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Posts mit dem Label Interim Human werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 3. April 2024

Guilty Sacrifices (CG60)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (60)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Those who are just inventing stories about peace because they actually want to have war, will get it as they themselves will become the cause of it, will turn themselves into guilty sacrifices and will tear with them countless peaceable people on the battle fields and within the urban civilization.

War is the belittled imprecation of the characteristic interim human who, by all means, is creating activities that can petrify him as the final point of any further humane development.

Cosmonomy is stressing out the totally different thinking and hoping for mankind!

And here the additional German version:

Mit Schuld beladene Opfer

Die von Frieden nur fabulieren, weil sie eigentlich Krieg haben wollen, werden ihn bekommen, denn sie selbst werden zur Ursache, machen sich selbst zu schuldigen Opfern und reißen mit sich unzählige friedfertige Menschen auf den Schlachtfeldern wie in der urbanen Zivilisation.

Krieg ist der verniedlichte Fluch des charakteristischen Interimsmenschen, der durchaus Aktivitäten aufzubringen vermag, die ihn als Endpunkt jeglicher menschlichen Fortentwicklung versteinern.

Kosmonomie unterstreicht das völlig andere Denken und Hoffen für die Menschheit!

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023

Cosmonomy As Inner Attitude (CG46)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (46)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

The Interim Human, in his overwhelming majority, is not prepared for coping with liberty, democracy and emancipation because his life depends on religion, ideology, superstition, pseudoscience and propaganda – in other words: His view of the world is narrow-minded and caused by lack of education, by missing experience and knowledge and also by greed and poverty even.

Within those chaotic structures of societies there are always enough unscrupulous characters which are founding ruling elites betraying the masses and forcing them by radical violence, feeding them with stupidity that is spreading largely from the governors' brains.

Thus – in short – is the explanation of the global mankind status quo.

Cruel but true.

Humane and intelligent people must consider this intensively while searching their own valuable niche, for a life in eagerness for learning and understanding, for a life in dignity and responsibility – for a new look at life.

Cosmonomy is not a doctrine, but may be an offer for distinguished thinking.

The Cosmonomic Manifesto => here

German original => hier

In Spanish => de esta

Donnerstag, 29. September 2022

The Here And Now Of „Our“ World


There has never been a true and real democracy, they all are and were deceitful. Thus the actual terrifically fast but nearly soundlessly happening disintegration of the so-called democracies can be explained.

They fall victim to their own incompetence, but in no way being clearly aware of these processes.

Similar dust was in concern at that time when the establishing of the actual semi-democracies took place which, at the end, has been a dictation act of the military victor powers performing themselves as democrats but – in the sense of the word – have never been ones and have not become ones to this very day.

Of course, not even a bogus morality can prevail on self-deception and mendacity. And this is the Here And Now of “0ur” world as it has always been alike in learning inability and in spitefulness of even academic heads and of nerds anyway. There is no recipe against. Cosmonomic approaches could indicate perspectives at least, but the question arises: Are new perspectives wanted at all? Or is their necessity denied even?

Mankind has been waiting for enlightenment since centuries whereas it doesn't count neither the epochs of devastation, the localities nor the sacrifices, it is counting instead consistently on Gods, on their proconsuls, on their (medial) propagandists, on their exploiters and torturers. The Interim Human, as only a precursor of a developed humanity, is getting permanently lost in warmongering, arming and slaughtering each other using hypocritical arguments of excessive stupidity sounded in blatant lack of education, in lack of empathy and social awareness, in lack of objective cosmopolitan humanity.

Dawn of a new way? – No land in sight!

End of the world? – All kinds of ideologies and religions are “praying” for it, I don't “pray”, as a Cosmonomer, but I am looking for causal knowledge and do declare all “world saviors” mad. The world is much more than the Interim Human only.




Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2022

Warmongers at Work (CG37)


Cosmonomic Glimpse (37)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Ultimate Strategic Armament (“USA”) requires use of the weapons, requires war preparations at any time, in any parts of the world: Warmongers at work!

Within the traditionally aggressive Armada:

NATO, especially Brexit-Island and US-Vassal-Germany.


There is no reason to close one's eyes while facing the violations of Human Rights by the others, especially China and Russia and their political satellites.

Peace” seems to be from an Alien World, incapable for the Interim-Human.


Did you ever hear from Cosmonomy?

And if, did you ever think about it?

Peace”, there, is no Alien word though still a kind of a futuristic one.

Because the Interim-Human cannot even imagine real peace, is not really wanting it heartily. Cosmonomers do!

Freitag, 21. August 2020

Inner Emigration


Cosmonomic Glimpse (18)

from a Viewpoint of Liberty

Ever since in mankind history

enlightenment has survived by inner emigration only.

The common “Interim Humans” have no idea of it,

they do not understand

because they want to believe

they want to be governed and lead by their adequate

Presidents, Chancellors, Kings and Popes

and their adjutants

who know in all

what is right

what has to be right

how to preach and insist

and how to punish any doubts

or exterminate any dissidents.


every Cosmonomer,

Pacifist, Cosmopolitan and Freethinker

is symbolizing an Island

within a tremendously roaring crowd

of inhumanity.

Take good care of yourself, my friend.

It is ours to live exemplarily in peace

and dignity

whenever and wherever we have the opportunity.



Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

War Devours People

Humans, under pressure and/or voluntarily, are showing their most unnatural behaviors and their immoral self-consciousness by planning and performing wars.
War devours intelligence first and then the whole person at all.

War always is broken from the fence for nationalist purposes. Sentences like “America first”, “Rule Britannia”, “The world should adopt the German approach” are even traditional and stand exemplarily for many more such slogans everywhere in the world.

It is not uncommon to construct, for the public, “much needed defense measures”, although more honest and more respectable concepts of avoiding wars are possible, but they don't go conform to the strategies of weaponry and war profiteers and , of course, are not in agreement with fundamentally ideological fantasies of superiority and claims of domination.
Cosmonomic philosophy, independent from all common world views, recognizes, above all, the right and the duty to protect life and no right to kill and to enslave humans, both latter evils particular as results of military blind obedience.

No right-minded person in the “civilized” world would advocate cannibalism. But war means ideological cannibalism, mostly justified by hunger for power and racist losses of mind.
Not until nobody will indulge in war any longer, a civilization will be reached that can stand firm, in the original meaning of the word.
The road to that point is leading via consequent rejection of war at all levels of sociopolitical life: in politics, in economy, in science, in education, in arts and literature, in the media, in short: in liberal emancipation.
By fulfillment only of this magnificent commission a resilient peace can be striven for and can be kept.
There is nothing more worthwhile for the intelligent human than this condition for also personal happiness, a happiness that no ideology and no religion can deny.
This happiness is a human right.
It is to be defended intellectually and wittily during every-day life against the main opponent of peace which is stupidity.
The superiority is consisting of proactive avoid of war by support of creating confidence and by no means military build-ups which embody nothing else but a permanent causal circle of murder, a sustained discard of humans to cannon fodder.

Pseudo-democrats who want to prove themselves but fail, and their cheating the people lead to repeated reorientation to the old nationalism of exclusion and enemy images.

The spirit of the Cosmonomic Manifesto disagrees with this decidedly and universally.
But the support for this freedom can be imparted through convincing own example only.
Responsible Citizen! Become an adult.
You aren't a “child” any longer. Earn and grant respect by cosmonomically liberal thinking and acting!
The human may overcome the immature interim stadiums of his development.

Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

The Refugees' Tragedy

Refugee Crisis


The Interim Human doesn’t Escape from his Causality Circle

Analysing, planning, acting, reviewing the result, confirming and covering it.
Believing doesn’t mean analysing but, at best, well-meaning attempts of speculative ignorance.

Once again Europe is presenting itself disunited upon its supposed values and its fixed values within global mankind. The reason of this is, for long, a smouldering and now exploding refugee problem which obviously is overcharging all the parties concerned. No solution is in sight because wisely ignoring politics created the prior conditions of the refugee masses and are clinging to their lunatic principles inspite of the acute situation.

Analysing the Countries of Origin

Most of the countries the refugees are coming from are characterized by Islamic persuasions, are covered by violence and terror caused by different contrary interpretations of the Koran. There is no Islamic country having even an approaching free and democratic order because such a social system is contradictory to the Islam in all its conceived shades.
To the same extent the religious orientation is preventing technological progress and economic prosperity, except in those states which, from a western perspective, indeed are violating human rights but are staying in a “strategic” partnership with the capitalism. The excesses of violence and civil wars in the refugees’ home countries are fueled by extensive supplies with arms from abroad, among others, member states of the EU, Germany to a large degree.
The so-called “Arabian Spring” was supported by manyfold western activities and led to the overthrowing of Islamic dictatorships, leaving the countries just in chaos as the western officials didn’t think of any alternative concept and, at last, had to recognize that Islamic citizens cannot agree with the western canon of values at all.
It seems comprehensible that more and more people are trying to flee from the endless suffering and the barbaric mutual slaughter and that they leave their countries at the highest risk of their lives making desparate use of all opportunities to find refuge in functioning European states, particularly, as the refugees, in practice, are insufficiently and wrongly informed about Europe and the world at all.

Analysis of the European Union

The world public and in particular the European Union for a long time have known what is going on in Islamic states and just as long the eyes have been closed to the misery of refugees which is now escalating and is waking up Europe from its complacent partitioning and is leading it into unhibited nationalist disagreement.
This federation of states that refers hypocratically to “Christian values” practices, by its own protection, an impoverishment of the “Third World”, exploits discretely the so-called developing countries keeping them dump and poor by flimsy and miserable development aid.
The situation is getting worse by the significantly capitalist cooperation with unjust regimes like Russia, China and others which nevertheless are acting worldwide in sharp opposition to the EU and, just like them and America, persue flourishing arms trade and supply rogue states as well as terrorist organisations with war material.
Peaceful solutions in crisis countries are prevented by veto votings in the UN Security Council, are ruled out by the honourable “business partners” of a global capitalism that is liquidating uneffectedly human lives for money but is giving itself the appearance of being religious, emancipated and philantropic.
This has nothing in common with “enlightened” order of society. Though, for example, many people are turning away from the curches these institutions of faith still have a traditionally deep-rooted power and are in close connections to all kinds of secular institutions. Leaving the churches hardly means a turning away from religious attitude but rather a turning to quirky pseudoreligion, esoterics and lack of contact with reality.
However, certain secularizations led to Europe’s enlightened progresses over all fundamentalistic and orthodox stagnations in the crisis states.
The fear for Islamic immigrants, in cosmonomic view, is justified because of their religion which is causing conflicts and delays.

The refugees have no idea how long since undemocratically the might has changed from the EU to the capital, to banks and big firms, instead they hear and see of prosperity, welfare and freedom particularly in Germany which meanwhile is the leading economic power of the EU. As other EU states, especially Great Britain, also a powerful economic EU member, are refusing the refugees the wish to come to Germany seems quite logical. Germany still may have the most liberal order in form of a “Grundgesetz” which, de facto, is not even a constitution voted for by the people.
So the refugee misery is also caused extensively by those countries which now are the goal and hope of the maltreated ones – a causality circle that can’t be solved because the EU is not able to analyse itself and the world.


Thus there will be no forward-looking planning and not at all a humane and liberal-democratic solution.
Refering to my aphorism at the beginning there will follow no reformed acting. Any ad hoc decisions will not change the underlying cause.
The general growth illusions are not impressed by the concrete human suffering.
We are facing a world situation – for the refugee tragedy isn’t only European – which the decision-makers of these world states, in their interim human limitations, do not understand or do accept approvingly.
Helpful groups of the population on-site definitely feel more responsibly the duty to humanity. But their praisworthy and admirable operational readiness doesn’t change anything of the disaster’s cause which represents a result that politicians, elected by the helpers, share the responsibility for.
This, of course, is disputed vehemently and ideologically!
