/were
paths to the awakening of human 
consciousness that pervaded Eastern countries
for hundreds of years and were the basis for their
cultures. China and Japan had periods of social
stability that lasted hundreds of years because
the societies were based on principles of human
value. Sure, some people still killed each other, 
but, not in the name of religion.
The West also had a period of blossoming of 
intellect and understanding. The Greek 
Philosophers of around 500 B.C. had great 
wisdom. In the West, this knowledge was lost
for hundreds of years. The library of Alexandria
was burned. The ransacking of Europe by 
barbarians, the Black Plague, the division of 
Europe into small nation states constantly at 
war with each other all set the stage for the
progress of Western development, attitudes
and guiding principles. By the time the West
rediscovered the Greeks, the stage had been 
set. The Renaissance was a flourishing of arts 
and the beginning of science. But the nature
of the West was not so interested in awakening
human experience. The West continued with 
the momentum of values it had accrued over
hundreds of years of warfare and struggle. 
Whereas, in the East, there was a direction 
towards cultivating the human spirit, the main
motivating factors in the West have been greed, 
control and power. The epitome of this truth is
exposed by the fact that Western militaries try
to see if any new discoveries can be used as a
weapon. Even science has developed not as a
means to understand the nature of reality, but 
always it intends to control nature. Science is
the religion of control. 
East and West did meet. What happened then?
Japan kicked out all Westerners for two 
hundred years because they didn’t like the 
influence on their culture. When Perry forced 
Japan to open to trade, (greed, power, control)
Japan realized that to survive, It had to become
“Westernized” which it did, remarkably, in a 
hundred years. Since it had more power, it 
developed the taste for Imperialism (greed, 
control) and fell victim to that insanity, invading
China and committing atrocity. The West was
more used to war, however, and dropped the
A bomb on Japan, which essentially, destroyed
their psyche.
China, which had been used to Western control
and occupation, gained a totalitarian outlook, 
and only now is exhibiting the primitive disease
of first class Imperialism it caught from the West.
In summary, over the last couple of thousand 
years, the East was busy being born while the 
West was busy dying. Power, greed, and control,
those self destructive tendencies, governed the
events in the West, leading to the logical goal
of New World Order Totalitarianism.  A 
Psychological World War is taking place now, in 
real time, to determine whether the barbarians 
finally rule the world, or whether sanity and 
human goodness can stop them.
What is reality? If one speculates that humans
are an experiment by aliens who altered our 
DNA, it would make sense that they would pay 
more attention after the A bomb, when it was
known that humans had the capability to
destroy themselves and the planet. Whether it
is from compassion, an interest in their 
investment, or just the curiosity of insects, if 
the premise is true, it would explain the UFO 
phenomenon. If we can’t handle our own 
problems, will the aliens get involved? Aren’t
they already?

Addendum...POTUS tweet 3/17/2020

 'The world is at war with a hidden enemy WE WILL WIN!" 

Samstag, 30. Dezember 2017

"First" is Last

Who do you think you are:
First ?

Last !
Whoever, wherever, is believing in being first as a nation, as a people, a single person, or a religious community, is the least
that mankind is not needing at all.

Mankind is first !

You don't understand?
Yes, I thought so.
My words are dedicated to encourage enlightened people who think about a cosmonomic life in dignity, freedom and emancipation
first and further.

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2016

Cosmonomic Reflection

Without cosmonomic reflection, according to all the concerns of the Cosmonomic Manifesto, mankind cannot be steered,
to Aleppo,
into Auschwitz,
onto the Gulag,
to Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
to Guantanamo,
into the „Jungle“ of Calais,
on board of he sinking refugee boats,
into the religious obsession and into the hypocratical ideology,
into the ghettos of intellectual and material poverty.

At the end of this odyssee of violence of a drained time, bleeded to death,
survivers will think and act cosmonomically,
late, much too late for many,
but then certainly.

© Raymond Walden