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Posts mit dem Label "God" werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2025

Afflictions by Providence


There is the “One Nation Under „God“ “

being over all the other nations on Earth.

And there is one Trump beside “God”.

So what? Trump is “God”,

one of so many opalescent ones,

sent by providence.

As providence is reigning

chimes are clashing for services,

solemn hymns are sounding

and flowers rain down

as grenades hail bursting

onto the grand boulevards of afflictions.

The New World” is going mad

as a childish progeny of the

narrow-minded and senile old world

that went historically from one war into the other.

So, no “God” will help,

because mankind doesn't find the sense of life

which is just: to live your free and honest life

and not to rape, torture and kill it. For mankind's sake!

As a real Cosmonomer, let me add:

The world urgently needs Cosmonomy.




Mittwoch, 25. September 2024

O America !


In the name of God they pray, sing and dance to praise the Lord and to condemn the others of different faith and especially those of no religion.

Believers in God do not realize their role in dividing Mankind and in partially creating enemy-pictures and by this even the devil which is the opponent of all intelligence and humanity.

The very effect of this irrationalism is upsettingly demonstrated by the US-American society in present times.

Kyrie eleison! God, have mercy!

Or much better: Fellow Humans, sapere aude!

Encourage to use your brain.




Samstag, 11. Juli 2020


Cosmonomic Glimpse (17)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

There is a fabulous but also dangerous sky above – no heaven!
We live on a fantastic but also dangerous planet: The Earth,
but you, Mankind, turn it into hell by creating too many “Gods”
which you adore and serve like their devils as well.
Doomsday” is your permanent philosophy
in continuing fear and horror as you produce
too many children,
skyscrapers too high,
slums and ghettos smelling diabolically,
turning your head from the poor and sufferings
while praising the idols of decadence.
War is the best management you practice at any place and time!

You know what I mean, dear friend? –
Yes, cosmonomic life makes the difference – if possible
at all in one's status quo.
Take pride in humanity and leave the childish irrationalism!” 


Freitag, 16. Februar 2018

Atheism Is No Faith

He was a devout atheist. He strongly believed: There is no God.”
(Stefan Fleischer, 1938, pensioner, former organizer of a major bank, source:
More factual instead, the Knaurs Root Dictionary: “Atheism – negation of God's existence”.

The intelligent human knows about the limits of all knowings, the faithful effortlessly tears down these limits. – And doesn't even understand the sense of this sentence.
But this is the mystery of faith, of non-understanding, of not knowing.

How should there be “devout atheists” as people who believe that there is no God? On such an assumption the religiously prejudiced language already is going mad. Any non-existing become fact just by my doubts about it?
How could one be opposed to “nothing” (= God)?
Or, by just “believing” in dragons with seven heads, they are existent?
Because I am speaking about them?

The really religion-free human is not concerned with any God, but he is penetratingly confronted with worshipers who are misusing public life by impertinent arrogant sense of mission and who are creating the religious chaos of the world.

An error-free speech, for example, is meaning outright “free from mistakes”.
Freedom of religion, according to religious imaginations, does not mutate into “freedom from religion” but into plenty of most different, but on the same level, religions, away from logic and causality.
God” means a smorgasbord of regional figments that match with their getaway from the knowing about reality, a getaway that is caused by the common sufferings of all people, rooted in their mortality.

Religious teachings arise from those dilemmas, each predominantly claiming to the one and only truth, leading different thinking people, by inevitably overwhelming arguments, right away into the hereafter of the eternal spiritual illumination or to the deserved torments.

Atheism” in no way is such a related teaching. The human freedom from religion doesn't command any considerable organization and thus is a losing preposition against ideologies, not at least because of some religious renegade but totalitarian doctrines, as well, that gladly call themselves “atheistic” without understanding at all how they are just supporting their cruel ridiculousness.

A prophetic eccentric invited to admire and adore his singing and dancing stocks. Little by little many followed him, the less uninterested ones staying apart were taunted as believing skeptics. Sic.
The eccentric declared his faith a reason of state, as obligatory moral and ethics and soon he crusaded for his predominance against the respective prophets of the eternally illuminated religions of mysterious mountains, lakes, rivers, of respectable trees, woods, of holy cows, adored stars, hallucinated ghosts, demons, angles, devils, of corrupt crowds of gods, hermaphroditic creatures, saints, of virgin births and reincarnations up to the compressing delusion of the one and only term of God that is disproving itself by provincial diversity and is subject to fashionable epochs, far away from any infinity and eternal present.

The religion-free human, nevertheless, is contenting himself with the one modest but accountable existence of thinking, based on objective physical laws and empathetic humanity.
Both of these backgrounds for a dignified life cannot be given by religion and its aloof consequences. It is,over the whole globe, fatalistically dividing and not capable of peace.

Deutsche Version: hier


Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

Non-divine Humanity

O distinguished thirst for justice,
they moisten your lips with fire-water
and roughen your throat by offering just vinegar.
Refuse to swallow this splashed drink
which is served by hidden smiling
in consciousness of its bad effectiveness
by mixing glamerous unfairnesses,
and in poisoned intention.
“Cheers”, they say
meaning just themselves – not you.

O dignified hunger for emancipation,
they fob you off with toads,
feed you with flatulent grub.
Don’t gulp down what they are offering to you
by the insolence of the right of the strongest,
by the injustice of the richer ones and freebooters
and by bloody slavery.
“Enjoy the meal”, they celebrate the repast,
always providing themselves with the best – not you.

Your thirst, your hunger, o humanity,
they are suffocated
because of your innocence,
your credulity and brain-washed stupidity.
You are religious?
Any God declares you to be dust?
And you are praising him for this?
Right away you are attackable
because  of your God’s arrogance
of being the only truth,
and accordingly, the rediculously holy cause
of culture fights and wars of extermination.

Thus experienced as common practice,
o humanity, you don’t have any scruples
about living out your western, christian-jewish richness
at the expense of the poor ones, of the Third World.
But you don’t have the right of that.
Your God, like all other Gods,
Is not only illusion
but the evil.

Satisfying your thirst for justice,
your hunger for emancipation,
vote out the cup of blood,
the body eating of a psychopathic prophecy.
Define responsibly
what you drink, what you eat.
The table of your life
is to be set and decorated by yourself.

Eating and drinking unfold the honesty of life.
May the uprightness rise exemplarily as non-divine humanity.