Freitag, 21. August 2020

Inner Emigration


Cosmonomic Glimpse (18)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Ever since in mankind history

enlightenment has survived by inner emigration only.

The common “Interim Humans” have no idea of it,

they do not understand

because they want to believe

they want to be governed and lead by their adequate

Presidents, Chancellors, Kings and Popes

and their adjutants

who know in all

what is right

what has to be right

how to preach and insist

and how to punish any doubts

or exterminate any dissidents.


every Cosmonomer,

Pacifist, Cosmopolitan and Freethinker

is symbolizing an Island

within a tremendously roaring crowd

of inhumanity.

Take good care of yourself, my friend.

It is ours to live exemplarily in peace

and dignity

whenever and wherever we have the opportunity.



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