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Posts mit dem Label Europe werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2022

Dreams On European Cosmonomic Culture Of Enlightenment


Has „Europe“ already gone,

once again?

I am standing there rather empty and bare as an unswerving believer in liberty, emancipation and peaceful democracy which I am regarding as the essential goals of European spirit. Perhaps they were true in the beginning but have faded away in growing decadence and turned into pure fake.

Instead of creating a concrete European identity, the member states turned back into stupid nationalism, into turbo capitalism and war philosophies – all these ideologies based on disastrous deceit by extraordinarily expanding institutions of incompetence and self-satisfaction.

Instead of bringing order into the own house, new member states without democratic qualifications have been invited generating increasing troubles which logically lead into chaos, into “Brexit” and to even more and more war entanglements.

Instead of strengthening and improving the originally proclaimed democratic principles, laws and independence, bureaucrats and technocrats gave the power of ruling the Unit into the hands of bankers, companies, lobbyists and speculators – all of them far away from any democratic mandates.

Instead of developing modern and effective systems of education, health-systems and reasonable economic infrastructures, the European administrations bowed before nonsense infiltration from US-America, Russia and China and proved just to be a play ball between the real giants in world affairs.

Europe” obviously is fading, but I still have dreams … that one day more and more people will have the same ideas of liberty and will bring them together into reality – after the doomsday scenarios of pandemic, of climate hysteria, of infinite growths of economy and population with all the ideological dangers of war outbreaks.

One day … when I'll have gone far, belonging to the past, a lonely and lost historian might remember my present disappointments, wishes and hopes for a coming brighter time in Old Europe for the benefit of even the whole world.

Dreams! I know.

Just to stand upright before myself and mankind to value Cosmonomic culture of enlightenment.

Dienstag, 1. März 2022

Come together, Europe, stand upright!



Do take and understand the opportunity to your purification which is laid down in front of your feet unintentionally by the war criminal, Wladimir Putin.

Prove yourself, Europe, liberal democratic, enlightened philanthropic and united!

(Raymond Walden, “Sequenzen von Skepsis”, aphorism 5270) 




Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022

Sequenzen von Skepsis (469)


Aphorismen zum Nachdenken und Zitieren:


Sie verlachen und verhöhnen die Freiheit, weil sie den Gleichschritt, die Gleichschaltung und die entmündigende Gleichmacherei als Solidarität missverstehen. Freiheit überfordert ihre Paralyse.


Schaut in die Gefängnisse, die Straf- und Vernichtungslager; sie offenbaren die faktische Staatsverfassung.


Für jedes glorifizierte Verbrechen finden sich mühelos Scharen von Beflissenen. So funktionieren die Staaten der Interimsmenschheit.


Während sich die Kammerjäger der öffentlichen Meinung gegen Ausgrenzung, Rassismus, Nationalismus und Hass echauffieren, sprechen sie genau diese Sprache.


Zeit zeugt Vergessen, so bequem wie schmerzlich.


Nachströmend immer wieder abrufbare Energie“ erscheint logischer als „erneuerbare“.


Die Gemütlichkeit und Sicherheit eines Hauses steht und fällt mit der kontrollierbaren und regelbaren Dichtigkeit und Standfestigkeit der Außenhaut. Nichts anderes gilt für das „Haus Europa“. Dazu muss aber die Innenkonzeption stimmen, die Statik der Wohnkultur, die Lebensauffassung der Bewohner. Wie haust du nur, Europa, da dir eine überzeugende Identität bisher nicht gelungen, vielleicht nicht gewollt ist?


Ich habe mich doch nicht von jeglicher Religion befreit, um Klimafabulierern zu folgen!


Millionen Jahre der Lebensentwicklung auf dem Planeten unter fortwährenden Klimaveränderungen! Jetzt aber sind die Klimaparanoiden erschienen, um das Klima anzuhalten, zu „schützen“, zu „retten“, um es zu steuern, zu bestimmen: Ideologisch verbohrt zum eigenen Wohl, aber Menschen und Natur verachtend und schändend in dem Diktat von skrupelloser Doppelmoral und einer Bewusstseinsspaltung religiöser Provenienz.


Naturschutz? Gänzlich unverzichtbar! Aber bitte gemäß den Gesetzen der Natur und nicht gemäß zeitgeistigen und wirren Hirngespinsten und solchen Glaubensbekenntnissen.


Naturgesetze werden nicht mehrheitlich beschlossen, schon gar nicht von „Basisdemokraten“ mangelhafter Bildung, sondern sind von der Natur vorgegebene Parameter, deren Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und nicht herbeizubeten sind.

© Raymond Walden

Freitag, 31. Januar 2020

Brexit is Done

Cosmonomic Glimpse (13)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty


So they've got it done!
Leaving me standing in the rain.
No tears for Little England,
no tears for a ragged European disharmony,
but sorrow for mankind and intelligence.

Feels like a funeral,
like burying some kind of nobody.

I realize, new days have broken
as “blackbird has spoken”,
but no “Song of Joy”.

Europe” - what is it?
Narrow-minded as it always was!
Full of lies, cheating and disinformation.
A new invention of honor, of civilization will be necessary,
if there is a common will, at all.

Shall we overcome?
Or will the world laugh at us
and bury Europe … some day?

Montag, 18. November 2019

Remember November 1987

By Daniel Dragomirescu, Bucharest (Romania)

The 15th of November 1987 marked the fall of the humane mask that the Romanian communist regime had been wearing. Self-legitimated as a political regime of 'popular democracy', yet installed with the help of the Red Army tanks on the 6th of March 1945 and maintained through a combination of populism, rigged elections, state despotism and terrorism, towards the end of Ceaușescu's presidency, Romanian communism was only representative of the dictator and the party nomenclature who enjoyed unlimited privileges. Following the generalized socio-economic crisis, determined by a series of catastrophic political decisions, towards the end of the 80s Romania suffered from cold and hunger, just like during the war. Food ratios were re-introduced like at the time Bucharest was being bombed by the Allies, while the shortage of consumer goods, starting with tooth paste, toilet paper or absorbent cotton and ending with the basic necessities (sugar, oil, bread) was widespread in the country.

One waited for whole nights in fronts of the stores for the most trivial things, while the application of the long-promised principle of communist allocation of social welfare, "from each according to his means, to each according to his needs", was being postponed sine die. In railway stations I could see how people rushed towards international trains in order to buy medicine (sulfamethoxazole), cigarettes (Bulgarian BT or the not so good Albanian Gent) or clothes from Polish or East-German tourists. When night fell in the cold seasons (autumn and winter) thousands of villages were left in the dark, on account of the drastic economizing that Ceaușescu's bureaucrats had imposed, whereas goods trains carrying whole grain cars meant for export hurried through railway stations. The situation was not much better in cities and the capital of the country was starting to feel the crisis that got deeper and deeper from one year to the next. The gas pressure was low in the evening, the heat from the radiators and the central heating lasted for a couple of hours in the morning and evening, hot water ran for a few hours at the end of the week (not in every city, though), and saving power meant leaving whole neighborhoods in the dark. After the winter of 1984-1985, I heard Bucharesters complaining of the freezing cold they had to put up with in their flats, converted into fridges, throughout the winter.

One freezing morning, while queuing for milk, I saw a man collapsing on the pavement, dead. He had had a heart attack – people had had to wait for a long time in the cold, starting with 6 am, until the shop opened, so that they could get a bottle or two of milk or a jar of yogurt. After the milk was quickly gone, for the rest of the day the shop turned into a kind of museum. The basic food in most shops was frozen ocean fish and Vietnamese shrimps, and instead of real coffee, people could only drink "nechezol", an indistinct mix of dubious substitutes with a brown color (which was said to have caused countless cases of pancreatic cancer). Nevertheless, the regime claimed to be extremely benevolent towards its citizens and especially towards the workers, whom they claimed to represent like no other regime in history. The cult of Ceaușescu and his illiterate wife, Elena, had become grotesque, and Romanians were forced to applaud and honor the two "beloved children of the people". Some joker launched the joke that Romanians came to resemble the penguins from the North Pole – flapping their wings and feeding on fish. Even the socialist Mitterand, back then the president of France, had to disalign from Ceausescu's regime and limits further contacts with it, in order not to compromise himself.

This was the picture of everyday life in the Socialist Republic of Romania, when, on the 15th of November 1987, the great revolt of the workers from the Red Flag truck factory broke out in Brașov, a historical and beautiful city in the heart of the country. Nobody had expected something of this kind in Ceaușescu's Romania, where the omnipresent political police (the Securitate), like Stalin's NKVD, had a large number of informants and was rigorously monitoring any hostile attitude or dissidence from the line of the communist party and the 'socialist' and 'popular democratic' regime in Bucharest. The great revolt of the workers in Brașov was repressed with an incredible brutality for a state in 20th century Europe, and Europe was unable to do anything to prevent it. However, this revolt of the workers managed to unmask the dictatorship in the country. The political regime that had declared itself 'democratic' and 'of the workers' was neither in reality. It worked only for the benefit of the communist nomenclature, whose lifestyle, through its luxury, privileges and arrogance mimicked the lifestyle of some tribal aristocracy from a third world country. The communist totalitarian regime from Ceaușescu's Romania was nothing but a horrible tyranny, through which a minority was imposing its will on the popular majority, who was forced to eat frozen ocean fish, drink cold water (when there was tap water) and repeatedly applaud Ceausescu's endless demagogic speeches, bearing in silence all imaginable deprivations.

English version by Roxana Doncu
Editorial modification: Raymond Walden

Samstag, 16. November 2019

For American Benefit

Nothing better could happen to the political interests of the USA than the reunification of the economically powerful Germany.
This Germany:
Which was cleared from Russian troops.
Which has just integrated the East without any new common constitution.
Which was not neutralized but prevails as member of the NATO, meanwhile an aggressive and expanding “alliance of defense”.
Which is still under observation by US and British troops in the country.
Which usually is following US politics like a vassal.
Which provides to the USA one of the most important military basis for organizing wars around the globe.
Which is actually forced to improve its military abilities for strengthening NATO activities in the sense of the USA.

But which is rejected a peace treaty by the victors of World War II.

These aspects have to be considered when talking about political independence and self-determination, about Germany's sovereignty.

This country is not the “land of thinkers and poets” but meanwhile a society of climate delusion, delusion of economical growth and of a lot of political confusion, Europe especially, but the whole world as well is already suffering from.

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2019

Brain Exit (Brexit)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (11)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Looking around at the whole globe the world's situation appears hardly amusing: In so many countries life conditions are extremely poor and even more, they are dangerous and destructive. They are destroying humans and nature as if this means the only destination of mankind.

Despite these evils and after the disastrous World War II some European states found together and established an island of moderate progress, wealth and peaceful existence. Of course, more and more states joined this little “El Dorado”, but most of them were not convinced Europeans as they were just looking for their own benefit and profits and did not care about their democratic duties and the keeping up of human rights in their societies.
They cheated the European Union and weakened its position by their inability to common sense, falling back into stupid nationalism instead of strengthening the efforts to a united and stronger European position in the world.
Such is the fatal truth of the European Union.
Brexit” is not only the synonym for “Britain leaving EU”, but “Brexit” also stands for “brain exit” considering the total performance of all the responsible members and their involved politicians.
In this way, without a real concept of unification at present, the EU is no emancipated actor on the stage of world affairs. And so is not one single state in Europe (except Russia, perhaps) on its own.

What the (still) United Kingdom is assigning to its people, to the people of Europe and to the public of the world is exemplary what “brain exit” is leading to. 
But this doesn't describe a European problem only, so, by overcoming those complaints, Europe likely has the chance of a humane startup, if brain will return.
Too optimistic? – But cosmonomic! 


Donnerstag, 23. August 2018

The Ambush in Victory Square

By Daniel Dragomirescu, Bucharest

What happened on 10 August in Victory Square in Bucharest will raise a multitude of questions and will give rise to many ongoing debates. But not only on the subject of the brutal repression of the police and the political links which go right to the top of the PSD-ALDE regime, and not only because of the sufferings inflicted on a large number of citizens, who were in the Square (including a significant number of women, old people and children) to protest in a civilised and peaceful manner against the Government, as happens in any other EU country, where democracy functions properly.

The events of 10 August also contain details which should be studied, debated, clarified and realised in the form of conclusions and directives to follow in the future. The first aspect to review is the idea, even the initiative, to organise such a demonstration. A demonstration of Romanians who work abroad has never been organised in the country before, it’s an absolute first. And as well as it being an absolute first, there’s also the question of the  time chosen for this demonstration, during the month of August, when many people are on holiday, Parliament is not in session, and many of those active in different organisations and state institutions like the magistrates, public prosecutors etc. are away. So one has to ask the question then, why were the people of the diaspora called in to this demonstration?

How much more effective is a demonstration if such a large number of people from the diaspora takes part? Up until now, Romanians living abroad who are appalled by the regressive course of the political regime which has been in place in Bucharest since last year, have participated in demonstrations, whether large or small, in the big cities of the countries where they live and work (France, UK, Germany, Italy etc). Was their presence in such a large number at the demonstration of 10 August in Bucharest considered to be more effective than their supportive presence at the demonstrations abroad; and that it could even clear the way towards a political solution for the present crisis? Difficult to say clearly.

Another oddity is the time chosen for this demonstration. Why would such a big demonstration, right in the middle of summer, here in Bucharest, be more effective than the demonstrations in winter, spring or autumn?

The demonstrators have been reproached, many times, for choosing to come out into the streets at the end of the week, marching in front of the buildings of the most important institutions of the country, which were completely empty at the time, and so gaining  minimum impact on the targeted policy of the current government, which is contrary to the rule of law. On the evening of 10 August 2018, the government building was empty, the First Minister (Dancila) and the other ministers were on holiday: who could the demonstrators have addressed and so, what was the point of making their demands? Who could they have discussed things with, to bring an objective to this great gathering?

Another very curious aspect of the affair concerns the planning and organisation of this important demonstration. The Romanian communities working in all the countries of the European Union were summoned to Bucharest for the 10 August 2018 and, as we have seen, many people responded and came there. They were convinced that things would go well, persuaded that they would be able to influence those in government to change their way of practising politics and to make them stop their attacks against the rule of law, which risks pushing Romania outside the boundary of democratic Europe.

In fact, several organisers began making approaches to Bucharest’s city hall, in order to authorize the demonstration. Sometimes the Mayor seemed to approve, sometimes, on various pretexts, not to give permission. This vacillating attitude of the General Mayor underlines several questions. Why did the Mayor’s office initially refuse its approval and why did it finally return to this decision? Difficult to give a precise reply, since we do not know all the ins and outs of the affair.

However, there are even more questions regarding the people or the entities who were placed as official organisers. After their many approaches to the Mayor General of Bucharest, shortly before 10 August, they all withdrew and refused to take on the role of organisers, a role which they had claimed up till then, by way of recommendation to the public. There is no logic to this way of procedure.

They mobilised the diaspora Romanians, preparing them to come in large numbers to Bucharest to participate in the demonstration, and suddenly they abandoned them, but they did not call off the demonstration. Quite the contrary, they gave out the message that the demonstration could still go ahead even in this highly charged context. This way of procedure, whether deliberate or through a foolish mistake, resembles guides who lead a group of people to a certain place, and for a reason known only to themselves, expose these unprotected people.

From a military point of view, this resembles a tactic consistent with drawing people into an ambush. My grandfather, during the Great War, once found himself in a similar situation. He had a guide from a village in Transylvania to show the Romanian soldiers the way; that man led them all the way to a forest where he abandoned them, and where the company immediately found themselves under intense fire, sustained by sub-machine guns. By good fortune he escaped alive but some of his soldiers were wounded or killed. Such traps may become customary practice during a war with a foreign enemy, but not in peacetime. Not when policemen, Romanians like yourself, who should be there to protect you, come out in force, fully armed, like enemy Austro-Hungarians who wanted to massacre the Romanian soldiers in 1916.

If that’s how it really was, on that black Friday of 10 August 2018 on Victory Square, then the moral to be drawn from it is that in the future, no demonstration should take place in such an improvised way. The false guides must be rejected and the groups of hooligans in the police service, identified and disempowered.

This kind of large scale gathering for peaceful protest, in which Romanians have been involved for more than one and a half years, needs a structured organisation and much more effective measures so that the lives and safety of the participants are not in any way exposed to unacceptable dangers. In order that Romania benefits, like all civilised countries, from a functioning democracy, there is absolutely no need either for new victims or new martyrs. The victims of the communist dictatorship, the ‘terrorists’ of December 1989 and the ‘minors’ of June 1990 are already more than enough, already too unbearable.

English version by Morelle Smith

Mittwoch, 8. August 2018

The Question Mark of our Presence

America first”, this old covered, but from now on propagated truth in eye-catching honesty is bearing indigestible fruit of an intentionally failed new contractual agreement for Europe and the world after the end of World War II.

There is no peace treaty between the former enemies, but for Germany a UN-enemy state clause, the German “Grundgesetz” is no constitution that has been confirmed democratically by the people, and still there are occupation troops in the country, “military bases” that have fatal effects worldwide.

After the significant economic growth of Germany all the not clarified problems become obvious with respect to its national sovereignty and its arising European leading role. Since many years, this is causing confusing, ideologically resinous violations of democracy in Berlin which, of course, have to be subordinate to the U.S. hegemony but which also like to serve them well in the hypocritical construction of particularly the Russian hate figure as well as all the other threat scenarios that allegedly lead mankind to the end of existence and justify any arbitrarily provoked war, including and calculating rigorous paternalism and exploitation, impoverishment, enslavement and destruction.

Nobody should claim for oneself being the incarnation of the good in (world) politics, combined with the condemning of others to be per se the evil and defined plague, never reflecting upon own guilt and failures.

The terror of the world is homemade, fueled and armed by the idiotic rulers of the superpowers and the usually corrupt “chiefs” of the depending medium and small states. Religious and nationalistic combinations are suitable at best for double standards in disguising and pretending the faithful remaining to values that traditionally motivate the people to one war and to the next.

It is felt that such stringent criticism vanishes without effect, because the usual ignorance does not understand, is refusing to know about it putting it right into the drawers of disturbing and secret keeping, or starts organizing the unscrupulous suppression and eradication.

With all the common diplomatic and undiplomatic rustling and roaring there is no hope for a long-range pacification. At the best there will be some pauses of war within the stalemate of mendacity and endangerment like, for example, during the “Cold War” in Germany, respectively in Central Europe.

World War II, indeed, has never ended, but the world was betrayed that there were two sovereign German states. The responsibility for their splitting did not rest with the more primitive East but with the West, even hastily, which also accepted the unjustified complete occupation of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union.
When later the former Soviet Union got weaker, the West took successfully advantage in the pro-capitalistic unification of Germany that now is irritating West and East by its economic, but democracy betraying potency that is growing to the origin of enemy images.
Consensus, as ever since, seems to guide militarists, armament industries and warmongers only, in short: war profiteers.

Cosmonomic philosophy is but powerless, but does not gamble with peace and truth along ideological one-way streets, instead clear perspectives with global and universal orientation are opened in high standard humanity, much superior against the previous inbreeding scales of spirit.

You can work on this, if you will be able in such freedom.
This, certainly, is marking the interdisciplinary question mark of our presence.

Sonntag, 13. August 2017

“Contemporary Literary Horizon”, No 60

What a title for a literary magazine which is now edited for the 60th time and, further more, is raising the claim: “ALL THE WORLD IN A JOURNAL”!
The claim is program because, started as a bilingual journal, long since a multilingualism resulted by the steadily growing number of authors which, from many countries of all continents, contribute to the success of this unique bimonthly periodical.

Poets, editors, essayists, philosophers, journalists, social critics, nature lovers and philanthropists are creating , in liberal independence, an exemplary project of cultural, international-global collaboration as it hardly turns out in world politics, unfortunately.

Initiator and spiritus rector is in Bucharest the Romanian writer, translator, editor and journalist, Daniel Dragomirescu. His untiring commitment, his publishing qualification and his overwhelming sociability, combined with his sharp analyses of political and historical circumstances, are motivation for many authors to look above the own horizon, not at least for their own confirmation.

This beacon “Orizont Literar Contemporan (Contemporary Literary Horizon , CLH) is coming from a Romania that Daniel Dragomirescu describes as follows:
Dominated by political forces for whom real democracy did not matter at all, Romania remained at the periphery of the civilized world, with corrupt politicians, an economic development under its potential, a multitude of plagiarists that turned into ministers overnight … with palaces of hundreds of thousands euro and tens of thousands of socially assisted, with millions of people that are leaving or have already left the country in search of a better life.”

A shameful balance for a country that belongs to the European Union, but is let down by it.
This, for me personally, is also a reason to participate again and again as an author.
On the occasion of the anniversary edition No 60 I congratulate us all, writers as readers and especially Daniel Dragomirescu to whom I feel attached by friendly relationship and philosophically similar views.
He and “his” magazine give honor to liberal ethos, give the pleasure of independent art and they convey also sense to literary work for the benefit of nonviolence and peace in a world of painful turmoil.

Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

Europe's Pretended Democracy

Apart from the geografically determined terminology I call Europe into question.
What is Europe, does it really exist and if, which will the prospects be?
Or is Europe just billowing like an idealistic dream on the one hand and like an unwelcome despotic and exploitative Goddess of the cheating of liberty on the other hand?
European values?
Who bravely dares when and why to define a community of values?
After this European world-history?

The world is hurt by a crushing occidental adventurism that has been performed especially in the name of a religious mission which represents a mentality of conquest and subjection that is encouriging modern but outdated madmen to follow suit.
Culture is put in the shade, if one might speak of culture at all under those disgraceful aspects.

European powers mauled each other, destroyed other peoples and landscapes, made people slaves by an unscrupulousness that is, at present, escalating worldwide as method of ruling and hegemony.
European keys to success are converted naturally into any cultural traditions whereas they address the satisfaction of greed and the stabilisation of violence and  systems of command.

European superiority arose in particular from the so-called age of rationalism which meant remarkable relaxation of religious rigidity, caused by brave intelligences that brought science and technology also in the daily life. But just this material use of the spiritual relaxation enabled the European rulers to more and more destructive military campaigns. They abused systematically the progress which they never could establish by themselves as they were bound to their dogmatic mental limitations.
Being rather upset about the disastrous impacts of the two worldwars several enlightened people developed the idea of a unified and peaceful Europe, but did they have success in really convincing the politicians and the population? Is Europe on a way of growing humanization or do we only watch a new orientation of old power structures, a further deviding between technological progress and traditional spiritual pedantic growth?

First of all there has been an exceptional long and relatively peaceful coexistence of the European states after the last worldwar. Except some compareably local armed engagements there has been silence because of the primary threat by the splitting into East and West with absolute destructive potentials on both sides. After the dissolution of the Eastern block the European Union grew stronger not only by new members but, above all, as the leading economic power on the continent.

The fascinating European idea became impressive reality by the freedom of travelling and movement of persons and goods and by commonplace collaborations that take place meanwhile as routine operations. War between Eu members seems to be absolutely impossible, one might think who isn’t watching so directly.

Europe’s philosophy, however, is marked by an unbearable lethargy of thought which should be named as what it actually is: unprincipled expediency and inability.
Opinion-making in the media and their best networks is accepted as a matter of course, media working frankly against freedom of the press, generating bogeymen, creating desinformation and concealing essential processes and events.
The European Union is neither a confederation nor a state union of equal members but is following the dictatorship of the capital which is concentrated in a few member states. Without a common constitution the EU is implementing rediculous dicisions of the European Commission like the meanwhile revised standard of the curvature of cucumbers or the valid regulation on light bulbs. A giant parliament is serving as a pseudo-democratic administrative bureaucracy designing and approving laws in favour of banks and the lobbies of oil companies and arms producers.
Traditional exploitation of the Third or Second World is part of the secret but intended procedure camouflaged by inandequate development aid or poor commercial privileges. Weapons and war are profitable business and set the course even in company  of undemocratic ruling systems, integration of rotten religious world views and the keeping on “Christian Values” that have approved as murderous state doctrines since 2000 years support with an antiquated raison of the society which lags more and more desperately behind technological progress.

Democracy and transparency are stopped ideologically by a directed religion of climate-fear-production and by a particularly German so-called “Energiewende” an absurd turnaround in energy policy. Both startegies are targeting of fat-cat payouts of every single citizen – a senseless doing of business that doesn’t appreciate and protect nature but burdens it.

Concerning rigour and unscrupulousness in enforcing capitalistic profit and growth the USA is at first position worldwide. Second is the EU which delivers the explanation for her success that is regarded by people especially in poorer countries with fictious glorification.
Of course, life will be quite comfortable in the USA or in the EU, if one has an income to dispose of, and if the person is an opportinistic or naïve fellow traveller and dogooder. If a person isn’t  in harmony with the “standard”, the exclusion will vary according to the divergence of the critical thinking by covered conceiling up to public condemnation and denunciation or even criminal prosecution.

By no means the European Union is indicating an open-minded (cosmopolitan) society but caused the establishing of numerous smaller states just in younger history, she brings nationalistic and separatist small-mindednesses into the arena and creates home-made Europhobia. The reason is in fundamental diversities concerning economic and currency affairs as well as social and foreign policy.
Some member states belong to NATO, others stay officially neutral – a mixture that culminates in Germany – which let us not forget – as there has been no peace treaty since 1945, as there is no constitution approved by the people and as there is still the enemy state clause of the UN Charta.
The unjustified war against Iraque was fought by the USA essentially from military bases in Germany where the occupators also store American nuclear weapons. (Of course, the occupation will not be called that officially towards the USA because of Germany’s vassalage.)

The enevitable question arises as to wether there is a democratic legitimation of the EU: Can the existence of this alliance of states be justified by a dictation of the capital and by the arbitrariness of administration in Brussels?

As a grandiose idea of humanity Europe, at present, is suffering from an enormous treason – and there are nowhere brave opinion leaders and philosophers bringing this to an end.
Secret services, large companies, economic strategists and war ideologists are preventing the boldest approaches on human dignity and freedom.
Some parts of Europe are performing in complacent satisfation, growth oriented and saturated. At the same time it is ignored how Africa, Latin America, large parts of Asia and even own EU members are left behind.

Up to now Europe is not able literally to jump over her antiquated shadows and to take up really humane changes such as, for example, they are drafted up in the Cosmonomic Manifesto.
Instead of this a secret and so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is negotiated with the USA. Undemocratic the methods and undemocratic the substance!
We know similar contemptuous proceedings at the Bilderberg Conferences. 
European parliament elections appear as farces against such backgrounds, as higher national dulling and camouflage of an actual decline in democracy.