Mittwoch, 25. November 2020

Power of an End? (CG20)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (20)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Is this the power of an end?

The world is going mad!

You may say:

Don't mind, it has always moved like that.”

O no, it's different now,

because for the first time the whole world

goes mad in the same manner,

on the same subject,

at the same time,

forcing the people to same restrictions

demanding less vitality,

preaching distance to one another

as well as to the sick and old humans,

even to the dying beloved ones.

        No doubt is allowed,

        punishment is rising

as politicians – not objective sciences – are claiming

the one and only truth

which, nevertheless, is changing almost daily

by chance and by arbitrariness.

But the naive believers and followers

are torturing themselves in furious anxiety

and, obviously, have forgotten

what self-determination is meaning

in a free and democratic society.

This, my cosmonomic friend – wherever in the world –,

may evolve the power to turn mankind upside down.

Democracy is loosing a dirty game

because of own failures and frauds

again and again throughout the globe.

This is the dawning of cosmonomic inspiration!

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