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Posts mit dem Label Cosmonomy werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 16. Mai 2021

Human Lifestyle Has To Change (CG28)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (28)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Yes, dear fellow humans, we urgently have to change our lifestyle worldwide, because up to now we are traditionally destroying our own species, our surrounding nature – our planet and we have started even to pollute the near cosmic space.

Only reason for this are primitive selfish greed for money possession and power over our near and global neighbors – real stupid behaviors which often are justified by strange ideological ideas and religious hallucinations of being chosen by any “Gods” of very different regional characters.

So first act is: To develop a consciousness of modesty.

Second act is: To remember natural laws, to explore them reliably and to use them carefully for the benefit of global humanity.

Third act is: To avoid superstition, esoteric, religion and ideology, to ban them out of scientific and political decisions.

Democratic principles of freedom have proven to be best for the human individual as well as for a humane society, based on causality, logic and empathy, in short: rooted in enlightenment, in sound self-confidence maintaining strong against fake news, disinformation, panic preachers and doomsday prophecies.

This, dear readers everywhere, is a cosmonomic concern!

Mittwoch, 28. April 2021

Never wait for Godot


By Daniel Dragomirescu, Bucharest, Romania

Dedicated to a Cosmonomic World”

Never wait for Godot in Beckett's drama

As Estragon & Vladimir.

Never think the Evil will fall down by itself.

Or by mercy of a providential man.

The providential man doesn't exist.

Never let down your arms,

Never say goodbye to this world

Before this world is to say goodbye to you.

Godot has been a pure yarn-spinning tale

Since millions of years

for hungry men without arms.

Sonntag, 4. April 2021

Do you really think (CG27)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (27)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Do you really think that the natural landscape you are living in does distinguish between colors of skin, among colors of flags, preferring certain languages?

Are you strictly convinced to belong to a chosen people by any “God” or ideology?

If so, you will never understand only one aspect or the intention of Cosmonomy.


Maybe you feel the power and find it intelligent to think it over?

You are welcome!


Freitag, 1. Januar 2021

At Least (CG22)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (22)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

As mankind keeps growing

humanity is flowing


falling into decay.

Liberty seems to be out of date,

people create and elect their own dictatorship

which they love and, of course, hate

because they are led by disinformation

out of liberal self-consciousness into a strange constellation

of old religion, new pseudo-science and doomsday trip.

But fear

is no humane beginning

of a New Year.

No “Thousand-Year-Reich”

or any thousand-year long kingdom will ever

open any really civilized perspective

to human spirit

which is of individual classes

and not of indoctrinated masses.

Learning, while soberly thinking and honestly dealing,

no arbitrary play with statistics,

no getting lost in mystics

but keeping clear and trustful in mind and feeling.

These are cosmonomic intentions only.

May they encourage freedom and inner peace,

at least.

Take good care of yourself and your beloved ones.

Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2020

Lock-Down in Germany (CG21)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (21)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

This date, December 16th, 2020 is a historic day not only for Germany but for mankind at all.

One of the most liberal states of the Globe, the Federal Republic of Germany, has been locked-down today by its own incompetent government because of Corona pandemic hysteria.

Pure panic is ruining the up-to-now flourishing economy, the culture and education and, particularly, humane freedom, self-determination and human dignity.

Again, after many years of openness, we are facing dictatorship in this country, senseless restrictions and indoctrination spreading media.

Responsible as chief of this disaster is the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel who is praising her ruling repeatedly as “without alternative” which, in fact, is meaning an outrage of stupidity concerning Germany as well as the European Union and many other countries worldwide, finally all people who are in favor of an independent democratic life.

According to survey results the majority of the German people do agree with the government. No wonder! Critics are officially defamed as NAZIS or followers of world conspiracy theories and, for example, are expelled from their professional positions.

Germany, like all the antidemocratic societies in the world, is far away from any Cosmonomic enlightenment.

Mittwoch, 25. November 2020

Power of an End? (CG20)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (20)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Is this the power of an end?

The world is going mad!

You may say:

Don't mind, it has always moved like that.”

O no, it's different now,

because for the first time the whole world

goes mad in the same manner,

on the same subject,

at the same time,

forcing the people to same restrictions

demanding less vitality,

preaching distance to one another

as well as to the sick and old humans,

even to the dying beloved ones.

        No doubt is allowed,

        punishment is rising

as politicians – not objective sciences – are claiming

the one and only truth

which, nevertheless, is changing almost daily

by chance and by arbitrariness.

But the naive believers and followers

are torturing themselves in furious anxiety

and, obviously, have forgotten

what self-determination is meaning

in a free and democratic society.

This, my cosmonomic friend – wherever in the world –,

may evolve the power to turn mankind upside down.

Democracy is loosing a dirty game

because of own failures and frauds

again and again throughout the globe.

This is the dawning of cosmonomic inspiration!

Montag, 28. September 2020

A Real Cosmonomer (ARC)


If you know (not many do so) that logic is relevant

and causality is meaning reality,

you will become lonesome even when you are living

in a vivid city with millions of inhabitants,

because the masses do not want to know.

It is easier to believe in stories, particular in fakes

than to learn about real facts

and to deal with them responsibly.

It is more simple and comfortable to listen

permanently to preachers and demagogues,

multiplied by depending media,

than to explore and think on your own.

Of course, one should have learned this before,

but there are mighty religions and ideologies

that keep even the youngest ones away from learning

teaching them fairy-tale wisdom and pure lies

forbidding anyone that humane

dangerous for the propagandists –

free thinking.

So the betrayed ones are not guilty, anyway!

They may live with best intentions

but he whole world is suffering from these ideologies

stepping from one war into another,

dying because of poverty and from starvation all around

whereas the story tellers and their opportune fellows

are celebrating their profits.

You, as a free humane human, are stirring up

these scenarios, but I needn't tell you,

because you know already

and – hopefully – are prepared

for your life in self-determination

staying upright and honest, friendly and liberal,

being true to yourself always as

A Real Cosmonomer (ARC).

© Raymond Walden (ARC)

If you feel like “A Real Cosmonomer”, you may use this acronym ARC as well.



Freitag, 21. August 2020

Inner Emigration


Cosmonomic Glimpse (18)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Ever since in mankind history

enlightenment has survived by inner emigration only.

The common “Interim Humans” have no idea of it,

they do not understand

because they want to believe

they want to be governed and lead by their adequate

Presidents, Chancellors, Kings and Popes

and their adjutants

who know in all

what is right

what has to be right

how to preach and insist

and how to punish any doubts

or exterminate any dissidents.


every Cosmonomer,

Pacifist, Cosmopolitan and Freethinker

is symbolizing an Island

within a tremendously roaring crowd

of inhumanity.

Take good care of yourself, my friend.

It is ours to live exemplarily in peace

and dignity

whenever and wherever we have the opportunity.



Montag, 6. April 2020

The Crisis of Mankind

Being asked by my Romanian friend, Daniel Drogomirescu, editor of the international magazine “Contemporary Literary Horizon”, for an article about my sincere opinion about the present crisis of the world, reduced only to the reasons of the CONVID 19 health problems, I hesitated at first because I am not a “wise” man who knows answers to the many of questions.
But – on the other hand – I know plenty of questions that are not asked and, subsequently, are not answered – because of various reasons. So I am going to put some of these questions on the tablet hoping that one or another can be answered by itself, just by clearly speaking it out.
I suggest three categories of questions concerning 1) economy, 2) ideology, 3) democracy
which may stand for the foundations of society as well as for the state organization.

  1. Which of the economically important states does not follow the irrelevant doctrine of permanent and infinite economic growth on our limited planet?
  2. Does any of these states really care about the poor districts, slums and ghettos where millions of humans are suffering?
  3. How many of these states deal with weapons instead of helping the poor countries with civil goods?
  4. Is there a difference between capitalist or communist exploitation?
  5. Does any of the preachers of economic growth calculate the amount of rubbish and its necessary clearing?
  6. Do the industrialized populations take notice of low wages or even slavery in the poor countries where international companies let produce the wares that are sold at cheapest prices in the capitalist home countries?

  1. Is there any state without ideology or religion, without indoctrination but with enlightenment instead?
  2. Is there a difference between ideology and nationalism, even racism and the faith of being chosen by any “God”?
  3. Which ideology can be confirmed by objective science?
  4. Does ideology serve or hurt human rights?
  5. Isn't ideology nothing else but an instrument of ruling and patronizing the citizens?
  6. Isn't ideology the precondition for all the wars ever?

  1. Democracy is depending on humans' education and self-consciousness. Where on this planet is this condition a really fulfilled fact?
  2. Isn't democracy just a great pretending as the actual governors are finance bosses or clergymen or other ideologists, often acting from behind?
  3. Is there any country on the globe where the leading media don't serve the state reason that is always updated by the present rulers – however they have come into power?
  4. What about violence? Don't the “democratic societies” tolerate and support violence by delivering weapons, by turning over foreign governments, by doing contracts with terrorists, by trading with inhumane regimes?
  5. Are the common people prepared for democracy which also means responsibility, fair competition and humanity as well as the shelter of flora and fauna?
  6. Aren't democracy and freedom deformed into global greed of “free trade” with even undemocratic own justice, at first following the intention of “devil may care” or “let us hope for a better life in the hereafter”?

So – in general – it is possible that a pandemic like COVID 19 is shocking mankind all over the globe, independently from any political systems which all in the same way feel in substantial danger. Though the systems are even bloody competitors they are working all in the same manner: exploiting people and nature for the benefit of the ruling classes. These classes are identically narrow-minded and unprepared for any unexpected challenge like a new virus and their first thoughts are how to assure their position keeping in wealth and power.
Best way is to calm people down by creating activism up to hysteria making them anxious so that they accept quarantine, total control of their private lives, causing financial chaos and at last forcing the individual into dictatorship because of the urgent recovery of the state which has been ruined by massive incompetent decisions before, just to cope with the disease.

There are hardly any international scientific collaborations but national egoistic restrictions,
distrusting the neighbors – even within political coalitions like the European Union or within federal structures like the USA or Germany where low-minded dissents become obvious.

The current ideologies of the globe are all aware of their lying, betraying, their cheating and criminal as well military actions. They know about their failures and they know as well that the technical progress is more and more debunking their egoistic rapes of mankind and their omissions of scientific preventive measures and sustainability.
COVID 19 blames them all who failed and who are now struggling for keeping up their “careless” system.
The people, as it has been always, will have to pay the price for all the politically incompetent campaigns which, above all, will weaken democracy, human liberty and which are destroying humane social structures, welfare and the economical basis of the state turning back gradually to totalitarian habits.
More people will suffer much more from the inefficient actions of lacking causality and from the not coordinated decisions all over the world than from the actual disease.
Do the numerous so-called experts, contradicting themselves and each other, really know in whose interest they are proclaiming and interpreting arbitrary statistics giving advice to ignorant politicians?
Maybe the whole situation is a hint for consideration: Democracy and freedom, in their vulnerable status of just beginning rarely, and civilized culture could find their end by caused hysteria, panic and disorientation in global error and not only by the usual nationalism and war even.
More than ever before there is an urgent need for new social behaviors, the old values of double standards can't be defended any more as the world population is increasing and with it the demand for emancipation.
My suggestion is called Cosmonomy


Dienstag, 24. März 2020

Turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto

You know someone said,
there's a land of the free,
but it was a fake, it wasn't true.
Nowhere in the world, I am afraid,
is a state, you can see
that, for God's sake, is steered by a democratic crew.
Because there are always boasting preachers of 'mighty' thirst
telling the world, we are first.

And most of the poor and discordant nations have to bow without willing,
the stronger ones are strengthening by armament,
trying out their weapons at any time wherever, just for killing,
prepared and voted for by puppets of parliament.

How much of lying, hunger and bloodshed can the planet stand?
Mankind is overcrowded at the end!
Permanent economic growth and greedy capitalism
even with religions, esoterism and irrationalism up to communism.

The individual does not count,
ideologies are telling what is science, what is right,
humanity is cheated, liberty mistreated, no pause during night,
propaganda all day long …
but the Earth, like other planets, will keep spinning around
and the Sun shines on a mankind doing wrong.

So, dear contemporaries, you might think I'm falling into agony – you are thinking wrong. Because of the evils I've mentioned above I politely created my Cosmonomic Philosophy.
You want to know what Cosmonomy is?
Visit my blog (but most of it in the German language) and read it carefully, it is complex like human life.
For a first impression you may turn to the Cosmonomic Manifesto.

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2019

Brain Exit (Brexit)

Cosmonomic Glimpse (11)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Looking around at the whole globe the world's situation appears hardly amusing: In so many countries life conditions are extremely poor and even more, they are dangerous and destructive. They are destroying humans and nature as if this means the only destination of mankind.

Despite these evils and after the disastrous World War II some European states found together and established an island of moderate progress, wealth and peaceful existence. Of course, more and more states joined this little “El Dorado”, but most of them were not convinced Europeans as they were just looking for their own benefit and profits and did not care about their democratic duties and the keeping up of human rights in their societies.
They cheated the European Union and weakened its position by their inability to common sense, falling back into stupid nationalism instead of strengthening the efforts to a united and stronger European position in the world.
Such is the fatal truth of the European Union.
Brexit” is not only the synonym for “Britain leaving EU”, but “Brexit” also stands for “brain exit” considering the total performance of all the responsible members and their involved politicians.
In this way, without a real concept of unification at present, the EU is no emancipated actor on the stage of world affairs. And so is not one single state in Europe (except Russia, perhaps) on its own.

What the (still) United Kingdom is assigning to its people, to the people of Europe and to the public of the world is exemplary what “brain exit” is leading to. 
But this doesn't describe a European problem only, so, by overcoming those complaints, Europe likely has the chance of a humane startup, if brain will return.
Too optimistic? – But cosmonomic! 


Freitag, 11. Oktober 2019

Thinking Cosmonomically

Cosmonomic Glimpse (10)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Thinking cosmonomically does not depend on nationality, not on nationalism, not on religion and not on ideology.
It is based on human dignity, on humanity, on liberal emancipation and on clearly derived natural law.
It is bound to peace and cosmopolitan philosophy.

Cosmonomy doesn't support modernistic mass fantasies, pseudo religions, esoterism, pseudo sciences or believing in any claim for being selected.
So the cosmonomic view has its origin, by comparison, in an orbital height above the planet and not in narrow-minded earthly low-lying areas of confusion.
Cosmonomy is standing in consequent opposition to any claims for apocalyptic scenarios and their self-elected redeemers.

Causality doesn't mean just a picture of the world but a forcing natural principle as sciences are no matter of democratic majority votes.

Those who are denying such facts may count in millions but they are out of competence and surely will be tomorrow's losers.

Fridays for Future”! What a bad omen.
Friday is widely believed by Christians to be the day of crucifixion. 


Sonntag, 8. September 2019


Cosmonomic Glimpse (9)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Imagine people of being like this:
Free from violence,
free from racism,
free from nationalism,
free from religion,
free from esotericism and superstition,
free from pseudo-religious ideology,
free from hatred and greed,
free from militarism and warmongering.

Imagine them of
being bound to humanity,
being bound to honesty,
being bound to shelter life and nature,
being bound to enjoy life responsibly,
being bound to take care for the weak and poor,
being bound to learning and working,
being bound to self-thinking.

Think of people who
trust in causality and logic,
trust in objective and serious sciences,
trust in true feelings,
trust in tasty eating and drinking,
trust in joyful sex in respectful partner emancipation,
trust in healthcare without social differences,
trust in free culture and clean sports,
trust in equal rights yearning for peace around the Globe.

And you think they all were dreamers?
Oh, think again!
Overcome your disappointments about the world.
Try this step to a cosmonomic free life,
to your self-evaluation, your self-determination as possible
within the suffering Mankind.

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2019

The Truth in Science

Cosmonomic Glimpse (8)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

As long as judges, juries, priests and ideological politicians are deciding – inquisition-like – what is to be “correct” scientifically, what is to be truth in the laws of nature, the society remains enslaved, unable to enlightenment and emancipated liberal democracy.
Everything, even stultification has its logical cause.

Solange Richter, Juroren, Geistliche und Polit-Ideologen, ähnlich der Inquisition, bestimmen, was naturwissenschaftlich "korrekt" zu sein hat, was Wahrheit innerhalb der Naturgesetze sein muss, bleibt die Gesellschaft versklavt, unfähig zur Aufklärung und zu emanzipierter und freiheitlicher Demokratie.
Alles, auch die Verdummung hat ihre logische Ursache.

Freitag, 17. Mai 2019

The Dictator

Cosmonomic Glimpse (7)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

First the becoming dictator declares the “state of emergency”, then follows the enabling statute as the stab in the back for democracy.

The method works on all levels, at all times as most people are just thoughtless believers who, afterwards, may claim their innocence: “I did not know this, I did not take part!”
Some may even tell the truth, but by far the most of them are cheeky liars.

Liberal enlightened Cosmonomic thinking – causal and logical – is needed to keep the democratic society alive.
Or even better: To establish Democracy, as there is not one real honest democratic government in the world!

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2019

Cosmopolitan, Pacifist, European – Daydreamer?

Another question: Nationalist, militarist?

Additional question: Which indoctrinated ideology is compatible with the principles of emancipation and democracy, with the logic of humanity and non-violence?

Insistence: Which nationalism is getting on without deceitfully constructed hate figures, without callous racism? Which army does not lead any human intelligence ad absurdum by blind obedience?

Inexorability: Which delusion of being chosen by any “God” is getting on without slavery, torture and murder?

The history of the world, up to the very present day, is, because of immaturity and the lack of education and because of manifold indoctrination, a document of mankind in the error of violence.
Humanity and emancipated human rights are out of government because of totalitarian ideologies and religions.
By far, most people of mankind live in intellectual distress and, arising from this, in physical suffering.
Accordingly to this, the philosophical enlightenment, as a possible alternative, appears modest and powerless, and apart from this doesn't have any official and social recognition in any state of the globe, let alone a ruling position. There are only few regions on Earth where enlightened opinions can be expressed without danger for heart and soul of the enlightened authors!
Facing rapid technological achievements mankind has to give answer very frankly: Continuing as before, with open eyes right into the abyss or perhaps better, reflection on new orientation?
For the latter option only enlightenment is coming into question, maybe similar to the Cosmonomic Manifesto.
But first we have to clear up fundamentally a misunderstanding: “Religious freedom” as, for example, guaranteed by UN Human Rights, cannot mean “arbitrary religious despotism” within the state publicity. Religion exclusively has to be limited to the private sphere, considering the private sphere of others. Consistent religious neutrality or rather independence of state from religion appears as a mandatory reorientation for a peaceful human togetherness. This applies likewise to ideologies similar to religion and to pervasive esoteric pseudo-sciences.

The mental reorientation never can succeed by warlike aggressiveness. For example, a Cosmonomic social system does not need any arsenal of offensive weapons, because of the self-understanding, any aggressive war maintains forbidden. But pacifism doesn't intend to watch an aggressor's disgraceful work of destruction and remain uninvolved, instead it means actually to be prepared for superior defense. This explicitly includes proactive, consistently honest politics of deescalation and further more, a most modern arms technology that doesn't have anything in common with foolish and traditional militarism but could as well serve as a general and common civil protection. In future, for instance, there is no need of nuclear rockets, of submarines and tanks to paralyze the complete energy supply and infrastructure of an aggressor and to blight his attack.

Any liberal value society is obliged to resist inner as well as outer destruction, if it will not, from the start, open the door for its own extermination: It has to defend itself undeniably, but it doesn't need to be able to attack or even conquer. Pacifism still doesn't represent patient defenselessness but intellectual superiority and material preventive measures for a preferably unbeatable self-determination, in other words, defense and nothing else.

European Perspective?
Before speaking of a European perspective Europe first has to define itself to identify with itself.
The European Union, as a blown up and flighty loose alliance, can exist rather badly so far only because there is much more devastating hullabaloo on the big international stage as mankind is remaining mentally in the primitive middle ages, despite scientific and technological innovations.
The small European single states don't have the lowest prospect of a cultural and economical success against the mass populations of China and India or against the power centers of the USA and Russia.
The European alliance of the EU, consisting of partly small-minded nationalistic and unworldly strangers and of some slightly more potential medium-power states which are spoiling their possibilities by historical retrogression, has to recognize at last that there is only one way to bring security, wealth, self-confidence and international competitiveness to the people of this continent: The consistent founding of a new European state as “The United States of Europe” with a liberal, democratic and federal constitution.
There is no lost of culture and identity of the member states by federalism but definitely the contrary: Bundling the rich heritage and the power of all facets while knowing about peace among each other and trusting in the international force to the outside world.

From the diversity within such a state open mindedness is derived , cosmopolitan self-consciousness is justified as well under the awareness of being part of the whole globe. This participation encourages to preserve and develop cultural and scientific acquis and, for the benefit of the total globe, not to misplay them in a provincial manner but to assert them internationally and work with them forward-looking against any attempts of destruction in favor of peace, non-violence and the fulfillment of the Human Rights.

Maybe – for just a sleepy and religious and ideologically constrained society with egoistic demands.

As a cosmopolitan, as pacifist and German European I do see this different, that is to say: We have the consistent option of becoming more humane in the name of humanity.
The Cosmonomic Manifesto is my contribution in this sense.

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

War Devours People

Humans, under pressure and/or voluntarily, are showing their most unnatural behaviors and their immoral self-consciousness by planning and performing wars.
War devours intelligence first and then the whole person at all.

War always is broken from the fence for nationalist purposes. Sentences like “America first”, “Rule Britannia”, “The world should adopt the German approach” are even traditional and stand exemplarily for many more such slogans everywhere in the world.

It is not uncommon to construct, for the public, “much needed defense measures”, although more honest and more respectable concepts of avoiding wars are possible, but they don't go conform to the strategies of weaponry and war profiteers and , of course, are not in agreement with fundamentally ideological fantasies of superiority and claims of domination.
Cosmonomic philosophy, independent from all common world views, recognizes, above all, the right and the duty to protect life and no right to kill and to enslave humans, both latter evils particular as results of military blind obedience.

No right-minded person in the “civilized” world would advocate cannibalism. But war means ideological cannibalism, mostly justified by hunger for power and racist losses of mind.
Not until nobody will indulge in war any longer, a civilization will be reached that can stand firm, in the original meaning of the word.
The road to that point is leading via consequent rejection of war at all levels of sociopolitical life: in politics, in economy, in science, in education, in arts and literature, in the media, in short: in liberal emancipation.
By fulfillment only of this magnificent commission a resilient peace can be striven for and can be kept.
There is nothing more worthwhile for the intelligent human than this condition for also personal happiness, a happiness that no ideology and no religion can deny.
This happiness is a human right.
It is to be defended intellectually and wittily during every-day life against the main opponent of peace which is stupidity.
The superiority is consisting of proactive avoid of war by support of creating confidence and by no means military build-ups which embody nothing else but a permanent causal circle of murder, a sustained discard of humans to cannon fodder.

Pseudo-democrats who want to prove themselves but fail, and their cheating the people lead to repeated reorientation to the old nationalism of exclusion and enemy images.

The spirit of the Cosmonomic Manifesto disagrees with this decidedly and universally.
But the support for this freedom can be imparted through convincing own example only.
Responsible Citizen! Become an adult.
You aren't a “child” any longer. Earn and grant respect by cosmonomically liberal thinking and acting!
The human may overcome the immature interim stadiums of his development.

Samstag, 30. Dezember 2017

"First" is Last

Who do you think you are:
First ?

Last !
Whoever, wherever, is believing in being first as a nation, as a people, a single person, or a religious community, is the least
that mankind is not needing at all.

Mankind is first !

You don't understand?
Yes, I thought so.
My words are dedicated to encourage enlightened people who think about a cosmonomic life in dignity, freedom and emancipation
first and further.

Mittwoch, 6. September 2017

Being Independent For Advocating Liberty

One may reflect on “liberty” endlessly, up to now it has not been enough to reach a global or regional breakthrough.
Whether it will happen ever, one may negate in light of present times, but human intelligence has been good for surprises again and again.

We must know that freedom is not to be defined by subjective feelings, but there is a need of objective criteria to establish commonly binding recognition and acceptance. Requirements for such a cooperation, however, are exceeding most of the sociopolitical options as well as those of possibly intended concepts of the future.
Advocating freedom realistically can only be an individual effort of solving the well-known dilemma.

It is not about to abrade oneself or others in “freedom wars” but, remaining true to oneself, to practice non-violence and love of peace. Imprisoned or assassinated advocates of liberty are missing consequently afterwards when convincing and liberal thinking and acting is needed.

Calling reasonably for liberty demands for own personal independence and qualification not to fall victim to possible destroying reprisals by employers and chiefs. Maintaining a livelihood should be certain, time and informality should be given as true humanity, of course, information sources and learning ability are essential. The convincing own example but not own contradictions are serving as a basis for discussing questions.
Are those criteria missing, one should act cautiously in public, in one's own interest and that of the near social surroundings, one should not expose oneself to the versatile bullet storm of ideological enemies of freedom and their opportunistic accomplices.

No war ever has been reasonable, every war means pressure culminating in the effacement of life!
This, certainly, is realized by the spirit only that is marked by independent freedom!

Systems of unfreedom can be curbed by true transparent, forward-thinking and consequent politics only and not at all by military upgrading and encirclements or even by preceding armament supplies that invite directly to unscrupulous escalations of violence.
War always and solely is unfreedom on all sides due to ideological dictatorship and ideologized stupidity.

True transparent, forward-thinking and consequent politics”?
A fata morgana, you may reply sarcastically.
But fact is: Powers that call themselves liberal ever and ever built up first their war opponents because of profit-greedy trading. And this principle is continued today in unchanged manner.
Thus voices of freedom are not welcome. They are hushed, are excluded in some other ways or are removed.

Liberty is living in many humans but is proclaimed euphorically even by the unfree, is perverted by brainwash of massive scale.
This is the sharpened barbarism in the world.

Liberal enlightenment like, for example, the cosmonomic philosophy has to reflect this in realistic caution to survive with dignity at least in its beginnings.
The target is the life and not the death, all the efforts are dedicated to humane living and its ongoing development and not to the always unilateral claim of “morally relevant sacrifices” of torturing and killing individual persons and entire nations.

The apparent calling for freedom on the basis of downright unrestrained armament and warmongering characterizes so far the endless captivity of mankind in its tragic unenlightenment.