Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021

To make it clear ... (CG35)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (35)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

near the end of the year:

Waves of violence keep rolling around the globe

being stirred up by ideology and delusion,

closing all shutters against enlightenment and hope,

polluting mankind with esoteric and confusion.

There is no redemption by religion and superstition,

no healing of pandemics by chaotic actions,

no peace because of mountains of weapons just ready for ignition,

addicted to racism and nationalistic fractions,

under-educated, always forced eagerly to fight.

No cosmonomic alternatives officially in sight!

Consider this

that's the world of mankind as it is.

Do you really want to stay in this status of blissful ignorance?

You're invited to think like A Real Cosmonomer (ARC).




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