Donnerstag, 2. März 2023

Art Is Eager For Living


Art is no politics!

Because art is living by the senses,

in senses and coming out of them,

it is creating and designing,

inspiring, devoting and animating.

Art is sensual pleasure,

a feast of perception,

of creative impulse, of educating,

descending from human freedom

as dedicated to it.

In the fullest meaning of the word

art is proving to be significant.

Because of its values dangers are threatening,

for example, ingratiation, falsification,

theft or ideological outlawing,


Barbarians of less spirit or intellectual blinding

are profaning and misusing art

for dubious enrichment of trivial and actual

loss of culture.

To stress out especially in this context:

Never ever is power-politics any art,

but is meaning subculture like

any propagated “killing-art”.

Nevertheless, art is eager for living – in consciousness right now

and then beyond the grave.

Literature, music, painting, sculpture, theater, architecture

and many others more

are testimonies of real genius

and of very civic and considerate pleasure of ability

within the borders of being human.

You have to be a human

to understand this.

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