Mittwoch, 3. April 2019

Global GB

Cosmonomic Glimpse (4)
from a Viewpoint of Liberty

A „global“ Great Britain!
Nicely proud of national identity on the small island,
traditionally feeling like a superpower, captured in old overcome Commonwealth behaviors
after the historic somersault backward out of the European Union!

Nevertheless, Europe is a promising project, but has been, in many respects, a bit too big for Islanders and an overload for the small-minded nationalists.
And now actually these funny eccentrics are believing that the much bigger Globe is waiting for them, for their higher expectations.

All the „honorable friends“ in their ridiculous puppet show of parliament are just bound on their own careers and strategies. They are not fit to be members of the European Union, they cannot cope with.

But undoubtedly there are many honorable British people who stand for a more open-minded and more enlightened society. And this gives hope, anyway, for a peaceful coexistence. And maybe, in some better future days, they will join again.

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